G teborgs Centralstation Apoteket Centralen Ett expressapotek med inriktning p hlsa, friskv rd och v lbefinnande. H r hittar du récepfria l kemedel och ett brett sortiment f r kropp och sj l. Du kan ocks h mta dina receptor de medicamentos. Precis som p v ra andra apotek r personalen kunnig och v lutbildad och hj lper dig g rna med dicas och r d. Nils Ericsonsplatsen 1-8 41103 G teborg Telefon: 0771-450 450 ppettider Se v r hemsida nedan. Apoteket Centralen Express A apotek med inriktning p hlsa, friskv rd och v lbefinnande. H r hittar du récepfria l kemedel och ett brett sortiment f r kropp och sj l. Du kan ocks h mta dina receptor de medicamentos. Precis som p v ra andra apotek r personalen kunnig och v lutbildad och hj lper dig g rna med dicas och r d. Nils Ericsonsplatsen 8 41103 G teborg Telefon: 0771-450 450 ppettider Se v r hemsida nedan. Estocolmo Altstadt (Gamla Stan) Bearbeiten A Gamla Stan é uma das histórias históricas de Estocolmo. As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: Inseln (Stadsholmen, Riddarholmen und Helgeandsholmen). No centro da cidade, este hotel está próximo a U-Bahn-Station T Gamla Stan. Das Zentrum der Altstadt ist Stortorget. Ein Platz, wo der d nische K nig cristão II. 1520 Mais perto de Golf Stockholmer Blutbad Mais que o estilo Luxuoso, Das k nigliche Schloss. Gebaut zwischen 1697 und 1754, liegt auf der Ostseite der Altstadt und ist für die ffentlichkeit zug nglich. Obwohl letzteres im Stadtzentrum liegt, lebt die k nigliche Família em Schloss Drottningholm na ilha de Lov am Rande der Stadt. Es ist mit ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln etwa eine Stunde vom Zentrum entfernt. Die Riddarholmskyrkan in der Altstadt ist eine wundersch ne mittelalterliche Kirche. Am n rlichen Ende befindet sich die Kirche St. Nikolai (Storkyrkan) aus dem 13. Jahrhundert, die zwischen 1736 und 1743 umgebaut wurde. Weiter s dlich befindet sich die deutsche Kirche. Unter diesem Stichwort ist der Reichstag em relação a Altstadt hervorzuheben. Um die Altstadt Bearbeiten Stadshuset. Rathaus von Stockholm com a chave para esta foto Turm (105m), von dem man eine wundersch ne Sicht auf die Altstadt hat. Eintritt (Stand 2015): 50 SEK. Ein Aufzug f hrt gut zwei Düsseldorf, Países Baixos. Hinweis: Die Zeit em cima de Aussichtsplattform ist auf 30 Minuten begrenzt Au erdem gibt es den Blauen Saal. Der zwar nicht blau ist, aber för das Nobelpreis-Bankett bekannt ist, das jedes Jahr am 10. Dezember dort stattfindet. A Nobelpreise foi criada usando o editor de fotos on-line gratuito. Kakn sturm. A Fernsehturm der Stadt (155m), uma igreja de Estocolmo, um albergue no centro da cidade (também am Besten Fernglas mitnehmen) é um museu com uma igreja e uma igreja de Fenstern. Eintritt (Stand 2015): 35 SEK (Erwachsene), 20 SEK (Kinder). Erreichbar mit der Buslinie 69 de Sergels torg aus. Katarinahissen. Alter Aufzug am Verkehrsknotenpunkt Slussen. Von hier hat homem einen sch nen Blick zum Stadshuset, die Gamla Stan und die Halbinsel Djurg rden. Der Fahrstuhl selbst wurde 2011 stillgelegt, doch der Aussichtspunkt, kann noch, vom h gelegenen Adicionar aos favoritos Dê a sua opinião? Skansen. Freilichtmuseum auf der Insel Djurgarden com typisch schwedischen Tieren com Elchen, Rentieren, W lfen und Luchsen. Skinnarviksparken. Kleiner Park um einen Sendemast em S dermalm herum (U-Bahn-Station Zinkensdamm). Com uma mordida de rabo de cavalo Um homem morre morrendo em um raio de luz no fundo do céu. Museu Nacional de Bearbeiten. Beinhaltet Werke aus Malerei (em Rembrandt), Bildhauerei, Keramik, etc. Das eigentliche Geb ude liegt der Ufer gegen der K nigschlosses am S dra Blasieholmskajen. Estação Estocolmo Nationalmuseum der Buslinie 65 (von T-Centralen aus erreichbar). Aufgrund von Renovierungsarbeiten der Gebünden 2018 é um órgão de gestão de obras de arte e de artesanato de Kunstakademien (Fredsgatan) e da Kulturhaus im Stadttheater (Kulturhuset Stadsteaton, Drottninggatan, N, Sergels torg). Eintritt Kunstakademie (Stand 2015): 100 SEK (Erwachsene), 80 (Studenten, Senioren). Eintritt Kulturhaus (Stand 2015): 80 SEK (Erwachsene), 60 SEK (Studenten, Senioren) Hinweis: Em novembro próximo 26 Jahre freier Museu Eintritt Nordisches (Nordiska Museet), Bringt in sch nem Geb ude die Kulturgeschichte Skandinaviens, mit Schwerpunkt Auf Schweden, auf eigenwillige Weise n ela, ua Skandinavische Tischkultur, Wohnungs-Einrichtung aus verschiedenen Epochen, Traditions, Schmuck, etc. Erreichbar mit der Stra enbahnlinien 7 ou Buslinie 67 von Sergels torg aus aus Stockholm Nordiska museet / Vasa. Eintritt (Stand 2015): 100 SEK (Erwachsene), Kinder und Jugendliche bis 18 Jahre frei. Historisches Museum (Historiska Museet), Beinhaltet die Geschichte é seu negócio? Eintritt (Stand 2015): 100 SEK (Erwachsene), 80 SEK (Studenten, Senioren), Kinder und jugendliche bis 18 Jahre frei. Hinweis: Freitags ist von Mai bis Setembro für alle ganztags freier Eintritt, sowie Mittwochs ebenfalls von Mai bis Setembro für alle zwischen 16 und 20 Uhr freier Eintritt. Stadtmuseum (Stadsmuseet), Erz hlt die Geschichte von Estocolmo von der Entstehung der Stadt ins ins 20. Jahrhundert. Zahlreiche Modelle, Informações técnicas e referências selecionadas entre em contato conosco. Au erdem gibt es immer wieder Sonderausstellungen, 2014 z. B. Ber Kriminalit t. Eintritt (Stand 2015): 100 SEK. Das Museum fica perto da Estação Slussen. S dlich der Altstadt. Vasa-Museum (Vasa-museet), Wrack des gleichnamigen Schiffes Vasa, das 1628 nach nur 20 Minuten Fahrt vor der K ste Stockholms afundou. O museu do museu é um museu e um museu. Hinweis: Das Wrack selbst darf man leider nicht mehr betreten Eintritt (Stand 2015): 130 SEK (Erwachsene), 100 SEK (Studenten), Kinder frei. ABBA-Museu (ABBA o museu), Teil der Swedish Music Hall da Fama no Djurg, Alemanha, Alemanha, 1972 e 1982, em Estocolmo, Alemanha. Erh ltlich ist ein Guia de áudio em mehreren Sprachen. In der schwedischen und englischen Tradução automática limitada:: Bandmitglieder selbst ihre Geschichte. Eintritt (Stand 2015): 195 SEK (Erwachsene), 65 SEK (Kinder und Jugendliche bis 15 Jahre), 40 SEK opcional para Audioguide. Erreichbar mit der Stra enbahnlinie 7 ou Buslinie 67 von Sergels torg aus bzw. Mit der F hre (Teil des ffentlichen Verkehrs) de Rentm ster-trappan em Gamla Stan St. Nikolai (Storkyrkan). Veja as letras da música de St. Nikolai (Storkyrkan) na Last. fm nas proximidades. Das Luciafest ist ein auf ein Heiligenfest zur Wintersonnenwende zur ckzuf hrender Brauch, der vor allem in Schweden verbreitet ist. Das Fest f llt na noite de vom 13. Dezember auf den 14. Dezember, denn vor der vor der Gregorianischen Kalenderreform guerra morre por Abend des k rzesten Tages eines Jahres. Dem in den christlichen Kirchen Skandinaviens com a imagem da marca Heiligen Lucia begangen wurde. Zum Lucia-Fest tr gt ein M dchen ein wei es Gewand, ein rotes Faixa em um tamanho e em um Kranz mit Kerzen auf dem Kopf. Ihr folgen weitere M dchen (t rnor), die Kerzen in den Hnden halten, sowie manchmal auch Sternenknaben (stj rngossar), in einer regelrechten Prozession und singen dazu das Lucia - Lied. Das ganze ist sehr stimmungsvoll und romantisch. Aktivitten Bearbeiten Empfehlenswert sind Ausfl ge nas ruas de Estocolmo, as ruas que ficam abaixo e outras ruas são exibidas ao longo de várias excursões turísticas por ônibus e outras atrações. Die wichtigsten F hrgesellschaften sind Waxholmsbolaget und Str mäma Kanalbolaget Am Abend bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit ist es einmalig, entlang des Skeppsbron oder in Richtung Str mkajen zu den Inseln Skepps oder Kastellsholmen entlang zu schlendern, die Lichter der Stadt genie end. Wer die englische Sprache beherrscht, braucht in Estocolmo nicht auf den neuesten Hollywoodstreifen verzichten, da die Filme nicht synchronisiert werden, sondern in Orginalsprache mit schwedischen Untertiteln gezeigt werden. Einzige Ausnahme sind Kinderfilme, die Zusatz alla talar svenska (Todas as línguas alemãs) erkennbar sind. Eine Karte kostet etwa 90 Kronen. Skyview Ericsson Globe. U-Bahnstation Globen, die grne Linie T19. Der Globen ist das derzeit gr te Kuppelgeb ude der Welt und wird als Stadion für Sport und sonstige Eventos genutzt. An der Au enseigner gibt é morrer M glichkeit mit zwei Gondeln bis zum h chsten Punkt der Kuppel des Globen zu fahren, morre no céu Skyview. O homem é um homem de negócios Um homem de negócios é um homem de negócios. Die Fahrt dauert ca. 30 Minuten und kostet für einen Erwachsenen 130 SEK. Bilhetes para a Internet e para a Internet, é um gibt Sonderarrangements die man na Homepage de Stockholm Globe Arena findet. Einkaufen Bearbeiten Sergels Torg ist der zentrale Ausgangspunkt für eine ausgedehnte Shopping-Tour - den Auftakt k nnte eine kleine St kungen in Panorama-Café da Kulturhuset direkt am Sergels Torg machen. Anschlie end besuchen Sie dann. Drottninggatan - Die zentrale Gästehaus, Gesch ften, Café, Restaurantes e Take Aways. As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Einkaufszentren NK - Nordiska Kompaniet hl ns PUB Gallerian. Hamngatan 37 - Zentral gelegenes Einkaufszentrum (Estação T-Centralen) mit vielen Länder bekannter Marken, Restaurantes e cafés Vertebrück Stockwerke. SoFo - SoFo hei t Sul do Folkungagatan und ist ein Netz aus kleineren Stra en auf S der. Hier gibt es vor allem kleinere, a título subsidiário Lern von jungen Designern aus Schweden und anden skandinavischen Länder, schwedisches Textil, Plattenl den und auch g nstiges Segunda mão ist zu finden, vor allem in den L den der Stadsmission. Zur St, Alemanha Nenhuma avaliação de hóspedes foi enviada até o momento. Interessante, Largo, Tomtar, o Troll. Sterl nggatan 45 - Kleiner Laden mitten im Gamma Stan mit s em handgemachten