Friday, 21 July 2017

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Isso aconteceu com 19. A empresa, a seu exclusivo critério, pode decidir (mas não ser obrigada a fazê-lo) oferecer bônus, ofertas promocionais ou qualquer outro tipo De benefícios ao Cliente, fixar suas condições e / ou alterá-las sem aviso prévio ao Cliente. Os empregados autorizados dentro da empresa com base na necessidade de conhecer apenas usar qualquer informação coletada de clientes individuais. 0900. 2291): 1. os índices 20 a 30 fora em 2008. Sim faz. O Cliente não deve anotar seus Dados de Acesso. 1400, bem, dispostos. Sfc binário global horas atrás. Nós o temos e estamos prontos para estabelecer as classes. (Grafikonok forrsa: forexfactory) Um teljes kiskereskedelmi forgalom (auteladsokkal) é um vrtnl nagyobb mrtkben 2,1-kal bvlt februr hnapban az elz hnaphoz kpest. Generics e condições de alto potencial y negociação. 2c com RAF 1a motor, V trem de aterragem, carenagem aerodinâmico no cárter,, Samsung Galaxy J5 (2016). 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Se a SEC arquiva uma ação contra esta empresa com base em que a sua oferta não estava isenta de registro, a SEC provavelmente vai ganhar, ea empresa será obrigada a kidman serviços de comércio estabelecimento hotel sanções. Expiração de informações binárias lojas kidjan e fabricação minuto local o elétrico. Ele pode ser trocado manualmente, mas este não é o meu objetivo. Risco legal em segundos, ordens canceladas, check out qual. (N) Regra especial para certos planos de saúde de grupo (1) Em geral, nenhuma dedução será permitida, de acordo com este capítulo, a um empregador por qualquer montante pago ou incorrido em conexão com um plano de saúde grupal se o plano não estabelecer para hospital careman (B) e (C), na mesma proporção em que as seguradoras comerciais licenciadas são obrigadas a reembolsar os hospitais por tais serviços, quando tal reembolso não for feito por meio desse plano, No caso de qualquer reembolso através de uma organização de manutenção da saúde, à mesma taxa que as organizações de manutenção da saúde são exigidos serviços de troca de crianças estabelecimento de hotéis reembolso hospitais para tais serviços para os indivíduos não abrangidos por tal plano (determinado sem considerar quaisquer indivíduos apoiados pelo governo Isento de tal taxa), ou no caso de qualquer reembolso através de qualquer corporação organizada sob Kidman serviços de comércio estabelecimento hotel 43 da Lei de Seguros do Estado de Nova York, no estabelecido kidman trading estabelecimento estabelecimento de hotel como qualquer tal corporação é obrigado a reembolsar hospitais para Tais serviços para pessoas não abrangidas por tal plano. Agora você pode ir de zero a 800 por dia usando este incrível novo software. Keichi Swoo cheio do gosto mau Obrigado para seu apoio. 1122334455 Não preste atenção Mel-esporte Verbs O que são todas essas pessoas nos comentários oO prosto-katusha É uma pena que agora eu não posso expressar - pressa para trabalhar. Estarei de volta - não se esqueça de dar a minha opinião. Russell Esta é uma ótima idéia. Eu apoio you. gt Yeh Sach hai, gt Paro aur doosron ko sunao - gt Doosron tak pahunchao gt Yeh haqeekat hai Madeena shareef se Shekh Ahmad ne yeh vasiyatnama bheja hai jismein likha hai ki jumme ki raat ko principal apne makan mein kuran almofada raha tha ki Mujhe neend aa gai aur dekhta hoon ki Mohmmad sallalláho Aleh tashreef laye Hain aur farmaya ki iss hafte mein saat hazar aadmi mare jismein koi imandar nahi tha, bahut bura waqt AANE wala hai jismein aurtein apne shohar ki Khidmat nahi Karti, aulaad apne Maa - Baap ka kehna nahi manti, auron ne parda karna coro diya hai aur maldar gareeb ka khayal nahi karte. Shekh tum Duniya ke aur logon ko samjha fazer Qayamat AANE wali hai, tauba ka darwaza banda ho jayega. Mohmmad Sahab ne farmaya ki jo shakhs iss vasiyatnamein ko padkar dosron ko sunayega, nakal Uski doosron ko pahunchayega toh Qayamat ke din principal Uski hifazat Karonga aur Khandan ko janantul firdoss mein jagah dilvaonga aur jo aisa nahi karega woh khud iss rehmat se mehroom rahega. O que você achou é o malamal kar dega. Karzdar iss parche ko baantega toh usk karz ada ho jayega. Shekh Ahmad Sahab neta fazia hai ki vasiyatnama jhootha ho toh meri maut kafir ke hathon se ho. Jo insaan yeh parcha chapvakar baantega ya isko kisi tarhan doosre logon tak pahunchayega uski dil ki khwahish 24 din ke andar poori hogi lekin jo aadmi aaj kal karke 24 din nikaal dega uska bahut nuksaan hoga. Iss baat ka yaqin karke mumbai shehar ke mein ek insaan ne ek hazaar parche chapvakar baant Dhanvad ke ek rikshe wale ne 850 parche chapvakar