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Arquitetura do sistema de negociação de ações on-line

Arquitetura do sistema de negociação de ações on-line

Postado em 26 de maio de 2015 por

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Anteriormente neste blog eu escrevi sobre a arquitetura conceitual de um sistema de negociação algorítmica inteligente, bem como os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais de um sistema de negociação algorítmica de produção. Desde então, tenho projetado uma arquitetura de sistema que eu acredito que poderia satisfazer os requisitos arquitetônicos. Neste post descreverei a arquitetura seguindo as diretrizes dos padrões ISO / IEC / IEEE 42010 e do padrão de descrição da arquitetura de engenharia de software. De acordo com este padrão, uma descrição de arquitetura deve:

Contém várias visualizações arquitetônicas padronizadas (por exemplo, em UML) e

Manter a rastreabilidade entre as decisões de projeto e os requisitos arquitetônicos

Definição da arquitetura de software

Ainda não há consenso sobre o que é a arquitetura de um sistema. No contexto deste artigo, ele é definido como a infra-estrutura dentro da qual componentes de aplicativo que satisfazem requisitos funcionais podem ser especificados, implantados e executados. Os requisitos funcionais são as funções esperadas do sistema e seus componentes. Os requisitos não funcionais são medidas através das quais a qualidade do sistema pode ser medida.

Um sistema que satisfaça plenamente os seus requisitos funcionais pode ainda não satisfazer as expectativas se os requisitos não funcionais forem deixados insatisfeitos. Para ilustrar este conceito, considere o seguinte cenário: um sistema de negociação algorítmica que você acabou de comprar / construído faz excelentes decisões de negociação, mas é completamente inoperante com as organizações de gerenciamento de riscos e sistemas de contabilidade. Este sistema atenderia às suas expectativas?

Arquitetura Conceitual

Uma visão conceitual descreve conceitos de alto nível e mecanismos que existem no sistema no nível mais alto de granularidade. Nesse nível, o sistema de negociação algorítmica segue uma arquitetura orientada a eventos (EDA) dividida em quatro camadas e dois aspectos arquitetônicos. Para cada camada e aspecto, arquiteturas de referência e padrões são usados. Os padrões arquitetônicos são estruturas comprovadas e genéricas para a obtenção de requisitos específicos. Os aspectos arquitetônicos são preocupações transversais que abrangem vários componentes.

Arquitetura de eventos - uma arquitetura que produz, detecta, consome e reage a eventos. Os eventos incluem movimentos de mercado em tempo real, eventos ou tendências complexas e eventos comerciais, por ex. Submeter um pedido.

Este diagrama ilustra a arquitetura conceitual do sistema de negociação algorítmica

Arquiteturas de Referência

Para usar uma analogia, uma arquitetura de referência é semelhante aos planos para uma parede de suporte de carga. Este blueprint pode ser reutilizado para vários projetos de construção, independentemente de qual edifício está sendo construído, pois satisfaz um conjunto de requisitos comuns. Da mesma forma, uma arquitetura de referência define um modelo contendo estruturas genéricas e mecanismos que podem ser usados ​​para construir uma arquitetura de software concreta que satisfaça requisitos específicos. A arquitetura para o sistema de negociação algorítmica usa uma arquitetura baseada em espaço (SBA) e um controlador de exibição de modelo (MVC) como referências. Também são usadas boas práticas, como o armazenamento de dados operacionais (ODS), o padrão de transformação e carga de extratos (ETL) e um data warehouse (DW).

Modelo de controlador de vista - um padrão que separa a representação de informações da interação do usuário com ele. Arquitetura baseada em espaço - especifica uma infra-estrutura onde unidades de processamento acopladas de forma frouxa interagem entre si através de uma memória associativa compartilhada chamada espaço (mostrado abaixo).

A visão estrutural de uma arquitetura mostra os componentes e sub-componentes do sistema de negociação algorítmica. Ele também mostra como esses componentes são implantados em infra-estrutura física. Os diagramas UML utilizados nesta vista incluem diagramas de componentes e diagramas de implementação. Abaixo está a galeria dos diagramas de implantação do sistema de negociação algorítmica global e as unidades de processamento na arquitetura de referência SBA, bem como diagramas de componentes relacionados para cada uma das camadas.