Trollen in allen Gr en. Sirlig. Kleiner, einmalig h bscher Einrichtungsladen in der Tyska Brinken 22 no auge de Gamla Stan, é um gegen der Deutschen Kirche (Tyska Kirkan). Es gibt schwedische Wohnaccessoires, von Schmuck bis zu vereinzelten Kleidungsst cken, M bel oder auch Kleinigkeiten für Garten und Balkon. K che Bearbeiten Restaurantes, cafés e restaurantes em Estocolmo un berschaubar. F r jeden Geschmack wird sich reichlich finden, no processo Allen Preisklassen und in allen Stufen der Noblesse. Eine kleine Ideensammlung mit immerhin 200 Lokalitten und und Angaben zum Preisniveau findet sich hier. Zu schwedischen Spezialit ten vgl. Avaliações sobre restaurantes Restaurantes em Gamla Stan Nilssons Restaurang - Stortorget 22 - Avaliações de viajantes Kleines gem tliches Restaurant im Bistrostil. Leckere hausgemachte K ttbullar. La Cantina. Stortorget 16 - Italienisches Restaurante com leckerem Essen. Mittleres preisniveau. Cidade Kungshallen. H torget - Avaliações de viajantes Theken mit 15 verschiedenen Restaurants. Ziemlich g nstig (50-85 SEK 6-10). Am St. Eriksplan und n rdlich davon gibt es viele kleinere Restaurantes. Stermalm Die Ur-Form eines gem tlichen Café s findet sich im Sturekatten. Sehr verwinkelt und eingerichtet wie Gro mutters Wohnzimmer und am Wochenende auch ber zwei Etagen ge ffnet - Riddargatan 4, Estação T stermalstorget. S dermalm. Viele kleine nette Restaurantes e Bares fernab der Touristenwege. Echt schwedisch isst homem im Bl D rren. Z. B. Elch-K ttbullar oder Hering, com excepção do preço de venda 125 SEK bis 180 SEK. Reservieren ist telefonisch m glich und auf jeden Anzuraten cair - S dermalmstorg 6, T Slussen. Hermans Tr dg rdscaf Rein Restaurante vegetariano / Caf com leite, pequeno-almoço buffet (homens com peso aproximado de 130 SEK a 150 SEK) e outro café e outros produtos similares. Im Sommer von der Terrasse aus hervorragender Blick auf Djurg rdens Gränland, Gamla Stan und den Hafen - Fj llgatan 23 A, T Slussen Unbedingt probieren sollte man eine Tunnbr dsrulle - die schwedische Antwort in die die rkische Dänder: ein bis zwei W rste Nach Wahl, bestrichen mit Senf und Ketchup, angereichert mit Kartoffelp ree, eingerollt in den nen Fladenbrot und bisweilen noch garniert mit Gurkenscheiben und weitere Zutaten - erh ltlich im Stra enverkauf. Auch die Zimtschnecke, schwedisch Kanelbulle. Ist ein muss F r ca. 10 SEK gibt es sie frisch aus dem Ofen em einem der zahlreichen Pressbyran, den Kiosken in der Tunnelbana oder nat rlich auch in den zahlreichen Caf s. Wer es dekandent mag, nimmt die Prinsesstarta. Prinzessinnentorte, ein gröner H gel aus Sahne und Marzipan. F r den Sonntagmorgen Brunch eignet sich em jedem Queda das Kaf Kompott, Karlbergsv gen 52. Hier gibt s f r 124 Kronen ein gutes B ffet einschlie lich Kaffee und Tee. Ausgehen Bearbeiten Todos os hotéis em Estocolmo, Alemanha com descontos até 75%. Es gibt aber in ausreichenden Ma e berall auch Imbisse, wenn man den Geldbeutel schonen m chte. Em vielen Stockholmer Gastst tten gibt es, genau wie im brigen Schweden, an den Arbeitstagen dagens r tt. Das ist eine begrenzte Auswahl e Mittagsgerichten die meist zwischen Adicionar à Lista de Presentes Adicionar para comparar Uhr und 14 Uhr zu Preisen zwischen 50 und 75 Kronen angeboten wird. Im preis enthalten sind weiterhin ein alkoholfreies Getr nk oder Leichtbier, ein Teller vom Salatbuffet und eine Tasse Kaffee. Zum abendlichen Ausgehen empfiehlt sich ein Besuch von S dermalm (ab T Slussen), das ein bisschen als Szeneviertel dourado. Das Leben spielt sich hier vor alemão em Medborgarplatsen und dessen Seitenstra en ab. Wenn gegen 3 Uhr die meisten Adicionar aos Favoritos Lokale schlie, Adicionar à Mesa de Luz PREÇO / INFO Betrunkene unterwegs. Em S dermalm bewegen sich die ansonsten sehr teuren Preis für alkoholische Getr nä meist zwischen 40 und 60 SEK, ein Glas Wein kostet ca. 55 SEK (cerca de 6 bis 7 Euro), foi noch gutes Mittelma ist. Coquetéis e outros utensílios de cozinha, ca. 75 bis 100 SEK. Im Gegensatz zu deutschen Gewohnheiten, em Bars with Bargeld zu bezahlen, ist es in den Stockholmer Barras durchau blich, ein Glas Wein oder Bier mit Kreditkarte zu bezahlen. Sehr praktisch Bei der Abrechnung mit Kreditkarten in Gesch é uma empresa que trabalha no sector dos serviços de estaç? O. O PIN-Nummer zu benutzen nat rlich kann man, na Alemanha, por Unterschrift zu autorisieren. H ufig wird bei Kreditkartenzahlungen der Personalausweis verlangt, um das Geburtsdatum zu best tigen. Sowohl zum Ausgehen als auch zum As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: SoFo - Sul de Folkungagatan - sehr geeignet. Rund um die Sk negatan finden sich Bars und Kneipen, z. B. Angesagte do bebê PetSoundsBar. Wo auch kleinere Konzerte stattfinden. Erreichbar vor alemer T Medborgaplatsen. SoFo wird von den Schweden gern mit den Bar - und Ausgehvierteln Mitte und Prenzlauer Berg em Berlim verglichen. Debaser Slussen - Debaser Medis. Erste Endereço para o Live-Konzerte bekannter e weniger bekannter schwedischer und internationaler Bandas. Danach bis 3 Uhr Tanzen. Eintritt kostet 100 SEK, Alemanha e Países Baixos Slussen am Wochenende lange Schlange. Als weiteres Palavras-chave para esta foro Szeneviertel hat sich in den letzten Jahren Vasastaden etabliert. Hier sind vor allem die Bars, Kneipen und Restaurants um Odenplan und R rstrandsgatan von Interesse. Está localizado em: Die wichtigesten Länder finden sich am Stureplan. Aber auch Berns Salonger am Nybroplan und Caf Ópera em torno do Reino Unido e dos Países Baixos. Spybar. Birger Jarlsgatan 20 - Eine kleine Bar im ersten Ações disponíveis Eckhauses am Stureplan. Gehobenes Publikum und Preise. Auch die Tchot des K nigshauses sollen hier hin und wieder einkehren. Estocolmo ist wie ganz Schweden sehr liberal. Als Schwuler e outros contatos foram travessos engraçados. Lediglich gegen ber Betrunkenen sollte man vorsichtig sein. Folgende gastronomische Einrichtungen sind de besonderem Interesse. Die Café s sind zu empfehlen. Caf s Popul ra Sibirien. Roslagsgatan 9 - Kleines Café com molhos Snacks. Sehr nette Bedienung. M larpaviljongen. Norr Classificação por estrelas não disponível 64 avaliações de hóspedes Approval 12 clientes avaliaram o restaurante. Im inverno nur am Wochenende ge ffnet. N chste U-Bahn Fridhemsplan. Chokladkoppen. Stortorget 18 - Kleines Câmera de café em Stockholmer Altstadt. Sehr leckere Torten und Obstpajs. Locais de interesse turístico. Caf Muren. V sterl nggatan 19 - Pequenas, gem tliches Caf. Nicht so viel Auswahl wie im Chokladkoppen. Ebenfalls zu viele Touristen. Bares / Restaurantes Mandus Bar K k. Sterl nggatan 7, ganz em der Schlosses - Kleines Restaurant with gewagt, kitschiger Einrichtung. Nette Stimmung. Torget. M lartorget 13, direkt am Ausgang aus der U-Bahn-Haltestelle Gamla Stan - Schick-kitschige Bar mit Speisenangebot. T glich unterschiedliche Música, am Wochenende auch Party. O Connell's Pub Irlandês - Stora Nygatan 21- Eine nette, freundliche Bar em Gamla Stan. Gute Whisky - und Bierauswahl com o Musik vom Donnerstag bis Samstag. Der ganze Sport wird in gro en Fernsehen gezeigt, und es gibt eine Keller-Bar por 400 Jahren alt. Clubes: Bysis Klubb, Hornsgatan 82 U-Bahn: Zinkensdamm, Mariatorget, Fr 20:00 02:00 Club Pigalle, J rntorgsgatan 5 U-Bahn: Gamla Stan, Mi-Sa 18:00 03:00 So (Brunch) 13:00 23:00 Coco Loco Mango, Sveav gen 36 U-Bahn: H torget, Fr 22:00 03:00 G O Salão de Baile Eléctrico Gay Kolingsborg, Slussen, Gula Günen U-Bahn: Slussen, Fr 22:00 03:00, Eintritt: 80 SEK Lino Clube, S dra Riddarholmshamnen 19 U-Bahn: Gamla Stan, Sa 22:00 03:00 Todos os dias em geochemérica Atmosph re machen, kommen im Laroy mit Sicherheit auf ihre Kosten (Eintritt: 120 Kronen). J hrlich findet Anfang Agosto Stockholm Pride statt, foi einem deutschen CSD entspricht. Imagem vetorial (EPS) - Unterkunft Bearbeiten Eine preiswerte, praktische und verl ssliche Hotéis que aceitam animais de estimação em Stockholmtown e Stockholm la Carte. Bei beiden Internet-Buchungssysteme werden z. B. Considerando que o Regulamento (CEE) n? Besonders praktisch ist, dass bei beiden Adicionar aos Favoritos Adicionar à Watchlist Adicionar à Watchlist Adicionar à Watch [ Bei Buchungen ber die Seite der Stockholm the Carte ist zus tzlich noch die Stockholmkarte in Preis enthalten. Locais de interesse religiosos Nahverkehrsmittel, Estocolmo, Alemanha Mapa e guia de Musek besucht werden. Estocolmo hat drei Jugendherbergen (vandrarhem). Die zentralste liegt auf der Insel Skeppsholmen in der Ned der Altstadt. Em der Hauptsaison ist eine Vorbuchung empfehlenswert. Morrer e amarrar Jugendherbergen liegen bei der U-Bahn-Station Zinkensdamm bzw. Auf der Insel L ngholmen. Eine weitere Jugendherberge hei t Fridhemsplan na região de Sankt Eriksgatan 20. Trotz ausgebuchten Hauses war eines der Badezimmer immer frei und sauber. O Motel Formula 1 situa-se junto à Estação U-Bahn Telfonplan. A canção de lembranças com um glitcher é uma coleção de 320 coroas (etwa 35 euros). Daf r muss homem morrer ung nstige Lage direkt an der Autobahn und eine Fahrzeit in the Innenstadt von ca. 30 Minuten em kauf nehmen. Es gibt diversificado Albergues bzw. Backpacker-Unterk nfte, z. B. Hostelbedandbreakfast / (sympathisch sauber, ab 260SEK). M lardrottningen Hotel, Riddarholmen, 111 28 Estocolmo - Die ber hmte Yacht der 20er Jahre Milhões de pessoas Barbara Hutton é um hotel de luxo no centro da cidade de Altstadt. Der Blick ber die Wasserwege Stockholms ist spektakul r e todos morrem Sehensw rdigkeiten der Altstadt sowie die Haupt-Einkaufsgegend der Innenstadt se você tiver um amigo. Gute Parkm glichkeiten. Die meisten der Kabinen sind Einzelzimmer mit einem Extra Etagenbett. Lord Nelson Hotel, V sterl nggatan 22, 111 29 Estocolmo - Este hotel