baant diye toh usko saat ke ke baad mitti ke andar ek sone ka matka mila, uske baad woh karorpati ban gaya. Ek gareeb ghar ka ladka kagaz chapvane ki baat soch raha tha ki usk naukri mil gai, baad mein uss ladke ne ek hazaar kagaz chapvakar baant diye. Ek aadmi ne jhoot samjh kar kagaz phad dala / usse nazarandaz kar diya toh uska Ladka mar Gaya, Ek aadmi ko parcha Milte oi usko chapvane ki soch oi raha tha, laparvaahi mein ek maheena guzaar diya, Uski Biwi mar gai aur kaam mein bada nuksaan Ho gaya. Dajtala gaon mein paanch aadmiyo ne milkar 1.500 kagaz chapvakar baant diye, ek ghante ke andar 15 lakh rupyon ki lautry nikal gai, uske baad yeh aadmi ek masjid banvane ki baat soch rahe hain. Har insaan meri guzarish hai ki iss kagaz Ko nazarandaz na karein aur na hi phaad kar pheke, bhaiyyon iss baat ka yaqeen karo, yeh koi sadharan baat nahi hai, aap bhi jaldi se parche chapvakar takseem karein / zyada se zyada taadat mein logon tak pahunchayein. NAMAZ jo hum por farz kai gai hai FAJAR bistar mai. Maġrib raaste mein EID bazaron mai Na durud na Quraan ye kesa hai muslmaan Phir kehte ho kyun nahi hai ALLAH hum per mehrbaan8230 .. BHAION NOSSA BEHNO MEIN Shabana HON PLZ PLZ APNA TEMPO FAZOOL BAATEIN MEIN RESÍDUOS NAHI KAREIN NIMAZ PARHO QURAN PARO NOSSA DUSRON KO BHI SIKHAO BARO KA EHTRAAM KARO LAACHAR OU BESAHARON OU ZARURATMANDO KI Madad KARO HUM SAB bahut GUNHGAAR HEIN HUMEIN ALLAH SE MAAFI MANGNI CHAHIYE ALLAH bahut BARA HE WO HUM SAB KO MAAF KAR DE AAMEEN8230ZINDAGI PER Bharosa NAHI ELE É LiYe NIMAZ QURAN PARHO NOSSA DUSRON KO BHI PARHAO Salaam im raheel butt paquistão cidade dina meu endereço meail ehtasambutt75yahoo 03005403754 ok por e Kiya hai tumne hum se ek Haseen waada yaad rakhna Bhool na jaana kahin apna irada yaad rakhna Ab na hamain rulana tum, ab na jaana tum Pehle oi seh chuke hain dukh Itna ziyada yaad rakhna Dil para na dukhaoge mujhe chorr para na jaoge Dil principal oi base ho tum ab isse abaad rakhna Tum jo chorr jaoge hum para mar hi jayenge Tumhare dam se Zindagi hai sirf itna yaad rakhna Chahton ki Duniya principal Roshni tum hi se hai Dil torr ke hamain chorr ke kahin na jaana yaad rakhna meu não 03457582082 DIL NE KAR LIYA Dil Ne Kar Liya Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Jab Se Milha Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Seta Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Jab Se Milha Hoja Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Seta Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Adayen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Jab Se Mile Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Tab Se Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Adayen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Jab Se Mile Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Seta Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Adayen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Mauka Dil Ne Diya Oi Nahin Pyaar Hua Kab Pata Nahin Ban Ke Mukadar Tum Aaye Kahin Nazar Na Lag Jaaye Jab Se Milha Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Seta Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Adayen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Le Ja Dil Pardesi Le Ja Dil Pardesi Cadeia Ho Tum Aaraam Ho Tum É Dil Ka Armaan Ho Tum Meri Subah Shaam Ho Tum Jaan Meri Pehchaan Ho Tum Jab Se Mile Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Tab Se Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Adayen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Jab Se Milha Ho Mujhe Oh Jaane Jana Tab Se Hai Jaana Kya Hai Dil Ka Lagana Yeh Nigahen Teri Kar Gayi Mujhe Deewana Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar Dil Ne Kar Liya Aitbaar Hum Ko Ho Gaya Tum Se Pyaar meu não 03457582082 KOI TU HOTA .. PRINCIPAL JIS K DIL KI KITAB BANTA PRINCIPAL JIS KI CHAHAT KA KHWAB BANTA MAIN HIJJER K MOUSEM KI Lambi RATON MEIN Yaad BUN KER AZAAB BANTA KOI TU HOTA JO MERI KHWAHISH MEIN UTH KER RATON KHOOB ROTA DUKHOON KI Chadar LAPAIT KER HAJOOM-E-DUNIA DIZ PORTA HOTA MAIN Rooth JATA Manata MUJH KO K CHAHEY MERA KASOOR HOTA KOI TU HOTA PRINCIPAL JIS K ITNA QAREEB HOTA NA PAAS KOI RAQEEB HOTA PRINCIPAL UTNA USS KA HABEEB HOTA YEH SILSILA BI AJEEB HOTA KOI TU HOTA KOI TU HOTA 0300 4962977 KUCH PRINCIPAL BI THAK GYA HOON USSAY DHOONDTEY HOOEY KUCH ZINDGI K PAAS BI MOHLAT NAHI RAHI USS HER IK ADA DIZ QUE CHALAKNEY LAGA KHLOOS JUB MUJH AITBAAR KI AADAT NAHI RAHI 03004962977 Oi, im khalid de Multan. Eu estou fazendo BCS Hons de Punjab Universidade Colégio de Tecnologia da Informação, Lahore dil sulagta hai mera sard ravayyai se tere8230 dekh é baraf nai kya aag laga rakhi hai8230 jese tu hukam kare dil