Táticas Arquitetônicas

De acordo com o instituto de engenharia de software uma tática arquitetônica é um meio de satisfazer uma exigência de qualidade manipulando algum aspecto de um modelo de atributo de qualidade através de decisões de projeto arquitetônico. Um exemplo simples usado na arquitetura do sistema de negociação algorítmica é "manipular" um armazenamento de dados operacional (ODS) com um componente de consulta contínua. Este componente analisaria continuamente o ODS para identificar e extrair eventos complexos. As seguintes táticas são usadas na arquitetura:

Padrão disruptor nas filas de eventos e pedidos

Memória compartilhada para o evento e filas de pedidos

Linguagem de consulta contínua (CQL) no ODS

Filtragem de dados com o padrão de design do filtro em dados de entrada

Algoritmos de evitação de congestionamento em todas as conexões de entrada e saída

Gerenciamento de fila ativa (AQM) e notificação de congestionamento explícita

Recursos de computação de commodities com capacidade de atualização (escalável)

Redundância ativa para todos os pontos únicos de falha

Indexação e estruturas de persistência otimizadas na ODS

Programar scripts regulares de backup e limpeza de dados para ODS

Histórico de transações em todos os bancos de dados

Checksums para todas as ordens para detectar falhas

Anotar eventos com carimbos de data / hora para ignorar eventos 'stale'

Regras de validação de ordens, Quantidades máximas de comércio

Componentes automatizados do comerciante usam um banco de dados na memória para análise

Autenticação em dois estágios para interfaces de usuário conectando-se aos ATs

Criptografia em interfaces de usuário e conexões com os ATs

Padrão de design Observer para MVC para gerenciar exibições

A lista acima são apenas algumas decisões de design que identifiquei durante o projeto da arquitetura. Não é uma lista completa de táticas. À medida que o sistema está sendo desenvolvido, táticas adicionais devem ser empregadas em vários níveis de granularidade para atender a requisitos funcionais e não funcionais. Abaixo estão três diagramas que descrevem o padrão de design do disruptor, o padrão de design do filtro e o componente de consulta contínua.

Vista Comportamental

Essa visão de uma arquitetura mostra como os componentes e camadas devem interagir uns com os outros. Isso é útil ao criar cenários para testar projetos de arquitetura e para entender o sistema de ponta a ponta. Essa visão consiste em diagramas de seqüência e diagramas de atividade. Os diagramas de atividades que mostram o processo interno do sistema de negociação algorítmica e como os comerciantes devem interagir com o sistema de negociação algorítmico são mostrados abaixo.

Tecnologias e frameworks

O passo final na concepção de uma arquitetura de software é identificar potenciais tecnologias e estruturas que poderiam ser usados ​​para realizar a arquitetura. Como princípio geral, é melhor aproveitar as tecnologias existentes, desde que satisfaçam adequadamente os requisitos funcionais e não funcionais. Uma estrutura é uma arquitectura de referência realizada, e. O JBoss é um framework que realiza a arquitetura de referência do JEE. As seguintes tecnologias e frameworks são interessantes e devem ser considerados ao implementar um sistema de negociação algorítmica:

CUDA - NVidia tem uma série de produtos que suportam alta performance computação financeira modelagem. Pode-se conseguir até 50x melhorias de desempenho na execução de simulações de Monte Carlo na GPU em vez da CPU.

Apache River - River é um kit de ferramentas usado para desenvolver sistemas distribuídos. Ele tem sido usado como um framework para construir aplicativos baseados no padrão SBA

Apache Hadoop - no caso de que o log penetrante é um requisito, então o uso de Hadoop oferece uma solução interessante para o problema de grandes dados. O Hadoop pode ser implantado em um ambiente em cluster que suporta tecnologias CUDA.

AlgoTrader - uma plataforma de negociação algorítmica de código aberto. AlgoTrader poderia potencialmente ser implantado no lugar dos componentes automatizados do comerciante.

FIX Engine - um aplicativo autônomo que suporta os protocolos Financial Information Exchange (FIX) incluindo FIX, FAST e FIXatdl.

Embora não seja uma tecnologia ou um framework, componentes devem ser construídos com uma interface de programação de aplicativo (API) para melhorar a interoperabilidade do sistema e seus componentes.


A arquitetura proposta foi projetada para satisfazer requisitos muito genéricos identificados para sistemas de negociação algorítmicos. Em geral, os sistemas de negociação algorítmicos são complicados por três fatores que variam de acordo com cada implementação:

Dependências de sistemas externos de empresa e de câmbio

Desafiando os requisitos não funcionais e

Evolução das restrições arquitetônicas

A arquitectura de software proposta deverá, por conseguinte, ser adaptada caso a caso, a fim de satisfazer requisitos organizativos e regulamentares específicos, bem como de ultrapassar as restrições regionais. A arquitetura do sistema de negociação algorítmica deve ser vista como apenas um ponto de referência para indivíduos e organizações que desejam projetar seus próprios sistemas de negociação algorítmicos.

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Arquitetura do sistema de negociação de ações

Publicado: Dr. Drive Data: 15.09.2015

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Gordon M. Snow Diretor Assistente, Divisão Cibernética Divisão de Investigação Federal do Departamento de Serviços Financeiros da Câmara, Subcomitê de Instituições Financeiras e Crédito ao Consumidor Washington, DC 14 de setembro de 2011

Boa tarde Presidente Capito, Membro da classificação Maloney, e membros do subcomitê. Estou feliz de comparecer perante vocês hoje para discutir as ameaças cibernéticas que enfrentam nossa nação e como o FBI e nossos parceiros estão trabalhando juntos para proteger o setor financeiro e os consumidores americanos.