em Estocolmo tem o estilo Luxuoso ea categoria quatro estrelas. Von den Ma en auf die Qualit t zu schlie en, w re jedoch v llig verfehlt. Im Gegenteil, der Standard ist sogar recht hoch, und die 31 Zimmer (davon 22 Einzelzimmer) é uma marca registrada, aber ausgesprochen gem tlich. Das liegt vor allem an ihrem maritimen Flair. Berhaupt erinnert vieles em dem h bschen Jugendstilhaus an ein Schiff, sogar die Stockwerke hei en hier Deck. Os alvos m ssen die G ste - viele Gesch ftsreisende - niemals bef rchten, seekrank zu werden. Und wenn man aus dem Fenster hinaus - oder von der Dachterrasse herabschaut, blickt man nicht auf das wogende Meer, sondern in the belebteste Gasse der Stockholmer Altstadt. Best Western Hotel Terminus, Vasagatan 20, 101 25 Estocolmo - Das Terminus é uma ótima base para explorar esta cidade vibrante. A partir daqui, hóspedes podem desfrutar do fácil acesso a tudo o que a animada cidade oferece. Die Altstadt, Restaurantes, Compras, Vergn gungs - und Regierungsviertel liegen rundum in kurzer Distanz. A Estação de U-Bahn encontra-se em frente ao hotel. As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: Von der U-Bahn ist nichts zu h ren und die Umgebung des Hauptbahnhofs ist nicht mit derer anderer Haupt - und Gro st dte zu vergleichen Wer Wert on the eine gepflegte und zentrale Unterkunft zu moderatem. Nordic Sea Hotel, Vasaplan 7, City - Localização e Mapa Fotos Não há comentários sobre este hotel Enviar a um amigo Adicione esta página aos seus favoritos Início Innendesign als Mogelpackung. Em Wirklichkeit handelt es sich wohl mehr um ein Drei-Sterne Budget-Hotel, vor allem wenn das Hotel voll ist kommt beim Fr hst ck Bahnhofsatmosph re em und es entbrennt ein Kampf um Essen und Sitzpl tze. Die Zimmer sind recht klein. Und, Nichtraucher aufgepasst, Nichtraucherzimmer werden zwar beworben, sind aber nicht garantiert, sodass man durchaus gezwungen ist in einem der nach Rauch stinkenden Zimmer unterzukommen. Erw não pode ser morto bekannte ABSOLUT ICEBAR STOCKHOLM. Este hotel está localizado na. Radisson Blu Royal Park Hotel. Frosundaviksalle 15, Solna - Das Hotel está localizado em uma rua tranquila, perto do parque Royal Haga. Vom Fr hst ckraum homem de chapéu einen sch nen Blick auf einen See. Der Flughafen Bus h lt ca. 400m vom Hotel entfernt. Hotel Stallm staregarden, Norrtull, SE-11347 Estocolmo, Alemanha Hotel próximo à: Seele, ideal um z. B. Ein romantisches Wochenende zu zweit zu verbringen. Classificação por estrelas não disponível Ver todos os hotéis em Estocolmo Ver mais hotéis em Estocolmo Ver mais hotéis em Estocolmo Ver todos os hotéis em Estocolmo Ver todos os hotéis e pousadas em Estocolmo Im Hotel befindet sich das Restaurant As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Para sua comodidade, disponibilizamos uma tradução automática: Imediata staregarden, em dem man nicht nur hervorragend mittags e outros hotéis. Bred ng Camping, Stora S llskapets V g, S - 127 31 SK ROLMEN, estação ferroviária e estação subterrânea Bred ng. O homem com o U-Bahn richtung Norsberg fahren. Durch einen eigenen Zugang zum Strand und der Nur zur U-Bahn ideal para o Leute die auch Abends ewas unternehmen wollen und nicht on the Auto angewiesen sein wollen. Es gibt auf dem Campingplatz ein Restaurant und einen kleinen Shop. Direkt am U-Bahnhof gibt es aber auch einen normalen Supermercado, der em 3 Geh-Minuten zu erreichen ist. As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Lernen Bearbeiten Arbeiten Bearbeiten Sicherheit Bearbeiten Estocolmo ist eine relativ sichere Stadt, selbst die in anderen Adicionar ao Carrinho Visualizações: 0 Bettelei findet hier dezenter statt. Um Orten mit hohem Touristenaufkommen wie dem Bahnhof ist allerdings mit der blichen Kleinkriminalit t wie Taschen - und Gep ckdiebstahl zu rechnen. Klarkommen Bearbeiten Es gibt im Hauptbahnhof im Obergeschoss ein Sidewalk Express Internet-Cafe. Dort kann man f r (2008) Mais na IMDb. com »advertisement comentário sobre o anúncio Die Coupons gelten allen Sidewalk Express Stationen. Es gibt in vielen 7eleven kleine Kiosk Terminais e denen die Codes auch gelten. Selbst Classificação de viajantes do TripAdvisor: Kommunizieren Bearbeiten Die g ngigste Sprache ist hier natlichte Schwedisch, allements ist es f r Os turistas não são notados, não são comuns, de Inglês por tanto gut wie jedem flie final gesprochen wird die Ausnahmen sind fast immer Immigranten aus Länder mit geringen Englischkentnissen. Spricht man die ltere Geração um homem chapéu gute Chancen jemanden zu treffen, der Deutsch spricht. Das Deutsche weist eine recht gro e hnlichkeit zum Schwedischen in und is ist m glich, jemanden anzutreffen, der langsames Alemão versteht ohne es zu sprechen. Besonders das Lesen von diversen As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Sollte man trotzdem Probleme haven, kann man nahezu jeden on the Stra e um Hilfe mordido. Weiter geht s Bearbeiten Estocolmo Estocolmo é uma cidade enorme com vários artigos do distrito que contêm informações sobre locais específicos, restaurantes e acomodações. Estocolmo é a capital e maior cidade da Suécia. Com quase 2 milhões de habitantes em sua área metropolitana. O centro da cidade é composto por 14 ilhas através do Lago M laren e três riachos no mar Báltico salobra. Com o arquipélago de Estocolmo com cerca de 24.000 ilhas, ilhotas e esquis. Mais de 30 da área da cidade é composta de vias navegáveis, e outros 30 é composta por áreas verdes. Ar e água são ditos ser o mais fresco de toda a capital européia. Estocolmo é o centro da maioria dos trens suecos e do tráfego de ônibus e tem dois dos aeroportos mais movimentados do país nas proximidades, por isso é um bom ponto de partida para visitar outras partes da Suécia. Os subúrbios de Estocolmo se espalham pela maior parte do condado de Estocolmo. A divisão administrativa de Estocolmo pode ser desconcertante - as fronteiras municipais podem cortar diretamente pelos bairros. Este artigo emprega uma abordagem prática de descrever áreas que são geograficamente próximas e fáceis de visitar em conjunto como distritos as fronteiras administrativas dos distritos e municípios podem diferir. As partes exteriores do condado consistem em Norje lje. Sigtuna. Norrort. Arquipélago de Estocolmo. S dert rn e S dert lje. Distritos de Estocolmo Norrmalm (incluindo Skeppsholmen) O distrito central de negócios, também conhecido como Cidade. Contém vários museus, hotéis, restaurantes, estabelecimentos comerciais, um cassino, a Royal Opera, a Sala de Concertos e outros palcos de performances, bem como a estação central de comboios e autocarros. Inclui Skeppsholmen. Uma ilha conhecida pelo seu museu. Vasastan Um bairro urbano com a Biblioteca Pública de Estocolmo, o Observatório de Estocolmo e várias lojas de segunda mão. A cidade é uma cidade com bulevares urbanos, bem como o Parque Nacional da Cidade e do Porto de Estocolmo, com vários terminais de navios de cruzeiro, a Praça Stureplan com lojas de luxo e vida noturna, a Torre Kakn s. Bem como a Universidade de Estocolmo, o Instituto Real de Tecnologia e vários museus. Djurg rden Uma ilha de parque com locais como o museu ao ar livre Skansen, o parque de diversões Gr na Lund, o Museu Vasa. ABBA O Museu eo Palácio Rosendal. Gamla Stan (incluindo Riddarholmen, Helgeandsholmen) A Cidade Velha uma ilha dominada pelo Palácio Real eo Parlamento sueco. O resto da ilha é uma pitoresca coleção de edifícios antigos e estreitas ruas de paralelepípedos. A ilha adjacente, Riddarholmen tem uma igreja importante e vários edifícios históricos do governo. S dermalm (incluindo Reimersholme, L ngholmen) Uma ilha acidentada com edifícios de todas as idades, com vários pontos de vista para o centro da cidade. A área mais ou menos boêmia apelidado de SoFo (sul de Folkungagatan) tem muitos restaurantes e pubs, bem como lojas especializadas e boutiques. A principal rua norte-sul G tgatan. Tem muitos bares e lojas, especialmente em torno da Praça Medborgarplatsen. Nosso artigo de S dermalm também inclui algumas áreas imediatamente ao sul dela, caracterizando o local de Eurovision Globen, mais a parte continental de Nacka. Kungsholmen (incluindo Stora Essingen, Lilla Essingen) Uma ilha no centro da cidade ocidental, com a Câmara Municipal de Estocolmo em sua borda oriental. Mais a oeste, uma coleção de bares e restaurantes descontraídos do bairro podem ser encontrados. Ao oeste do centro de transporte Fridhemsplan, a ilha é mais suburbana. Existem vários parques e praias. V sterort, Solna e Sundbyberg (Bromma, Kista etc) Os subúrbios ocidentais são dominados pelo Aeroporto de Estocolmo-Bromma. V llingby. Fundada na década de 1950, é um dos primeiros subúrbios planejados da Europa. Solvalla é um estádio de corrida de cavalos. Kista. Um centro de tecnologia da informação, contém apenas dois arranha-céus de Estocolmo. Solna e Sundbyberg, ao norte de Estocolmo, duas cidades por direito próprio. Solna é a casa dos 50.000 assentos Amigos Arena. O Royal Park Hagaparken. E do Instituto Karolinska. Uma instituição médica. S derort Os distritos do sul do município de Estocolmo contém as Feiras Internacionais de Estocolmo eo Cemitério da Floresta. Um património mundial da UNESCO. Liding (incluindo Fj derholmarna) Uma ilha suburbana a leste de Estocolmo, contendo o museu de escultura Millesg rden, a pista de esqui de Ekholmsn e Elfvik. Uma fazenda com uma série de hotéis de conferências. A guarda real na parada no palácio real como Sigtuna. A primeira capital da Suécia, foi saqueada por piratas em 1187 dC, os suecos construíram fortalezas ao longo da entrada de M laren. Birger jarl, lembrado como o fundador de Estocolmo (jarl é um título correspondente ao conde britânico) tinha uma fortaleza construída em uma ilha mais tarde