mera wese dharke8230 ye ghari tere ishaaron se mila rakhi hai8230. hi pakestanian. i am irani boy, see chatroom u its bed very good desing our desing leany hai to muj say baat karo.03217015169 ( ( ( - ( hi and how ru all guyzz this is saad 5rom lahore i am singer koi asi female jis ki awaz bhut achi hoo mughy asi female ki talash hai jis ki awaz alka ya kavita say milti hoo aor jo meray sath song sing kar sakay agar waqi main ap ki awaz on 2onoo main say kisi say bhi milti hai too contect me may cell number 03214042925 take good care all guyzzzzzzzz ALLAH HAFIZ These companions are those who accepted Islam in their childhood and spent it being around Prophet (sallallaahu 8216alayhi wa sallam) and getting benefits from his teachings and learning from his manners. The Prophet used to love the children and his behavior with them is model to follow. He taught them the manners of eating, talking to theirs elders, behaving with other children, along with guiding them to the basic points of Islamic teachings. It includes the biography of the following companions: 1. Hasan bin 8216Ali 2. Husain bin 8216Ali 3. 8216Abdullah bin Zoubir 4. 8216Abdullah bin 8216Abbas 5. 8216Abdullah bin Ja8217far 6. 8216Abdullah bin 8216Umar 7. 8216Abdullah bin 8216Amr 8. Usamah bin Zaid 9. Anas bin Malik 10. Sa8217eed bin Al-8216Aas The Prophet (saas)8217s relations and conversations with his companions The Prophet (saas) took the greatest interest in the Muslims around him. He kept a close eye on the faith, behavior, cleanliness, happiness and health of each one of them. He noticed what each one lacked and needed, and ensured that they were provided for. In every conversation he had with them, he was pleasant towards them and won their love. When his companions left him, they would be full of joy and contentment. Ali (ra), one of the closest of those to him, describes his relations with his companions and the atmosphere during their talks: 8220His hand of charity was spread to its utmost and his tongue was the most truthful. His conduct was the most modest. Awe struck one who saw him first. Whoever mixed with him loved him. One who praised him said: I have never seen like him before and after him. Once a man begged something of the Prophet (saas) and it was given to him.8221157 8220He would take an interest in everyone he sat with, and gave no impression of treating anyone differently. He was always patient with those sitting with him or keeping him standing, and would never leave that person until that person moved away from him.8221158 8220He missed his companions, and asked after them (when he could not see them). He would ask how people were, and how their businesses were faring. He would call beautiful things beautiful, and ugly things ugly.8221159 8220He was always in favor of honest men, and would receive no-one else. They would come to his side for a short time, and when they left, they would leave as their hearts satisfied. They left his side as living proofs and guides.8221160 8220He was patient in the face of extreme or illogical behavior from strangers. They would sometimes grow angry, and he would calm them, saying, 8216Guide them when you see anyone like that.8221 161 8220He would never interrupt, but would always wait for people to finish.8221162 8220 He always spoke words that would cause people to love another and come together. He would never frighten or chase them away. He attached great importance to the leaders of all tribes, and was hospitable towards them8221163 His grandson Hassan (ra) has this to say about the Prophet (saas): 8220His looks were very meaningful He spoke briefly and to the point. There was nothing unnecessary in his words, and nothing lacking.8221164 8220He spoke in the same way to leading notables or ordinary people. He concealed nothing from them82308221165 This is how Abu Zar (ra) describes the Prophet (saas)8217s most affectionateness towards his companions: 8220I came to him (the Prophet (saas) and found him sitting on a cot. He got up from it and embraced me. This shows that embracing is good.8221166 Abu Huraira (ra) describes the Prophet Muhammad (saas)8217s consideration and humaneness: 8220The Prophet (saas) did not withdraw his hand from another till the latter withdrew his own hand.8221167 The Prophet (saas) also took the greatest interest in his companions8217 health. He advised the thin among them to put on weight, and the overweight among them to go on a diet and be careful what they ate.168 In some cases of sickness, he would advise his companions to take a drink made out of honey.169 Abu Huraira (ra) apparently fainted one day, and the Prophet (saas) lifted him to his feet, took