Cyber ​​criminosos podem ameaçar significativamente as finanças e reputações de empresas dos Estados Unidos e instituições financeiras. Dada a abundância de potenciais vítimas e lucros, os criminosos cibernéticos provavelmente continuarão a atingir essas entidades. O FBI está empenhado em enfrentar essas ameaças através de meios inovadores e proativos e tornando a Internet mais segura para as instituições financeiras e os consumidores dos EUA.

A ameaça cibernética para o setor financeiro

Como o subcomitê está ciente, o número e sofisticação de incidentes maliciosos aumentou dramaticamente nos últimos cinco anos e espera-se que continue a crescer. À medida que as empresas e as instituições financeiras continuam adotando sistemas de comércio baseados na Internet, as oportunidades para o crime cibernético aumentam nos níveis de varejo e consumidor.

Aquisições de conta

Os criminosos cibernéticos têm demonstrado suas habilidades para explorar nossos sistemas financeiros e de mercado on-line que interagem com a Internet, como sistemas automatizados de compensação (ACH), pagamentos com cartão e negócios no mercado. Nesses casos, o crime cibernético é facilmente cometido explorando os usuários do sistema, e não os próprios sistemas. Isso geralmente é feito através do comprometimento das credenciais da conta de um usuário legítimo.

As transferências monetárias fraudulentas e a falsificação de cartões de valor armazenado são o resultado mais comum de investigações contra instituições financeiras, processadores de pagamentos e comerciantes. Enquanto as perdas que resultam dessas explorações geralmente caem sobre a instituição financeira, os consumidores experimentam a inconveniência de mudar as contas e substituição de cartões associados à sua informação comprometida, bem como o impacto emocional associado com a vítima de um crime cibernético.

O FBI está investigando atualmente mais de 400 casos relatados de aquisições de contas corporativas em que criminosos cibernéticos têm iniciado ACH não autorizado e transferências bancárias a partir de contas bancárias de empresas dos EUA. Estes casos envolvem a tentativa de roubo de mais de US $ 255 milhões e resultaram na perda real de aproximadamente US $ 85 milhões.

Muitas vezes, o vetor de ataque é um e-mail de phishing segmentado que contém um arquivo infectado ou um link para um site infectado. O destinatário do e-mail é geralmente uma pessoa dentro de uma empresa segmentada que pode iniciar transferências de fundos em nome da empresa ou outro titular de conta de credencial bancária on-line válido. Uma vez que o destinatário abre o anexo ou navega para o site, o malware é instalado no computador do usuário, que muitas vezes inclui um programa de keylogging que colhe as credenciais bancárias online do usuário.

O criminoso então cria uma outra conta ou inicia diretamente uma transferência de fundos disfarçada como o usuário legítimo. Os fundos roubados são muitas vezes transferidos para o exterior. As vítimas deste tipo de regime incluíram pequenas e médias empresas, governos locais, distritos escolares e prestadores de serviços de saúde.

Em 2008, um distrito escolar da Pensilvânia descobriu que mais de US $ 450.000 estava faltando em sua conta bancária. No ano seguinte, um distrito escolar de Nova York informou que aproximadamente US $ 3 milhões foram transferidos de sua conta bancária. O banco do distrito escolar de Nova York conseguiu recuperar algumas das transferências, mas US $ 500.000 já haviam sido retirados da conta antes que a transação pudesse ser revertida.

Recentemente, duas empresas de camionagem foram vitimadas por transferências de contas eletrônicas fraudulentas e perderam aproximadamente US $ 115.000. Comparado com alguns números de perda, isso pode não parecer significativo. Uma das empresas atualmente tem receitas anuais em torno de US $ 79 milhões, então sua perda foi de quase 0,1% de sua receita bruta. Essa quantidade é aproximadamente o suficiente para comprar um trator-reboque adicional e fornecer outro motorista com um emprego.

In March 2010, an Illinois town was the victim of a cyber intrusion resulting in unauthorized ACH transfers totaling $100,000. When an authorized individual logged into the town’s bank account, the individual was redirected to a site alerting her that the bank’s website was experiencing technical difficulties. During this redirection, the criminal used the victim’s authorized credentials to initiate transactions. The town was able to recover only $30,000.

Third Party Payment Processor Breaches

Sophisticated cyber criminals are also targeting the computer networks of large payment processors, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars and the compromise of personally identifiable information (PII) of millions of individuals.

In November 2008, a U. S. payment processor discovered that hackers had breached the company’s computer systems and compromised the personal data of over 1.5 million customers; roughly 1.1 million Social Security numbers were also exposed. The criminals used the stolen data to create fake debit cards and withdrew more than $9 million from automated teller machines (ATMs) worldwide.