conhecida como Gamla Stan. Os primeiros registros escritos conhecidos que mencionam Estocolmo datam de 1252 é quando Estocolmo é considerado fundado. À medida que a terra aumentava (uma reação contínua desde a Idade do Gelo), M laren transformou-se de uma baía do Mar Báltico para um lago de água doce, e os estreitos de Estocolmo tornaram-se o único canal entre M laren eo Mar Báltico. No século XV, Estocolmo substituiu Uppsala como capital efetiva. Estocolmo foi um associado da Liga Hanseática. E desde a sua libertação da Dinamarca pelo rei Gustavus Vasa em 1523, Estocolmo manteve-se Suécia s mais importante centro de comércio, embora Gotemburgo tornou-se mais tarde o maior porto internacional. Durante o século XVII, Estocolmo foi a base do Império sueco, com uma área de terra duas vezes o tamanho atual do país, quase cercando o Mar Báltico. Grande parte do plano da cidade interior foi estabelecido no século 19, e no interior da cidade ainda contém edifícios de todas as idades desde o século XV. Like the rest of Sweden, Stockholm was largely untouched by the World Wars, but, particularly between 1955 and 1975, hundreds of old buildings in Norrmalm were demolished in a large-scale modernization process, emulating similar projects in other European cities. Since 1901, Stockholm hosts the annual Nobel Prize ceremony for all categories except the peace prize, which is handed out in Oslo. In the 20th century, metropolitan Stockholm sprawled out across most of Stockholm County. with the development of the Stockholm Metro, famous for its contemporary art. 1950s suburbs such as V llingby became a model for suburban development in other cities. While most of the attractions are in the inner city, a majority of the citizens live in the suburbs. Otherwise a safe and calm city, Stockholm is also known for the term Stockholm Syndrome, which was coined to describe a hostage s sympathy for a captor during a bank robbery in Norrmalm in 1973. Climate Edit Average conditions for Stockholm Despite its northern location, Stockholm has fairly mild temperatures throughout the year. The city sees a dramatic seasonal variation in sunlight, from more than 18 hours of daylight around Midsummer, to around 6 hours of daylight around Christmas. Stockholm has an average of nearly 2,000 hours of sunshine a year. Average yearly precipitation is 539 mm (21.2 ), with July and August slightly the wettest months. Snowfall can occur from late November to early April, but the amount of snowfall and snow on the ground varies greatly from year to year, and through the winter. No date is a safe bet for snow in Stockholm for real Scandinavian winter. visit Dalarna or Norrland . In other words, May to September tend to have the most comfortable weather. From Midsummer to the end of July, most inhabitants leave the city, and some venues close for summer, making the city more dominated by tourists. Tourist information Edit Stockholm Tourist Center . Kulturhuset, Sergels Torg 3-5 103 27 Stockholm. 46 (0) 8-508 28 508 FORMAT. e-mail: touristinfo stockholm. se. Open M-F 09:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-16:00, Su 10:00-16:00. The official tourist center has a lot of information in several languages and helpful staff. They also sell local transport cards and tickets to museums and sightseeing tours. By plane Edit With the simple decor, geometric shape, generous use of wood and glass and a slightly last-century style, Arlanda welcomes you with everything you would expect of Stockholm Arlanda Airport Edit See Sigtuna for details on the airport. 59.6488 17.9361 1 Arlanda Airport (IATA. ARN ) is the main international airport, 40 km north of the city. It consists of four terminals connected by an indoor walkway. There are several means of traveling between Stockholm and Arlanda: Arlanda Express is by far the fastest transfer to central Stockholm, though airport coaches and regular trains are cheaper. By rail The dedicated Arlanda Express Train leaves from the basement level of each terminal (Arlanda South/S dra and Arlanda North/Norra) and runs non-stop to Stockholm Central Station in 20 minutes, departing every 15 minutes during daytime. Tickets are sold at kiosks at the platform or on-line (100 SEK surcharge for ticket purchase on board). One-way tickets cost 260 SEK for adults, 130 SEK for students, youths 65. Discounted weekend return tickets are available on-line. The trains have free Wi-Fi. Regular trains serve the airport through a third station, Arlanda Central, beneath Sky City between terminal 4 and 5. Commuter trains ( pendelt g ) in Stockholm County are run by the public transport company SL (see also the Get around )s section. Line J38 of the commuter train from Uppsala C via Stockholm Central Station to lvsj (with Stockholm International Fairs) calling at all stations between, with peak hour services continuing to Huddinge and Tumba. The train runs twice an hour and takes 38 minutes to Stockholm Central Station. Tickets can be used and bought at the entrance to the station, though everyone over the age of 18 has to pay the Arlanda passage supplement fee of 75 SEK for passing between the trains and the airport terminal at Arlanda. A one-way ABC zone ticket including the Arlanda passage supplement fee to Stockholm city costs 125 SEK (110 SEK for people under 20 or over 65). For 210 SEK (or 90 SEK for youth) you get a 24-hour travel card (this is reduced to 190 SEK for adults and 70 SEK for youth if you already have an SL Access card). These prices all include the Arlanda passage supplement fee. See SL s web page for local transport tickets. There are faster regional trains on the Link ping - Stockholm - G vle route, which cost 278 SEK (2nd class) to central Stockholm if bought on the spot, though if booked approximately 45 days in advance, they can be as cheap as 95 SEK. They take 20 minutes, like the Arlanda Express, but only operate hourly (with several strange gaps). Also, many inter-city trains bound for cities such as Ume , Mora or stersund, call at Arlanda. It is not, however, permitted to use these trains to travel from the airport to central Stockholm. See SJ s web page for regional/intercity rail tickets. By SL bus and rail The cheapest and usually slowest ride between Arlanda and Stockholm is by SL bus to M rsta, and changing to commuter train. Local bus 583 (from outside the terminals) connects the airport to M rsta railway station, connecting with frequent commuter trains (line J36 which arrives on platforms 15/16) to central Stockholm in 65 minutes, for a regular public transport fare, which is 60 SEK for a one-way trip. Several kinds of discounted tickets can be purchased at the airport, making this route the cheapest, but the slowest, way to get to and from Arlanda the pre-paid SL Access cards are valid for the whole journey. See the Public transport section for more details on the SL services and ticketing system. Airport coaches (Flygbussarna ) run frequently between airport terminals 5, 4 and 2 (terminal 3 via terminal 2) and City Terminal (Cityterminalen), just next to the Central Station in 45 minutes. Adult single ticket cost 119 SEK (99 SEK for people under 25), and adult return ticket cost 215 SEK (179 SEK for people under 25). There is a discount if you purchase your ticket online. Tickets can be bought from ticket machines at the stops at T5, T4 and T2, and in the arrivals halls at T5 and T4 and from some 7-Eleven shops. You can t buy tickets with cash on board, but credit cards are accepted and during normal hours agents sell tickets at the airport stop. They stop elsewhere in Ulriksdal/J rva Krog, Fr sunda, Haga Norra, Haga S dra, Norra Stationsgatan and Sankt Eriksplan before terminating in Cityterminalen. By taxi Major taxi companies operate on a fixed price basis between Arlanda and central Stockholm. Prices at the taxi stands currently range from 450 SEK (Transfer Taxi) to 520 SEK. Generally, you can freely choose among the waiting taxis, or ask the operator for a specific company. Beware of the smaller, expensive, taxi companies. Each taxi has a yellow and white price tag (per 10 km and 15 minutes) on the right rear window prefer cabs where the price is no more than 350 SEK. A taxi ride to central Stockholm takes approximately 40 minutes. With some companies, you can get a lower price if you pre-book your ride. With Taxi Solna ( 46 8 280 280) the cost is 445 SEK from Arlanda to Stockholm, 350 SEK from Stockholm to Arlanda. See the Taxi section below for some general advice on taxi travel in Stockholm. Bromma Airport Edit See Bromma for details on the airport. In operation since 1936, Bromma is a very small airport by today s standards 59.3554 17.9458 2 Bromma Airport . (IATA. BMA ) (see V sterort for amenities) is a smaller airport 8 km west of central Stockholm, mainly used for domestic flights, but also Copenhagen. Aarhus. Oslo. Skien. Tallinn and Brussels . From Bromma, airport coaches get you to the City Terminal at 79 SEK, taking 20 min. Alternatively local bus 152 to Sundbyberg station, and from there a commuter train to Stockholm Central (25 min in total), for a basic public-transport fare. Expect no-frills conditions at Skavsta Skavsta Airport Edit 58.7850 16.9214 3 Skavsta Airport (IATA. NYO ) is 100 km (62 mi) southwest of Stockholm, at the outskirts of Nyk ping. making this airport s branded name Stockholm-Skavsta rather far-fetched. The airport is mostly used by Ryanair and Wizzair, with flights from cities such as Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Budapest, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Madrid, Rome, Tallinn, Vilnius, and Warsaw. Budget air travellers landing here might find the transfer costing more time and money than the flight. The most practical option is Airport coaches to/from the City Terminal in Stockholm. Adults 139 SEK online or 159 SEK at the bus terminal one way 278 SEK online, 285 SEK at the bus terminal round trip. The trip takes about 80 minutes. A sometimes cheaper option is to take take local bus 515 or 715 to Nyk ping rail station ( alight at Nyk ping Centralstation ), from where SJ regional trains (timetable. direct services run to stations marked in white) on the Link ping - Stockholm - (G vle) route connect to Stockholm ( G vle trains also serve Arlanda, thus providing a direct rail connection to Arlanda airport ). The fare starts 26 49 SEK (16 49 SEK for youth under 20) and tickets can be bought the following two ways: 1. Buy a combined ticket from Skavsta to Stockholm at SJ:s website which is both valid on the local bus and the regional train. 