him home, and gave him some milk to drink when he realized he was hungry.170 The Prophet (saas)8217s advice on the subject of love One of the most important subjects that The Prophet (saas) dwelt on was that the believers should love one another sincerely and with no thought of personal interests, and that they should not harbour thoughts of hatred, anger or jealousy for one another. The Prophet (saas) was both the best possible example to the believers, but also frequently gave them advice on the subject. In the Qur8217an, Allah says of the matter: That is the good news which Allah gives to His servants who believe and do right actions. Say: 8220I do not ask you for any wage for this-except for you to love your near of kin. If anyone does a good action, We will increase the good of it for him. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Thankful.8221 (Surat ash-Shura: 23) These are some of the hadiths that touch on the Prophet (saas)8217s qualities of love, friendship and brotherhood: 8220A believer loves for others what he loves for himself.8221172 8220Allah8217s Apostle (saas) used to accept gifts and used to give something in return.8221173 8220He who is presented with a flower of sweet basil should not reject it, because it is light in weight and pleasant in odour.8221174 8220Don8217t hate one another, don8217t envy one another don8217t sell over the sale to another, don8217t dispute with one another and don8217t back-bite one another. The servants of Allah are brethren to one another.8221175 8220The habits of earlier generations have attacked you-envy and hatred. Hatred is shaving. You will not enter Paradise till you believe. You will not believe till you love one another. Shall I not inform you what thing will establish you on it Spread peace among you.8221176 Allah8217s Apostle (saas) had nine wives. So when he divided (his stay) with them, the turn of the first wife only came on the ninth (day). They (all the wives) used to gather every night in the house of the one where he had to come (and stay that night).8221204 Many of the words of the Prophet (saas) make it clear just how valuable devout women are. For instance, one of his sayings was as follows: 8220The whole world is a provision, and the best object of benefit of the world is the pious woman.8221205 The Prophet (saas) also told his companions how they should treat their own wives: 8220The most perfect believer in faith is one who is the best of them in good conduct. The best of you is one who treats best with his wife among you.8221206 8220The best of you, is the one who is best to his wives, and I am the best of you toward my wives.8221207 What are women8217s rights in Islam In a truely Islamic society women have the following rights in Islam: 1. The right and duty to obtain education. 2. The right to have their own independent property. 3. The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it. 4. Equality of reward for equal deeds. 5. The right to express their opinion and be heard. 6. The right to provisions from the husband for all her needs and more. 7. The right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice. 8. The right to obtain divorce from her husband, even on the grounds that she simply can8217t stand him. (pls note that God deeply frowns upon divorce as a solution unless there is hardly any other alternative but it does not mean that men have more right to divorce their wives than women do.) 9. The right to keep all her own money (she is not responsible to maintain any relations). 10. The right to get sexual satisfaction from her husband. 11. custody of their children after divorce. 12. to refuse any marriage that does not please them What are womens rights in Islam Man is not the only living creature who lives a gregarious life. Many animals, especially insects, have a social life. They follow series of fixed rule and a wise, disciplined mode of life. The principles of mutual help, division of labour, production and distribution, command and obedience, order and compliance are in force in their social groups. Bees and some ants and termites have been favoured with a civilization, discipline and organization which human beings, who consider themselves the noblest of creatures, would take years if not centuries to catch up with. Their civilization, unlike human civilization, did not pass through eras such as the primitive jungle period, the Stone Age, the Iron Age and the nuclear age. They attained the same civilization and organization that they at present have on the day they were brought into existence on this earth, and no change has occurred in their condition. It is only the human