In January 2009, it was discovered that cyber criminals compromised the computer network of a U. S. payment processor that completes approximately 100 million transactions monthly for more than 250,000 U. S. businesses. The criminals were able to obtain over 130 million customer records, which included credit card numbers, expiration dates, and internal bank codes.

Securities and Market Trading Exploitation

Securities and brokerage firms and their customers are common targets of cyber criminals. The typical crimes against these firms include market manipulation schemes and unauthorized stock trading.

In 2010, law enforcement agencies and financial regulators observed a trend in which cyber criminals initiated unauthorized financial transactions from compromised victim bank or brokerage accounts. These transactions were paired with a Telephone Denial of Service (TDoS) attack, in which the victim’s legitimate phone line was flooded with spam-like telephone calls to prevent the banks or brokerage firms from contacting the victim to verify that the transactions were legitimate.

In December 2009, a victim in Florida filed a police report stating that $399,000 had disappeared from his online brokerage account while he was simultaneously targeted in a TDoS attack. The online withdrawals occurred in four increments, with progressively larger amounts being withdrawn each time.

Cyber criminals target not only those who trade in securities but also the exchanges in which the securities are sold. These TDoS and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks show a desire by cyber criminals to focus their efforts on high-profile financial sector targets.

Beginning in July 2009, two U. S. stock exchanges were victims of a sustained DDoS attack. The remote attack temporarily disrupted public websites but had no impact on financial market operations. A parent company of one of the exchanges stated that it had not experienced any degradation in service on its public website or core trading and data systems, which operate on a private network.

In February 2011, criminal actors placed an online advertisement infected with malicious software onto the public website for a foreign stock exchange. The malicious advertisement appeared on the victims’ computers as a pop-up, alerting the user to non-existent computer infections in an attempt to trick the users into paying for and downloading rogue “antivirus” Programas.

Also in February, the parent company of NASDAQ confirmed that they had been the victim of a security breach by unauthorized intruders into their Director’s Desk web application, a system that was not directly linked to their trading platforms, but was instead used as an online portal for senior executives and directors to share confidential information.

These types of malicious incidents highlight not only the targeting of important financial infrastructure by cyber criminals, but also the difficulty of determining consequences and intent. For example, although it seems no real-time trading environments have been compromised in these incidents, cyber criminals could be more interested in obtaining valuable insider information than in disrupting the markets.

ATM Skimming and Point of Sale Schemes

ATM skimming is also a prevalent global cyber crime. A criminal affixes a skimmer to the outside or inside of an ATM to collect card numbers and personal identification number (PIN) codes. The criminal then either sells the stolen data over the Internet or makes fake cards to withdraw money from the compromised accounts.

The technology of the skimmer devices continues to improve. This technique is also being used to steal credit and debit card information from customers at gas station pumps. Bluetooth-enabled wireless skimmers were found at a string of gas stations in the Denver area attached to the inside of the gas pump. The wireless capabilities of the skimmers allowed the criminal to download the information from the skimmers instantly, as long as they were in range of the wireless network.

Even as technology improves to protect against skimming, cyber criminals are creating devices to mimic the security features of legitimate ATM hardware. For example, ATM vendors have created new anti-skimming tools that include a backlit green or blue plastic casing around the card slot to prevent skimmers from being attached. In Ireland in early 2011, cyber criminals attached several skimmers that appeared identical to the new security devices.

Point of sale (POS) terminals, which are primarily used to conduct the daily sale operations in restaurants, retail stores, and places of business, have been a primary target for cyber criminals engaging in credit card fraud and have resulted in the compromise of millions of credit and debit cards the U. S. For example, in March 2008, three men were charged with hacking into several “smart” cash registers belonging to a U. S. restaurant chain. The criminals installed “sniffer” programs that were used to steal payment data as the information was being sent from the POS terminals in the restaurant to the chain’s corporate office. The stolen data resulted in more than $600,000 in losses.

Mobile Banking Exploitation

As more mobile devices have been introduced into personal, business, or government networks, they have been increasingly targeted for stealing PII. The spread of mobile banking provide additional opportunities for cyber crime. Cyber criminals have successfully demonstrated man-in-the-middle attacks against mobile phones using a variation of ZeuS malware. The malware is installed on the phone through a link imbedded in a malicious text message, and then the user is instructed to enter their complete mobile information. Because financial institutions sometimes use text messaging to verify that online transactions are initiated by a legitimate user, the infected mobile phones forward messages to the criminal, thwarting the bank’s two-factor authentication.

Cyber criminals are also taking advantage of the Twitter iPhone application by sending malicious “tweets” with links to a website containing a new banking Trojan. Once installed, the Trojan disables Windows Task Manager and notifications from Windows Security Center to avoid detection. When the victim opens their online banking account or makes a credit card purchase, PII is sent to the criminal in an encrypted file.