2. Pay for the local bus on board with your VISA or MasterCard (cash is not accepted) and buy the train ticket at Nyk ping station. Travel time from Skavsta is 80 minutes to Stockholm and 100 minutes to Arlanda airport. The cheapest fare is only offered on select days on other days fares start at 97 SEK. The cheapest tickets are also nonrefundable and nonrebookable. Schedules for public transportation is available at the Resrobot webpage. V ster s Airport Edit 59.60181 16.62820 4 V ster s Airport (IATA. VST ) is 100 km west of Stockholm in V ster s. Serves Ryanair flights to/from London (Stansted). Like Skavsta, V ster s can be reached in two ways: Airport coaches go to/from the City Terminal in Stockholm. 139 SEK one way, 249 SEK round trip, takes about 80 minutes. Alternatively you can take the public taxi shuttle (order can be made online. but the site is as of 2016 in Swedish only) that runs between the airport and V ster s rail station in 6 7 minutes, departing from outside the terminal 20 minutes after each flight arrival and costing 50 SEK one way. From there regional trains on the Stockholm - V ster s - rebro - Hallsberg - G teborg route (timetable. M-F Mon-Fri, L Sat, SoH Sun holidays) connect to Stockholm in 53 min at a price of 59 SEK, resulting in a total fare of 109 SEK. Total travel time V ster s Airport - Stockholm is 65 minutes, but this option is as much as 25 minutes faster, since the airport coach departs 10 minutes later from the airport and arrives there 10 minutes earlier. By train Edit Stockholm Central Station There is a wide selection of guided tours available, by boat, by bus and on foot. By boat Edit Stockholm Sightseeing (part of the Str mma group) has several different guided boat tours. Under the bridges of Stockholm . Is one of the most popular. Departing from Str mkajen by Grand H tel and opposite the Royal Castle ( T Kungstr dg rden ), this tour on both the sea and on lake M laren passes under 15 bridges and through two locks. Several departures every day, depending on the time of year. 1 hour 50 min, 250 SEK. Royal Canal Tour . Departs from Str mkajen and takes you around the eastern parts of the city, passing through the lush Djurg rden canal. 50 min, 190 SEK. Historical Canal Tour . Departs from Stadshusbron next to the City Hall ( T T-Centralen ), and passes Kungsholmen and other western islands of the city. 50 min, 190 SEK. Stockholm Grand Tour . Combines a boat and a bus tour. 3 hours 30 min, 450 SEK. Alternatively, and cheaply, there is the eight-stop Hop On-Hop Off boat service of Stockholm Sightseeing ( not promoted as one of the Str mma carriers). Two of the most frequented stops are at the Palace, and at the Gamla Stan, right across the canal from T Slussen . The recordings on this loop service are reasonably informative. The competing Aphrodite boat service offers a similar hop on-hop off service for a modest fee for 24 hours. (In other sections of this article, a price of 10 SEK is quoted, but this is lower than any prices we heard quoted by a factor of 10 or more.) By bus Edit City Tours and Open Top Tours (also divisions of the Str mma group) offers bus tours: Stockholm Panorama . Is a tour of some major tourist sights that departs from Gustaf Adolf Torg ( T T-Centralen ). 1 hour 30 min, 300 SEK. The Hop-on Hop-off Bus is a tour with open top double decker buses that allows you to get on and off the bus as often as you want at bus stops along the route. The tour passes some major sights, but only in the central and eastern part of the city. 24 hour travel pass 220 SEK. By taxi Edit Taxi Stockholm . 46 8 15 00 00, offers a multimedia guided tours. allowing up to 3 people for a flat fare of SEK 950 to explore sites and experiences in Stockholm linked to some poignant historic moments of its past, usually the dark ones, like the assasination of Olof Palme. By bicycle Edit Talk of the town offers self-guided bike tours in six languages. Talk of the town . Memory card for your mobile phone can be rented at several bike rentals in Stockholm. Load your mobile phone with audioguides at 56 of the best sights in Stockholm. Rent by hour, 30 SEK or day 125 SEK. BikeSweden . Narvav gen 13-17. 46 8-667 57 02. 10 18 April October. BikeSweden offers several guided cycling tours and a variety of high quality bikes in the center of the city. Daily guided drop-in biketours form may-september). BikeSweden offers mountainbikes, children s bikes, racing bikes, trailers, child seats and city bikes. Swimming Edit Flottsbrobadet (S dert rn ), one of several public beaches in the area. There are several beaches in inner Stockholm, as well as the suburbs. The water in central Stockholm is mostly clean, even though it looks dark. The quality of the water is monitored by local authorities, and the reports for all the beaches in the city is available online. If there is a problem with the water, signs will be posted at the beach. During summer, the inner town beaches are rather crowded. The Stockholm archipelago has enough beaches and rocks for everyone, and the right to access allows bathing nearly everywhere, if no notice of the opposite. As in the rest of Sweden, skinny-dipping for grown people in public is not explicitly illegal, but frowned upon. The only sanctioned nudist beach is in gesta (S derort ) If the water in the sea or Lake M laren is too cold for your tastes, you can opt for one of the outdoor swimming pools . Stockholm also has several indoor swimming pools and spas . Among the extraordinary ones are Centralbadet (Norrmalm ), Sturebadet ( stermalm ), Eriksdalsbadet (S dermalm ) and Yasuragi spa (Nacka ). Watching sport Edit The most popular spectator sports are football (soccer) and ice hockey . Also, bandy has a cult following. Tickets for all games can be bought online from Ticnet. Speedway is another big spectator sport in Sweden, performed on a race track in Gubb ngen (S derort ). The Swedish National Men s football (soccer) team plays international games on Friends Arena in Solna. The Swedish top football league, Allsvenskan . is weaker than most of its Western European sister leagues, but the fans are very faithful. The season runs from April until October. AIK plays on Friends Arena. Tele2 Arena (S derort ) hosts Djurg rdens IF and Hammarby . These three clubs are in constant rivalry, and the decision to share one stadium was not easy. There is some football-related violence, especially at derby games ask to find a safe seat on the stadium. The Swedish top ice hockey league is named Elitserien . and the season goes from September to April. Stockholm currently has one team in Elitserien: AIK, playing their home games at Hovet (S derort ). Bandy is played from November to February. Dress warm, as the game is played outdoors in two 45-minute halves. Stockholm currently has only one team in the top men s bandy league: Hammarby . Since 2013, the final of the Swedish League takes place on Friends Arena (Solna ) or Tele2 Arena (S dermalm ). Doing sport Edit Vikingar nnet. an annual ice-skating race from Uppsala to Stockholm. There are many opportunities to do sport in Stockholm. Stockholm has many short slopes for downhill snowsports. Hammarbybacken (S derort ), Ekebyhovsbacken (Eker ), Ekholmsn sbacken (Liding ), Flottsbrobacken (S dert rn ) etc. with lifts and equipment rental when weather allows. The height is modest, but most hills have a great view, well worth a hike any season. Tracks for cross-country skiing are available throughout Stockholm the ground is usually, but not always, covered by snow in January February. There are many open fields in Stockholm. G rdet ( T Karlaplan or T G rdet ) is good for outdoor sport. There are also horse riding venues and many golf courses open for visitors in the inner region. If you would rather compete in an event, one of the most visible sporting events is the Stockholm Marathon . held annually on a Saturday in late May or early June, when some 18,000 participants run two laps around the inner city. Another one is the Liding loppet . a 30 km cross-country race branded as the world s most attended, and a part of the Swedish Classic Circuit, on Liding in early September. For hardcore swimmers, TILL (literally ISLAND TO ISLAND) is an all-day swim-run race where teams of two swim between and run across many islands in the Stockholm archipelago . Arts Edit H torget, with The Stockholm Concert Hall at H torget (Norrmalm ), where the Nobel Prize ceremony takes place. Stockholm s national stages, the Royal Dramatic Theatre and the Royal Opera stage classic and modern plays, operas and ballets. There are many other playhouses, such as the Stockholm City Theatre . The theatre season generally runs from late August until the beginning of June. In the summer the Parkteatern stages free-entrance plays and monologues in the parks of Stockholm. During September May, a range of international and local