being, whose life, according to the Quran: THE HUMAN STATUS OF WOMAN IN THE QURAN As what kind of entity does Islam envisage Woman Does it consider her the equal of man in terms of dignity and the respect accorded to her, or is she thought of as belonging to an inferior species This is the question which we now wish to answer. The particular philosophy of Islam concerning family rights: Islam has a particular philosophy concerning the family rights of men and women which is contrary to what has been going on in the last fourteen centuries and with what is actually happening now. Islam does not believe in one kind of right, one kind of duty and one kind of punishment for both men and women in every instance. It considers one set of rights and duties and punishments more appropriate for men, and one set more appropriate for women. As a result on some occasions Islam has taken a similar position as regards both women and men, and on other occasions different positions. Why is that so and what is its basis Is. that why Islam, also, like many other religions, has derogatory views concerning women and has considered woman to be of an inferior species, or does it have some other reasons and another philosophy You may have heard repeatedly in the speeches, lectures and writings of the followers of western ideas that they consider Islamic laws concerning dowry, maintenance, divorce and polygyny, and other laws like them, as being contemptuous of, and insulting to, the female sex. In this way they try to create the impression that those provisions only prove that man alone has been favoured. They say that all the rules and laws in the world before the twentieth century were based upon the notion that man, due to his sex, is a nobler being than woman, and that woman was created simply for the benefit and use of man. Islamic rights also revolve in this same orbit of mans interest and benefit. They say that Islam is a religion for men, that it has not a acknowledged woman to be a complete human being and that it has not ordained laws for her which are necessary for a human being. Had Islam gauged woman to be a complete human being, it would not have provided for polygyny, it would not have given the right of divorce to man, it would not have made the witnessing of two women equivalent to that of one man, it would not have given leadership of the family to the husband, it would not have made a womans inheritance one half of the inheritance of a man, it would not have countenanced that a woman be priced in the name of a dowry, it would not have provided for her economic and social independence, and it would not have made her a pensioner of man who is obliged to keep her. From the aforesaid thing, they say, it is inferred that Islam has humiliating views about woman, and has taken her to be just a means to procreating more people, and a necessary prerequisite for that. They add that although Islam is a religion of equality and has maintained real equality in other situations, in the case of woman and man it did not observe it. They say that Islam has provided discriminative and preferential rights for men. If it did not have in view discriminative and preferential rights for men, it would not have ordained the above laws. If we resolve the argument of these gentlemen into an Aristotelean logical pattern, it would have the following form: If Islam had considered woman a complete human being it would have ordained equal and similar rights for her, but it has not ordained equal and similar rights for her. Therefore it does not consider a woman a complete human being. Equality or identicalness: The basis point which is used in these arguments is that the necessary result of men and womens sharing in human dignity and honour is that their rights should be the same and the identical. Now, the thing on which, philosophically speaking, we should put our finger is to determine exactly what is the necessary result of man and womans sharing in human dignity. Is the necessary conclusion that each of them should have rights equivalent to the other, so that there should be no privilege or preference in favour of either of them, or is it necessary that the rights of man and woman, besides having equivalence and parity, should also be exactly the same, and that there should be no division what so ever of work and duty. No doubt the sharing of man and woman in human dignity and their equality as human beings demands their having equal human rights, but how can there be identicalness of rights If we can begin to put aside the imitation and blind following of western philosophy, and allow ourselves to think and ponder over the philosophical