Insider Access

The high level of trust and confidence in U. S. financial markets is based on their long-standing reliability in protecting and ensuring the integrity of their systems. Unfortunately, individuals with direct access to core processing centers may be in a position to steal intellectual property, insider information, or data that can damage the reputation of the company. An individual could leverage this information to affect stock prices or to provide other companies with a competitive advantage.

In 2010, the FBI investigated two high-profile cases involving the theft or attempted theft of source code for high-frequency trading programs. The theft of these programs could cost the victim company millions of dollars in losses, allow a competitor to predict a company’s actions, or give a competitor the opportunity to profit using the victim companies’ estratégias.

Supply Chain Infiltration

The production, packaging, and distribution of counterfeit software or hardware used by financial institutions or critical financial networks by cyber criminals could result in the compromise of proprietary data, system disruption, or complete system failure. Gaining physical and technical access to financial institutions could be accomplished by compromising trusted suppliers of technical, computer, and security equipment, software, and hardware.

Financial firms have become regular targets of supply chain attacks. For example, ATMs have been delivered with malware installed on the systems, fake endpoints on the ATM networks have been created, and individuals have posed as ATM maintenance workers. Additionally, vendors who supply services to the banking and finance sector are constant targets of cyber criminals, including those who provide services like security, authentication, and online banking platforms.

Telecommunication Network Disruption

Financial networks are highly dependent on the availability of telecommunication infrastructure. Although cyber criminals may not be able to directly target the core processing centers that support the critical financial markets, they may target the telecommunication networks to directly impact the functionality of key financial players.

In market trading, infrastructure is crucial to the success of firms that specialize in high-frequency trading as milliseconds of saved time during data processing and transmission can impact profits. As a result, many firms co-locate and buy space near the main processing center of the major exchanges. The close proximity of these networks adds a shared reliance on telecommunication infrastructures, which could be significant if there is a disruption to the infrastructure.

Financial Estimates of Damages

Cyber criminals are forming private, trusted, and organized groups to conduct cyber crime. The adoption of specialized skill sets and professionalized business practices by these criminals is steadily increasing the complexity of cyber crime by providing actors of all technical abilities with the necessary tools and resources to conduct cyber crime. Not only are criminals advancing their abilities to attack a system remotely, but they are becoming adept at tricking victims into compromising their own systems. Once a system is compromised, cyber criminals will use their accesses to obtain PII, which includes online banking/brokerage account credentials and credit card numbers of individuals and businesses that can be used for financial gain. As cyber crime groups increasingly recruit experienced actors and pool resources and knowledge, they advance their ability to be successful in crimes against more profitable targets and will learn the skills necessary to evade the security industry and law enforcement.

The potential economic consequences are severe. The sting of a cyber crime is not felt equally across the board. A small company may not be able to survive even one significant cyber attack. On the other hand, companies may not even realize that they have been victimized by cyber criminals until weeks, maybe even months later. Victim companies range in size and industry. Often, businesses are unable to recoup their losses, and it may be impossible to estimate their damage. Many companies prefer not to disclose that their systems have been compromised, so they absorb the loss, making it impossible to accurately calculate damages.

As a result of the inability to define and calculate losses, the best that the government and private sector can offer are estimates. Over the past five years, estimates of the costs of cyber crime to the U. S. economy have ranged from millions to hundreds of billions. A 2010 study conducted by the Ponemon Institute estimated that the median annual cost of cyber crime to an individual victim organization ranges from $1 million to $52 million.

Addressing the Threat

Although our cyber adversaries’ capabilities are at an all-time high, combating this challenge is a top priority of the FBI and the entire government. Thanks to Congress and the administration, we are devoting significant resources to this threat. Our partnerships within industry, academia, and across all of government have also led to a dramatic improvement in our ability to combat this threat. Additionally, the Administration’s National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace seeks to address this threat by increasing the security of online transactions through the development of more trustworthy digital credentials which will help to reduce account takeovers and raise overall consumer safety levels.

The FBI’s statutory authority, expertise, and ability to combine resources across multiple programs make it uniquely situated to investigate, collect, and disseminate intelligence about and counter cyber threats from criminals, nation-states, and terrorists.

The FBI plays a substantial role in the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), the interagency strategy to protect our digital infrastructure as a national security priority. Through the CNCI, we and our partners collaborate to collect intelligence, gain visibility on our adversaries, and facilitate dissemination of critical information to decision makers.

The FBI has cyber squads in each of our 56 field offices, with more than 1,000 advanced cyber-trained FBI agents, analysts, and forensic examiners. We have increased the capabilities of our employees by selectively seeking candidates with technical skills and enhancing our cyber training.

In addition, the FBI’s presence in legal attachés in 61 cities around the world assists in the critical exchange of case related information and the situational awareness of current threats, helping to combat the global scale and scope of cyber breaches. The FBI is also changing to adapt to the ever-evolving technology and schemes used by cyber criminals. Intelligence now drives operations in the FBI. The Bureau is working in new ways with long-standing and new partners to address the cybersecurity threat.