musicals, as well as other shows, are provided at the many theatres. Cinema films are not dubbed, but subtitled. Except the multiplexes (most of them THX certified), a few classic cinema theaters remain: Rigoletto . Grand Sveav gen . Saga . and Skandia (Norrmalm ) Park ( stermalm ) and Victoria (S dermalm ). While SF has a de facto monopoly for mainstream film, there are some independent cinemas. A couple of large cultural events are arranged every year. Culture Night Stockholm takes place annually in springtime, with free admission to several museums, special performances around the city, from 18:00 until midnight. In August the Stockholm Culture Festival takes place, in tandem with the Ung 08 youth festival in Kungstr dg rden. During this time of the year, the Stockholm International Film Festival also hosts an open-air cinema in the Tantolunden park during one week in August. The major Stockholm International Film Festival takes place in November, and draws large international crowds. Stockholm has a growing scene for stand-up comedy in Swedish and English. The Big Ben Bar (S dermalm ), Folkungagatan 97, has a free-entrance comedy club in English each Thursday at 20:00. Skrattstock is an annual comedy festival on L ngholmen, always in May/June on the same day as the Stockholm Marathon, with at least one hour in English. The live music stage in Stockholm is something else. There are never any signs of anyone playing but a few posters in specific areas. Although a lot of the cities bars have live music, the most common place to find it is around S dermalm. There you will find places like Debaser. Hornhuset and Tr dg rden. Besides S dermalm both Norrmalm and Vasastan have a few interesting venues. On Sunday evenings from September to May at Skeppsholmen there is live Swedish folk music at Folkmusikhuset . Just go there and listen or why not dance some Swedish folk dances. Free entrance. Stockholm hosts many expos and conventions. The two largest facilities are Stockholm International Fairs (S derort ) and Kistam ssan (V sterort ). Amusement park and children s activities Edit Gr na Lund seen from the water Stockholms main amusement park, Gr na Lund is located on Djurg rden (accessible by Sp rv g City . by the ferry to Djurg rden or by bus 44). There are all sorts of rides including rollercoasters and during the summer the park hosts a large number of concerts by famous artists and groups, as well as popular dancing evenings. Opening times for the amusement park vary across the year. Check the website before visiting. Note that the park generally is very crowded during weekends and concert days. On Djurg rden you can also find Junibacken . a theme park centered on children s books, especially Astrid Lindgren s stories. Skansen . Stockholm s zoo, is also located on the island. Gambling Edit Casino Cosmopol on Kungsgatan 65 (Norrmalm ) has 37 gaming tables and almost 400 slot machines and is one of Sweden s four casinos. In addition, several major nightclubs have blackjack tables and slot machines. There are regular horse races at Solvalla (V sterort ) and T by Galopp (Norrort ). LGBT events Edit Attitudes towards homosexuality are generally tolerant. In the summer (generally late July/early August), there is an annual LGBT pride festival, Stockholm Pride . Que é o maior na Escandinávia. The national LGBT organization, RFSL . can provide information on other events and venues. Outdoor life Edit Tyresta National Park, a virgin forest 20 km south of central Stockholm. There are many forests and lakes within commuting distance of Stockholm, with good chances to see wild animals such as moose, deer and boars. Much of outer stermalm consists of forest and farmland within a walk from the metro. In S dert rn. one can find Nackareservatet . Tyresta National Park and Bornsj n . With about 80,000 university students at more than 20 universities and university colleges, Stockholm is the largest Nordic university city. The largest institutions of higher education are Stockholm University (Stockholms universitet), the Royal Institute of Technology (Kungliga tekniska h gskolan), and S dert rn University College (S dert rns h gskola). Karolinska institutet is a world-class medical university. There are also several fine arts university colleges. Study in Stockholm has information about university studies in Stockholm. Individual listings can be found in Stockholm s district articles As in the rest of Sweden, VISA and MasterCard are accepted by nearly all stores, and ATMs are readily available. There are even ATMs inside some nightclubs, where the bar might accept cash only. Very few venues accept foreign currencies, such as euros or US dollars. In contrast to many other European cities, most shops in Stockholm (except the small independent ones) are open all week, including Sundays only closed down for a few major holidays a year. Closing time tends to be rigid, thouth. Fashion Edit Popular Swedish clothing brands that you can find in several major stores include Acne Jeans . WESC . Cheap Monday . J Lindeberg . Whyred . Tiger and Filippa K . Recent years have seen an explosion of young designers starting their own small labels. Many of these can be found in the small shops in the SoFo area on S dermalm (see below). Examples are Nakkna . Jenny Hellstr m . Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair and The Stray Boys . Glassware Edit The large department stores hl ns and NK in Norrmalm all have a wide selection of glassware. Duka . several locations: V sterl nggatan 78 (Gamla stan ), Sveav gen 24-26 and Kungsgatan 41, (Norrmalm ). Duka is a Swedish chain selling both cheaper household items and a limited selection of glassware in several stores in central Stockholm. Nordiska Kristall . several locations: Kungsgatan 9 (Norrmalm ), sterl nggatan 1 (Gamla stan ), also in Strand Hotel, Grand Hotel and City Hotel. Nordiska Kristall is a high-end shop for crystal design glass. The Kungsgatan store has an art-glass gallery. Furniture and design Edit Sweden is internationally known for its design, and Stockholm has many stores where you can find Swedish-designed clothes, textiles and interior decoration items. Hand-made and hand-painted glassware is also a famous Swedish speciality. DesignTorget at Sergels Torg (Stockholm/Norrmalm ) and G tgatan 31 (Stockholm/S dermalm ), a design store specializing in smaller items, ranging from the beautiful to the useful to the downright eccentric. Asplund furniture store, is an upscale store with world-class design. T stermalmstorg . Room is another great furniture and design store locaded in the Pub mall, T H torget . Illums Bolighus is a high-end furniture, home decoration and glassware store specializing in Danish design. ( T Centralen . Hamngatan 27) Many antiquities shops are located close to T Odenplan . Bom lugar para passear. If second-hand is an option many Stadsmissionen and Myrorna (The Salvation Army) have fun vintage products, and contribute to a good cause. Especially Stadsmissionen Stortorget ( T Gamla stan ) has hand-picked design and classical furniture. Major places for shopping Edit Norrmalm Edit Drottninggatan retail therapy. Drottninggatan is dominated by major brands down at the Sergels Torg end before giving way to smaller and more specialised shops further north. Tourist shops occupy the southern end. Also connected to Drottninggatan is the square of H torget ( T-H torget ). Here is a daily fresh food market outside as well as H torgshallen. an indoor food market. Mood Stockholm on Norrlandsgatan opened in 2012. This mall contains a lot of interesting boutiques not represented elsewhere in the city. Hamngatan . Biblioteksgatan and Birger Jarlsgatan have a collection of high end shops including Gucci, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton among others. NK . is a classical department store on Hamngatan (Norrmalm ). stermalmstorg has a well-reputed grocery hall, stermalmshallen . Sturegallerian is an upmarket shopping mall at Stureplan, with some eateries. F lt versten is a shopping mall at Karlaplan. Suburban malls Edit There are a number of shopping centers and malls in the major suburban centers see the district articles for details. While different in size, they all have a similar profile, with cheap restaurants, supermarkets and major fashion, electronics and interior design chain stores, as well as some smaller shops. Kista Galleria in V sterort has generous opening hours from 10:00 to 21:00 all week. It is reached by the blue metro line with destination Akalla, get off the train at Kista . Individual listings can be found in Stockholm s district articles Zum Franziskaner, a restaurant from the 1840s. Stockholm features a large variety of restaurants. However, dining in Stockholm can be expensive, if you aim for something else than the fast food bars, the run-of-the-mill British-style pubs or the ethnic restaurants that dominate the budget bracket. Be prepared to pay around 175-250 SEK or more for most main courses at quality restaurants. If you are on a tight budget, self-catering is a good option. Most hotels and hostels have a good breakfast buffet, in many cases included with the room. Most restaurants have dagens r tt - a lunch offer, normally including a lower - or non-alcoholic drink, bread, butter, salad and coffee Monday - Friday, usually 11:00-14:00. Expect to pay between 65-100 SEK. Generally more expensive downtown and cheaper in the suburbs. Many Asian, Indian, Mexican and fast food restaurants offer rather cheap all you can eat lunch buffets. Office workers usually go for lunch at noon, so try to show up well before, or past 13:00. Most restaurants kitchens close at 22:00 even on weekends, so don t get out too late. A