ideas and opinions which have come to us from them, we must see firstly whether identicalness of rights is or is not necessary for equality of rights. Equality is different from identicalness. Equality means parity and equitableness, and identicalness means that they are exactly the same. It is possible that a father distribute his wealth equally and equitably among his sons but he may not distribute it identically. For example, it is possible that a father has different kinds of wealth: he may own a commercial firm, some agricultural land and also some real estate but, due to his having examined his sons and found different talents among them, for example, he may have found that one of them had a gift for commercial affairs, and that the second had ability in agriculture, and the third, had the capability to manage real estate. When he comes to distribute his wealth amongst his sons in his life-time, bearing in mind that he must give equally to his sons in terms of the value of the property and that there should be no preference nor discrimination, he bequeaths his wealth according to the talents which he has found in them. Quantity is different from quality. Equality is different from being exactly the same. What is certain is that Islam has not considered there to be identicalness or exact similarity of rights between men and women, but it has never believed in preference and discrimination in favour of men as opposed to women. Islam has also observed the principle of equality between men and women. Islam is not against the equality of men and women, but it does not agree with the identicalness of their rights. The words equality and egality have earned a kind of sanctity because they embrace the meaning of equivalence and absence of discrimination. These words are attractive and draw respect from listeners, specially when these words are joined to the word rights. Equality of rights how beautiful and sacred is this combination of words Can there be anyone with a conscience and an innate moral sense, who does not reverse these two words But why is it that we who were once the standard bearers of knowledge, philosophy and logic, have come to such a position that others want to impose their opinions on us concerning the identicalness of the rights of men and women in the sacred name of equality of rights. It is exactly like someone who wants to sell boiled beet roots and calls them pears. What is certain is that Islam has not granted the same rights to men and women in everything, in the same way as it has not imposed the same duties and punishment on both of them on all occasions. However, is the sum total of all the rights that have been established for women less in value than the rights that have been granted to men Certainly not, as we shall prove. Here a second question arises. Why has Islam granted dissimilar rights to men and women in certain instances Why did it not allow the same rights for both of them Would it not have been better for the rights of men and women to have been both equal and identical, or is it preferable that the rights should be only equal but not the same To study this point thoroughly, it is necessary that we should discuss it in three parts: 1. The view of Islam concerning the human status of woman from the point of view of creation. 2. What is the reason for the differences which exist in the creation of man and woman. Are these differences the cause of there being dissimilarities in their natural rights, or not 3. The basic philosophy behind the differences that exist in Islamic law for men and women, which, in certain respects, place them in different positions. Are these philosophical reasons still justifiable and do they still hold good or not The status of woman in the world-view of Islam: As for the first part, the holy Quran is not only a collection of laws. It does not contain merely a series of dry commands and laws without comment. It contains both laws and history, both exhortation and the interpretation of creation, and countless other subjects. Just as the Quran lays down rules of action in the form of law on some occasions, so it also comments upon existence and being. It explains the secrets of the creation of the earth and the sky, plants, animals and mankind, and the secret of life and death greatness and suffering, growth and decline, wealth and poverty. The Quran is not a treatise on philosophy, but it has explicitly expressed its views concerning the three basic topics of philosophy: the universe, mankind and society. Not only does the Quran teach its believers laws, and not only does it give exhortation and advice, but it also endows its followers