In addition, as part of the FBI’s overall transformation to an intelligence-driven organization, the Cyber Division has implemented Threat Focus Cells, which bring together subject matter experts from various agencies to collaborate and address specific identified cyber threats.


However, one agency cannot combat the threat alone. Through the FBI-led National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force, we coordinate our efforts with 20 law enforcement and intelligence community (IC) entities, including the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and National Security Agency. The FBI also has embedded cyber staff in other IC agencies through joint duty and detailee assignments.

We have also enhanced our partnership with DHS, forming joint FBI-DHS teams to conduct voluntary assessments for critical infrastructure owners and operators who are concerned about the network security of their industrial control systems. DHS has provided more than 30 FBI agents and intelligence analysts with specialized training in these systems.

To support small businesses, we have also partnered with the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Small Business Administration since 2002 to sponsor computer security workshops and provide online support for small businesses through the InfraGard program. These workshops, which are held across the country, feature security experts who explain information security threats and vulnerabilities and describe protective tools and techniques which can be used to address potential security problems.

In addition, because of the frequent foreign nexus to cyber threats, we work closely with our international law enforcement and intelligence partners.

We currently have FBI agents embedded full-time in five foreign police agencies to assist with cyber investigations: Estonia, the Netherlands, Romania, Ukraine, and Colombia. These cyber personnel have identified cyber organized crime groups targeting U. S. interests and supported other FBI investigations. We have trained foreign law enforcement officers from more than 40 nations in cyber investigative techniques over the past two years.

We have engaged our international allies, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom, in strategic discussions that have resulted in increased operational coordination on intrusion activity and cyber threat investigations.

The FBI has worked with a number of regulatory agencies to determine the scope of the financial cyber crime threat, develop mitigation strategies, and provide Public Service Announcements where appropriate, to include the U. S. Department of Treasury - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Office of Comptroller of Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Bank.

In addition, the FBI partners with criminal investigators from the Internal Revenue Service, the U. S. Secret Service, U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security Service, and the U. S. Postal Inspection Service to further investigations.

Additionally, the FBI works with a number of industry governing entities such as NACHA—the Electronic Payments Association—and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority to understand and investigate cyber crime problems affecting a particular industry segment.

Information Sharing

The FBI has developed strong relationships with private industry and the public. InfraGard is a premier example of the success of public-private partnerships. Under this initiative, state, local, and tribal law enforcement, academia, other government agencies, communities, and private industry work with us through our field offices to ward off attacks against critical infrastructure. Over the past 15 years, we have seen this initiative grow from a single chapter in the Cleveland Field Office to more than 86 chapters in 56 field offices with 42,000 members.

The exchange of knowledge, experience, and resources is invaluable and contributes immeasurably to our homeland security. Notably, DHS has recognized the value of the program and recently partnered with the InfraGard program to provide joint training and conferences during this fiscal year.

With outside funding from DHS, the newly formed Joint Critical Infrastructure Partnership will host five regional conferences this year along with representation at a number of smaller venues. The focus of the program is to further expand the information flow to the private sector by not only reaching out to the current InfraGard membership but also reaching beyond current members to local critical infrastructure and key resource owners and operators. The goal is to raise awareness of risks to the nation’s infrastructure and to better educate the public about infrastructure security initiatives. This partnership is a platform which will enhance the risk management capabilities of local communities by providing security information, education, training, and other solutions to protect, prevent, and respond to terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and other hazards, such as the crisis currently facing Japan. Ensuring that a country’s infrastructure is protected and resilient is key to national security.

Experience has shown that establishing rapport with the members translates into a greater flow of information within applicable legal boundaries, and this rapport can only be developed when FBI personnel have the necessary time and resources to focus on the program. This conduit for information results in the improved protection of the infrastructure of the U. S.

In the last few years, there has been a push to partner FBI intelligence analysts with private sector experts. This is an opportunity for the intelligence analysts to learn more about the industries they are supporting. They can then better identify the needs of those industries as well as FBI information gaps. Additionally, they develop points-of-contact within those industries who can evaluate and assist in timely analysis, and the analysts mature into subject matter experts.

Other successful cyber partnerships include the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA). Established in 2000, the IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center that serves as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding cyber crime. Since it began, the IC3 has processed more than 2 million complaints. Complaints are referred to local, state, federal, and international law enforcement and are also the basis for intelligence products and public service announcements. The FBI’s IC3 unit works with the private sector, individually and through working groups, professional organizations, and InfraGard, to cultivate relationships, inform industry of threats, identify intelligence, and develop investigative information to enhance or initiate investigations by law enforcement.

The NCFTA is a private nonprofit organization, composed of representatives of industry and academia, which partners with the FBI. The NCFTA, in cooperation with the FBI, develops responses to evolving threats to the nation’s critical infrastructure by participating in cyber-forensic analysis, tactical response development, technology vulnerability analysis, and the development of advanced training. The NCFTA work products can be provided to industry, academia, law enforcement, and the public as appropriate.