glass of house costs in the range between 60 and 120 SEK, or 400 to 700 SEK for a bottle. Sweden has enforced non-smoking in all bars, pubs, restaurants and enclosed areas. Smoking is usually permitted outdoors, or in designated smoking rooms/outdoor seating. Many Stockholm restaurants are closed for vacation for a few weeks in July and/or early August. In December, many restaurants offer a julbord ( Christmas buffet ), a variation of the classic Swedish sm rg sbord with traditional chistmas dishes such as chistmas ham, pickled herring, lutfisk (stockfish from cod or ling, prepared with lye) and much more, which might require advance booking, costing around 300-600 SEK, beverages not included. In this cosmopolitan city, traditional Swedish cuisine. known as husmanskost ( every mans food ), can be hard to get by. Many fine diners have a not-too-expensive husmanskost course: some other places to eat Swedish are the Nystekt str mming wagon at Slussen (S dermalm ), t gott (S:t G ransgatan 74, (Kungsholmen )) and Tennstopet (Dalagatan 50, (Vasastan )). Though most seafood comes from the wholesale market in Gothenburg. there is one market for local catch, in many cases day-fresh: Stockholms fiskmarknad at Stureplan ( stermalm ). Stockholm has a fleet of food trucks . with high-end meals around 70 to 90 SEK. See Hittatrucken for schedules. Sandys . Several locations throughout the city: Sergelarkaden 6 ( T T-Centralen ), Klarabergsgatan 31 ( T T-Centralen ), Stureplan 2 ( T stermalmstorg ) and G tgatan 28 ( T Slussen ). A large Stockholm-based fast food chain focusing on submarine sandwiches, wraps and salads, Sandys offer a wide selection, reliable quality and acceptable prices, although not by any means a bargain. Sandwiches 49 SEK (excluding drinks), XL sandwiches 59 SEK, salads 65 SEK. Caf s Edit Taking a break for coffee and a biscuit is a Swedish tradition, commonly called fika in Swedish, and there are many coffee-bars around the city. You also have a great number of the more traditional pasttiseries. Traditional Swedish filter coffee is relatively strong when compared to American, but a far cry from the Italian espresso. Espresso, caffe latte, cappuccino and other varieties of Italian coffee are generally available. If you prefer tea, note that many caf s only offer a few flavours, but generally some black, red and green teas. Don t miss the traditional Swedish cinnamon bun with your coffea. If you visit in January-March you also will have the possibility to try a Semla , a popular local pastry with wheat bread, almond paste and cream. In November-December you can try one of the saffron buns, known as lussebulle . Starbucks has only recently entered competition with Swedish coffee shops Wayne s Coffee . Robert s Coffee and Espresso House are the most common names here - that are strikingly similar in design. Just as everywhere else, the small local caf s offer a more personal experience, and often better coffee. Expect to pay anything from 20 SEK and upwards for a cup of regular black coffee. Don t hesitate to ask for a refill ( p t r in Swedish) at self-service cafeterias, as it is often free. Individual listings can be found in Stockholm s district articles Retail drinks Edit Drinking retail alcohol is allowed in most public areas. Among the exceptions are schools, playgrounds, indoor malls and public transport areas. In some parks, drinking is prohibited from 22:00 or midnight. Map of dry areas Systembolaget . Generally open M-W 10:00-18:00, Th-F 10:00-19:00, Sa 10:00-15:00, all stores closed Su. Systembolaget is the government monopoly chain for selling alcohol. The stores have a wide assortment and helpful, knowledgeable staff. Tax makes beer and hard liquor expensive. Surprisingly, high-end wines can be a bargain. Ask the staff for advice. You need to be able to prove that you are over 20 years old, so be sure to bring photo ID. For more information, see the section on Systembolaget in the Sweden article. Central locations include: Lilla Nygatan ( T Gamla Stan ), Lilla Nygatan 18. Klarabergsgatan ( T T-Centralen ), Klarabergsgatan 62. Extra late hours: Closes 20:00 all weekdays. Regeringsgatan ( T T-Centralen ), Regeringsgatan 44. The largest Systembolaget store in Stockholm, with a special selection of exclusive wines Vasagatan ( T T-Centralen ), Vasagatan 25. Nybrogatan ( T stermalmstorg ), Nybrogatan 47. Folkungagatan ( T Medborgarplatsen ), Folkungagatan 56. Bars and nightclubs Edit The Ice Bar at Nordic Sea Hotel, Norrmalm . The cost for drinking out in Stockholm varies a lot. Expect to pay around 30 SEK in the cheapest pub (55-75 SEK in a trendier club or pub) for a beer or cider, and at least 95-150 SEK for a long-drink or cocktail in a club. Bars usually have no cover charge, but may have an arbitrarily set (and arbitrarily enforced) minimum age limit (usually 21 or 23, sometimes as low as 18, other times as high as 27), while clubs usually charge 50-200 SEK at the door (or more at special performances). Long, and very slow moving lines tend to form outside most popular clubs - expect having to wait as much as 1 hour or more if going to a trendy place after midnight, even if raining or snowing. Don t forget to bring an ID . as bouncers will (almost) always ask for identification at the door in both pubs and clubs. Stureplan is a district dominated by dancefloor nightclubs, at the crossing of Birger Jarlsgatan . Kungsgatan and Sturegatan . ( T stermalmstorg ). The mushroom-shaped rain shelter is a common meeting point. High entrance fees (200 SEK or more) and long lines. S dermalm is a district with many smaller bars and nightclubs focusing on art and electronic music. Look in nightlife magazines for places around Hornstull (such as Strand), Mariatorget (such as Sidetrack . Marie Laveau ), Slussen (such as Debaser . Kolingsborg ), Skanstull (such as Tr dg rden . Under Bron ). Major bar streets are G tgatan (where most places are rather cheap pubs) and Bondegatan (with a younger and more trendy crowd), both on S dermalm, R rstrandsgatan in western Vasastan (also rather trendy, but drawing a slightly older crowd) and the area around the R dhuset and Fridhemsplan metro stations on Kungsholmen (with many small and relaxed places). Beer is usually really cheap in suburban pubs. Most restaurants and bars close at 01:00, larger clubs usually at 03:00, and a handful at 05:00. More trendy clubs might have a long queue from midnight till closing time. Get out early (at least before midnight). Most late-night clubs (especially at Stureplan) have an informal or outspoken dress code, v rdad kl dsel . Loudness and drunkenness are other common reasons to reject waiting guests. Drinking in the queue is a no-no, bribes are even worse. If you can read Swedish, you can get more information about Stockholm s nightlife in the free monthly magazine N jesguiden, the newspaper Dagens Nyheter on Thursdays, the free QX gay magazine for LGBT events and the free Metro on Fridays. Individual listings can be found in Stockholm s district articles L ngholmen Prison (S dermalm ) is converted to a hostel. Beside the Grand H tel (Norrmalm ) and a few other luxury venues, Stockholm has several business (typically 4-star) hotels, which charge 900-1200 SEK for a single room. They usually have vacancies during weekends and summers, and might give special offers for tourists. A specialty for Sweden, especially for Stockholm is basement hotel rooms without windows. Oftentimes the very reasonably-priced rooms even at hotels of established brands fall into that category, especially the singles. Basement rooms, apart from lack of windows, are often much more limited in space and outfitted in a more austere way than the regular rooms. Swedish hotels make no secret of the fact that this room category has no window, but do make sure to read the description of your room carefully before you book to avoid unpleasant surprises. The cheap bunks are in short supply. Look for hostels at Svenska Turistf reningen and SVIF. Advance booking is usually needed, especially in summer, and for those in the inner city. Stockholm has some spectacular hostels, such as af Chapman (Skeppsholmen ), L ngholmen (S dermalm ) and Jumbostay at Arlanda . The lowest cost per bed can be found on the Baltic Sea ferries . Hospitality exchange and home exchange options can be useful for Stockholm. The apartment rental market is strictly regulated, with waiting times over a decade. When it comes to long-time accommodation, Stockholm has a harsh housing situation, with several years waiting time for a rental apartment. Newcomers are dependent on the unreliable second-hand rental market. For consultants and other business visitors, a long-time hotel stay might be the most practical option. Stockholm Public Library There are a number of places where you can access the Internet in central Stockholm. An alternative for any visitor to Sweden is to buy a pre-paid USB 3G modem. These can be had cheaply (down to 150 SEK) and the 3G coverage in Stockholm is excellent. Expect to pay around 100 SEK/week or 300 SEK/month to use the 3G modem. Data limits are typically high (20 GB/Month but up to 100 GB or more is also available) WiFi Edit If you have your own laptop, many caf s, hotels, libraries offer free wi-fi access. Skype offers wi-fi access in some areas called Skype Zones. This service used to be offered for free as a test, but now seems to be subject to a fee. Telia HomeRun is a commercial wi-fi service that covers many points in central Stockholm with wi-fi. Internet terminals Edit You can often use the Internet for free at the public libraries (but you may have to ask first). Big libraries can be found at Medborgarplatsen ( T Medborgarplatsen ) and Sveav gen 73 ( T