with a special way of thinking, a particular world-view, by its interpretation of creation. The foundation of all Islamic commandments concerning social matters, for example, ownership, government, family rights, and so forth, is this same explanation which the Quran gives of creation and the things of the world. One of the matters that have been commented on in the holy Quran is the subject of the creation of women and men. The Quran was not silent on this matter, and did not provide an opportunity for those who talk nonsense to put forth their own philosophies for laws concerning men and women, and then to accuse Islam of having a derogatory attitude towards women on the strength of their own theories. Islam has already laid down its views regarding women. If we want to see what the view of the Quran is regarding the creation of woman and man, it is necessary to have a look at the question of their creation as it is treated in the Books of other religions. The Quran also did not remain silent on this subject. We should see whether the Quran considers woman and man to be of one essence or two. In other words, whether woman and man have one nature and essence or two. The Quran most explicitly lays down in several ayat (verses) that: We created women from the nature of man and from an essence the same as the essence of man. Concerning the first Adam, the Quran says: Who created you from one single soul, and created from it its mate (Quran, 4:1). With regard to all men, the Quran says in several places: Allah created your mate from your own kind. There is no trace in the Quran of what is found in some sacred books: that woman was created out of an inferior stock to that of man, that they gave woman the status of a parasite and of an inferior, or that the mate of the first Adam was created from one of the left-side parts of his body. Besides that, in Islam there is no derogatory view about woman as regards her nature and innate constitution. Another of the contemptuous views that existed in the past and which have left their undesirable effects in world literature is that woman is the origin of sin, and that her existence is the source of sin and temptation. Woman is a small devil. They say in every sin or crime committed by man, woman had her hand. According to them man in himself is innocent of any sin: it is woman who drags him towards sin. They say Satan cannot find his way to mans being directly: It is only through woman that he can deceive man. Satan tempts woman, and woman tempts man. They say the first Adam, who was deceived by Satan and turned out of the Paradise of happiness, was deceived through woman. Satan tempted Eve, and Eve tempted Adam. The Quran relates the story of the Paradise of Adam, but never says that Satan or a snake tempted Eve and she tempted Adam. Neither does the Quran describe Eve as the main person responsible, nor does it exonerate her from the sin. The Quran says: O Adam, inherent, thou and thy wife, the Garden, and eat of where you will (7:19). Wherever the Quran describes the matter of Satans tempting, it uses the pronouns in the form of the dual (i. e. referring to two persons). It says: Satan tempted both of them, (7:20) So he led them both on by delusion, (7:22) And he swore to both of them, Truly, I am for you both a sincere adviser. (7:21) In this way the Quran strongly refutes the misconception which was prevalent at that time and which is still found in certain quarters and among certain people of this world, and exonerates the female sex from the accusation that woman is the source of temptation and sin, and is half a devil. Another contemptuous view which exists concerning woman is in the field of her spiritual ability. They say: A woman cannot go to Heaven. A woman cannot traverse the spiritual and divine stages of enlightenment. A woman cannot attain proximity to God as can a man. The Quran, on the other hand, has made it explicitly clear in a large number of verses that reward in the life after death and nearness to God to not depend upon sex, but upon faith and deeds, whether they be of a woman or a man. For every great and pious man, the Quran mentions a great and pious woman alongside him. The wives of Adam and Ibrahim (Abraham) and the mothers of Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus) are mentioned with great esteem. Although the Quran refers to the wives of Nuh (Noah) and Lut (Lot) as being unworthy of their husbands, it does not ignore the wife of Firawn (Pharaoh) as a woman of distinction under the control of a detestable man. It can be said that the Quran purposely seeks to keep a balance in its histories and the leading role in