The FBI and DHS also partner with the U. S. private sector on the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC). This strategic collaboration enhances communications and promotes effective exchanges of information in order to prevent, detect, and investigate criminal acts, particularly those affecting interstate commerce, while advancing the ability of the U. S. private sector to protect its employees, assets, and proprietary information.

The DSAC is in a unique position to speak on behalf of the private sector because the DSAC members are the highest ranking security executives of the member companies, who directly report to the leaders of their organizations.

Threat Mitigation

The FBI has been able to mitigate a number of fraud matters by sharing identified threat data amongst financial sector partners. The FBI participates in other activities with the private sector, like the FS-ISAC. A good example of this cooperation is the FBI’s identification of a bank fraud trend in which U. S. banks were unaware that they were being defrauded by businesses in another country. As a result of FBI intelligence analysis, a joint FBI/FS-ISAC document was drafted and sent to the FS-ISAC’s membership, alerting them to these crimes and providing recommendations on how to protect themselves from falling victim to the same scheme.

Another recent success was the combined efforts of the FBI, DOJ, and industry subject matter experts to takedown the “Coreflood” botnet. This botnet infected user computers and transferred banking credentials and other sensitive information to the botnet’s command-and control services. This botnet infected millions of computers and the criminals used the stolen information to steal millions of dollars from unsuspecting consumers. In this instance, government and private industry worked together to provide an innovative response to a cyber threat. Not only was the Coreflood botnet shut down through a temporary restraining order, the government was authorized to respond to signals sent from infected computers in the U. S. in order to stop the Coreflood software from running. This prevented further harm to hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting users of infected computers in the U. S.


As the subcommittee knows, we face significant challenges in our efforts to combat cyber crime. In the current technological environment, there are growing avenues for cyber crimes against the U. S. financial infrastructure and consumers. Modifications to business and financial institution security and risk management practices will directly affect the future of these types of crimes, and the adoption of best practices may be negated by the lack of security-conscious behavior by customers.

Malicious cyber incidents are costly and inconvenient to financial institutions and their customers, and although most businesses take action to recover quickly, limit impact to customers, and ensure long-term operational viability, the increasing sophistication of cyber criminals will no doubt lead to an escalation in cyber crime.

To bolster the efforts of the FBI against these cyber criminals, we will continue to share information with government agencies and private industry consistent with applicable laws and policies. We will continue to engage in strategy discussions with other government agencies and the private sector to ensure that cyber threats are countered swiftly and efficiently. We will also continue to explore innovation methods of mitigating the threats posed by cyber crime. We look forward to working with the subcommittee and Congress as a whole to determine a successful course forward.

Using TSP to Architect a New Trading System

This post is the second installment in a two-part series describing our recent engagement with Bursatec to create a reliable and fast new trading system for Groupo Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV, the Mexican Stock Exchange). This project combined elements of the SEI's Architecture Centric Engineering (ACE) method, which requires effective use of software architecture to guide system development, with its Team Software Process (TSP). which is a team-centric approach to developing software that enables organizations to better plan and measure their work and improve software development productivity to gain greater confidence in quality and cost estimates. The first post examined how ACE was applied within the context of TSP. This posting focuses on the development of the system architecture for Bursatec within the TSP framework.


From a TSP perspective, the project faced several challenges. First, the few developers who had worked on the existing system had either moved into management or possessed technical skills that were out-of-date with modern development technologies. Second, the remaining developers, while competent, did not have experience in building the type of system that Bursatec needed. Another challenge was that several executives within the organization were in favor of outsourcing the work.

Our Approach

In the Bursatec project, we initially followed the standard TSP implementation approach, which emphasizes the importance of initially securing senior management commitment. This commitment is typically established via a TSP Executive Strategy Seminar. which covers the key practices and principles of TSP from a senior management perspective. Although Bursatec is a large organization, with several layers of checks and balances befitting a national stock market, the organization itself was very open, which allowed for streamlined communication between senior managers and the engineering team.

In this open environment, the director at Bursatec, as well as his boss--who was president of the Mexican Stock Exchange--participated in the executive training. The executive training included an overview of rational management, the idea that management decisions should be made based on objective facts and data. and why this type of management is required to maintain successful TSP teams. We then trained the team leader of the project, as well as several other peers and senior developers at Bursatec in the basics of day-to-day management of TSP teams.

We next trained the entire Bursatec development team--including the architects and team leader--in the fundamentals of the Personal Software Process (PSP). which teaches individual software engineers how to plan and manage high-quality software development work. The team would go on to apply the PSP concepts in a project, team-based environment. In an unusual development, the Bursatec director attended this class and also authored several programs using PSP methods, which he did as well as any of the developers. Having such a senior manager there--not just in the class but using the methods--sent the strong message that this was how "we" would be working going forward.