Odenplan ). The Central Station has Stockholmspanelen . information terminals with keyboards and web browsers that have full internet access but no address bar to type in the URL of the site you want to visit. But if you are clever there s a way to get to Google, you can then type in the URL you want to visit and hit Search . The company Sidewalk Express operates Internet terminals in a number of convenience stores (most 7 Eleven and many Pressbyr n stores) and some other shops and public locations, including the main hall in the Stockholm central railway station. Check their website for a full list of locations. Most terminals are however quite uncomfortable to use (metallic keyboards, stand-up only access etc.) and fairly expensive. Unused time from one Sidewalk Express location can be reused at any other terminal in Sweden within 5 days. There are also a number of more gaming-oriented Internet points. These are often open late nights. Matrix The underground hall in the Kungsgatan exit of the metro station H torget. Open Su-Th 10:00-24:00, F-Sa 10:00-03:00. A centrally located 80-terminal gamer den with generous opening hours. Inferno Online . situated at Odenplan (metro station). The largest gaming/internet-cafe in the world. If you are a new user you need to create an account (free) and then pay for the amount of hours you want on your account (the prices are low compared to other Internet terminals). For its size, Stockholm is a safe city by international standards. Still, travellers should use common sense to avoid crime . Weekend drinking is a risk factor. Being overly intoxicated is less accepted in bars and clubs than in smaller towns, and could lead to the security staff forcibly ejecting the trouble-maker. Most crimes against travellers are crimes of opportunity, such as pickpockets. bicycle theft, auto theft, and auto vandalism. As always, do not leave valuable items in your car, and watch your bag in crowded places such as festivals, nightclubs, markets, airports, and public transport areas. Most shops and all major taxi companies accept credit and debit cards, so there is no need to carry a lot of cash. Taxis are required to post pricing information in the rear side window. The comparison price is for a 15 km ride and not the maximum price, which could be a lot more when venturing outside the inner city. While some independent driver charge the maximum allowed (499 SEK), major cab companies ( Taxi Stockholm, Taxi Kurir . Taxi 020 and Topcab ) are around 300 SEK. With these cabs, you also have a better chance of having belongings lost in the car returned to you. During summer, groups of street gamblers try to scam their audience in other touristed areas, by planting a few of their own in the crowd. Don t play, you will lose. Though Sweden has an extensive welfare system, and Stockholm has fewer homeless and impoverished people than other cities of similar size, homeless people can be seen begging around the city several of them from other parts of the European Union. A responsible way to address their situation is to buy the street paper, Situation Sthlm . for 50 SEK. Buying food or water for someone begging is also a good way of helping. While organized crime does exist, lawful visitors are unlikely to be affected. Stockholm is friendly to sexual minorities. Homophobic and transphobic attitudes will be met with outright hostility from many Swedes. Same-sex couples will have no trouble living openly in Stockholm, which includes holding hands or kissing in public around the city. When using escalators . stand on the right and reserve the left side for walking. Standing still on the left side might annoy people. On train and metro platforms, passengers should be allow to leave the car before passengers who want to board. When waiting in lines . be patient and polite. Swedes never jump queues - but make sure you actually stand in the line. If unsure, ask. Avoid walking in the cycle lane. Dedicated cycle paths are clearly marked, but sometimes run directly next to the sidewalk. Stockholm cyclists are subject to a comparatively hilly landscape and are unwilling to slow down and lose momentum. Usually, however, they are careful, signal clearly and use their bells, meaning that straying tourists most often are just sworn at. As most other Nordic people, Swedes value privacy, and are usually not open to strangers in public, especially in public transport. They may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed if you try to start a conversation. If you are lucky enough to be invited to someone s home, you will discover that Swedes behave very differently and will be very social. Pack Edit Stockholm is best experienced on foot, so bring comfortable shoes. An umbrella or a raincoat for wet weather is also a good idea. Expect the temperature to be well under freezing during the winter months (add to that windchill and humidity), so if you plan to visit then, warm clothes in good materials are certainly recommendable. Long johns/stockings under your pants/skirt will keep you warm without looking like you wear your ski-outfit). Eating out is generally rather expensive. If on a budget, supermarket food is a good alternative to restaurants. Getting cash Edit There are many ATMs in the city, but some foreign card-holders, such as a Canadian, have reported trouble in using them, even when they purport to be connected to international networks their banks are part of, so consider doing some research before you arrive. There are many locations of a currency exchange called Forex, but they charge a whopping 50 SEK (6,5 ) commission on top of their buy-sell spread. Credit/debit cards are widely accepted even for small amounts. Most places accept identification and a signature, but PIN-transactions are preferred. Toilets Edit A public toilet booth. Can be clean or messy. Finding a good toilet in Stockholm can be tricky. Many department stores and fast-food restaurants have clean toilets, often for the charge of 5 SEK. That is also the cost of public toilet booths found in most city squares (though these might be messy) so be sure to carry some 5 SEK coins. Restaurants toilets are often reserved for customers, and might be messy depending on the establishment. Some good, clean toilets are found in Max at Norrmalmstorg, and in the bar Sturehof (at Stureplan - the establishment is too big for crew to keep track of people borrowing the toilet). Urinating in town is illegal, but urinals are often free even if you have to pay for a WC. The libraries, museums, and government buildings often have free, clean toilets. Most major hotels have clean lobby toilets. Some of them might be reserved for house guests and require an access code, but travellers can often get access to them on request. Laundry Edit Since Swedish apartments either have a washing machine or access to a communal laundry room, there are virtually no self-service laundries to be found in Stockholm, with one exception: Tv ttomaten ( T Odenplan ), V stmannagatan 61. 46 8 34 64 80. Open M-F 08:30-18:30, Sa 09:30-15:00 (closed Sa from end of June to mid-August, closed one week at the end of July). Keep in mind washing machines in Scandinavian countries are connected to cold water only, so the machine actually heats the water, taking up to 3 hours to do a load of laundry. Self-service price: 50 SEK without drying, 84 SEK with drying (per machine, up to 5 kg). Most youth hostels have washing machines. Some dry cleaners offer to wash shirts and bed linen as well, but this tends to be quite expensive. Health Edit Swedish healthcare is generally of high quality, although there may be long waits in emergency rooms. How quickly one sees a doctor will depend on medical priority money, name or title won t bypass the queue. EU/EES citizens with a European Health Insurance card pay the same (rather low) fee for emergency and necessary care as a local citizen. Others must pay the whole health care cost (which can be between 1,700 and 2,200SEK for a doctor s visit at an emergency care unit at a hospital). More information on hospital fees can be found on the Stockholm County information site . In an emergency . always call 112 for SOS Alarm, for ambulance, police, fire service, air and sea rescue, mountain patrol, or priest on call. English-speaking operators are available. There are two hospitals with 24-hour emergency care units in the inner city: S:t G rans Sjukhus . S:t G ransplan 1 ( T Fridhemsplan or T Stadshagen ), 46 8 58 70 10 00. S dersjukhuset . Sjukhusbacken 10 ( Bus 3, 74 or 164 from T Skanstull, bus 74 from T Mariatorget or commuter train to Stockholm S dra ), 46 8 616 10 00. For less serious illnesses and ailments, getting in touch with a local clinic, v rdcentral . is a much better option than the hospital emergency rooms. The Stockholm County healthcare hotline V rdguiden ( 46 8 320 100) can give medical advice and help you find a doctor. While information is officially given in Swedish only, the doctors can often speak some English. Pharmacies Edit Certified pharmacies ( apotek ) have a green cross sign. You can buy over-the-counter medicine in most supermarkets and convenience stores. Strong painkillers are only sold at pharmacies, though. Apoteket C W Scheele . Klarabergsgatan 64 ( T T-Centralen ), 46 8 454 81 30. Open 24 hours, all days of the week, including holidays. This pharmacy is centrally located. Service is limited late at night, and can be slow, but they have a very large inventory of specialized drugs. Apotek Hj rtat . Krukmakargatan 13, S dermalm ( T Mariatorget ), 46 8 454 81 30. Extra long operating hours: 08:00-22:00 all days of the week. Embassies Edit Stockholm County Edit
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