After completing the PSP training, we conducted a Quality Attribute Workshop. This workshop is an architecture activity where Bursatec stakeholders defined the five most important quality attribute requirements (also known as quality attribute scenarios ) that their new trading system had to fulfill. Not surprisingly, given the importance of speed for the new system, the stakeholders identified runtime performance as chief among the most important quality attribute scenarios.

For the Bursatec developers, one benefit of defining quality attributes is that the practice placed significant emphasis on ensuring that the attributes be measurable. For example, the performance attribute was measured in two ways: the time for individual transactions (how fast each one was processed) and the throughput (how many transactions per second on an ongoing basis). In this context there is perfect harmony between what the ACE approach asks architects to do and what the TSP approach demands of developers. TSP teams receive fairly general direction for eliciting and capturing such quality attributes, the understanding of which often drives a project's structure in addition to the structure of the developed product. With the Bursatec project, the ACE methods provided clear, specific direction on the early lifecycle issues that TSP normally leaves to local practice. Later in the project, TSP drove a disciplined implementation of the architecture that might otherwise have eluded developers.

The TSP Launch

Immediately after the conclusion of the Quality Attribute Workshop, we conducted the TSP launch. which is a series of nine meetings held during the course of four days in which the team reaches a common understanding of the work and the approach that it will take and produces a detailed plan to guide its work. The TSP launch includes producing the necessary planning artifacts (such as goals, roles, estimates, task plan, milestones, quality plan, and risk mitigation plan) that brought together a team of 14 members, including the team leader. Our goal was to plan the architecture activities in the context of supporting Bursatec and their existing time and budget constraints.

During the launch, about half of the team focused on the architecture, including several people who were brought in as domain experts. These individuals were experts at interpreting the functional requirements and ensuring that the developers met them. For example, one individual had expertise in the Mexican Stock Exchange while another domain expert had extensive experience in the options and futures markets, specifically how those instruments are traded in Mexican markets.

The other half of the team, seven developers, focused on two important needs for the system: high - speed communication and a testing framework. To successfully develop the system in the timeframe needed for Bursatec, it was critical that the system be tested automatically rather than manually. Testing (including regression testing to ensure that no other aspects of the system are compromised) of new functionality on the current system takes as much as a month and is performed manually. This testing motivates a quality attribute scenario for rapid testability of most new functions within a day, which leads naturally to an architecture that supports automated testing.

The Bursatec developers then implemented the system's underlying infrastructure based on an early version of the system architecture, while the architects elaborated their work based in part on the early developer work that supported a decision to purchase a particular commercial package for high-speed communication. This version of the architecture was subject to an Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) review that ensured the quality attribute scenarios captured in the QAW were still the right ones, and that the proposed architecture addressed those scenarios.

After the initial architecture iterations and the ATAM, the architects and other developers worked as a single, integrated team, removing the potential issues that sometimes arise when software architects throw their artifacts "over the wall " to developers. The architects dealt with issues and revised the architecture as necessary while shouldering a normal development workload. The team named role managers--a TSP concept--to focus on issues surrounding performance and garbage collection, two implementation issues critical to the success of the new trading system.

Measurable Results

While TSP can be used to manage all aspects of the software development phase, from requirements elicitation to implementation and testing, this is the first time that the approach has been applied to ACE technologies. The combination of these approaches offered Bursatec architects and developers a disciplined method for developing the software for their new trading engine. Through 6 major development cycles including 14 or so iterations over 21 months, the overall team developed over 200,000 lines of code, spending about 12 percent of their effort after the Quality Attribute Workshop on architecture and approximately 14.5 percent of effort in unit testing, performance testing, and integration testing.

In contrast, the SEI would normally expect almost twice as much testing effort at this point in development, with potentially much more in system testing to push the overall total close to or beyond the 50-percent mark--an unfortunately realistic expectation in our industry. As of October 2011, system testing at Bursatec proceeds on schedule with a very low defect count (unusual in our experience), and the system is on target for deployment beginning in early 2012. Due to the early investment in architecture and a detailed, data-driven approach to managing both their schedule and their quality, less testing was required throughout system development.

Another benefit of combining TSP with ACE is that the team of Bursatec developers was prepared for inevitable changes in the architecture requirements, indeed in changes of any sort over the 21 months of development. When the team received new requirements, it could evaluate them quickly for technical impact and implementation cost in terms of time and effort. With the quality attributes formally captured, the architecture in place, and detailed development plans at every step, a project with enormous risk potential in both technical and business terms ran on-time, within budget, and generally without the drama that large development efforts often exhibit.

Additional Resources:

To read the SEI technical report, Team Software Process (TSP) Body of Knowledge (BOK), please visit

For more information about the SEI's work in Architecture Centric Engineering (ACE), please visit

For more information about the SEI's work in the Team Software Process (TSP), please visit

To read the SEI technical report, Combining Architecture-Centric Engineering with the Team Software Process, please visit

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