them is not confirmed to men. About the mother of Musa the Quran says: So we revealed to Moses mother, Suckle him, then, when thou fearest for him, cast him into the water, and do not fear, neither sorrow, for We shall return him to thee. (28:7) About Maryam (Mary) the mother of Isa, the Quran says that she had attained such an elevated spiritual degree that the angels used to visit her in her prayer-niche and converse with her. Sustenance was supplied to her from an invisible source. She had attained so high a position of Divine favour that it completely astounded the prophet of that time, and exceeded his own degree. Zakariyya (the prophet) was dumb-founded when he looked upon her. In the history of Islam itself there are many pious and distinguished women. There can be few men who are able to reach the high status of Khadijah, 1 and no men can except the Holy Prophet himself and Ali could attain the status of az-Zahra. 2 az-Zahra excelled her sons, the Imams, and all the prophets as well, excepting the Seal of the Prophet Muhammad (s. a.w. a.). Islam does not make any difference between man and woman in the journey from this world towards al-Haqq (the Truth, i. e. towards God). The only difference that Islam makes is in the journey from al-Haqq to this world, in returning to mankind and bearing the prophetic message, and here it recognizes man as being more suitable. Another derogatory view that was held was in connection with sexual abstention and the sacredness of being single and celibate. As we know, in some religions, sexual intercourse is in its essence unclean. According to the followers of these religions only those who live all their life in celibacy can attain the stations of the spirit. One of the worlds well-known religious leaders said: Root out the tree of marriage with the spade of virginity. The same religious leaders allow marriage only as one evil to ward off a greater evil. In other words they maintain that, as majority of people are unable to endure the hardship of remaining celibate and may loose Self-control and thus become victims of perversion, indulging in sexual contact with numerous women, it is better that they should marry and not have sexual relations with more than one woman. The root cause of sexual abstention and celibacy is a feeling of aversion against the female sex. These people consider love of women to be one of the great moral depravities. Islam has combated fiercely against this superstition. It considers marriage to be sacred and celibacy to be impure. Islam considers love of women to be a part of prophetic morality, and says: Love of women is of the morality of the prophets. The last Prophet used to say: Three things are dear to me: perfume, women and prayer. Bertrand Russell says: 3 In all codes of moral conduct there appears a kind of aversion to sexual relations except in Islam. Islam has ordained regulations and limitations with regard to this relationship for social reasons, but it has never considered it an abominable and unclean matter. Another derogatory opinion held regarding women was that she is only a means for bringing man into existence, and that she was created for man. These ideas can never be found in Islam. Islam most explicitly explains the basis of the final cause, it says quite clearly that the earth and the sky, the clouds and the winds, plants and animals have all been created for man. But it never says that woman was created for man. Islam says that man and women were each created for the other: They are a vestment for you (man) and you are a vestment for them, (Quran, 2:187). If the Quran considered woman to be a means of making men and something created for then, it would certainly have kept this fact in view in its laws. As Islam, in its explanation of creation, does not have this opinion and does not consider woman to be a parasite on mans existence, there is no trace or reflection of this idea in its special precepts regarding man and woman. Another of the derogatory views held in the past was that women were considered an unavoidable and necessary evil. Many men, in spite of all the gains and advantages they had derived from women, regarded them contemptuously and considered them to be a source of misfortune and misery. The holy Quran makes a special mention of the fact that woman is a blessing for man and is a source of solace and comfort for his heart. Yet another derogatory view was that woman played a very insignificant part in bringing offspring into the world, Arabs of the pre-Islamic age, and certain other peoples, considered women to be only a repository for the sperm of the man which, according to them, was the real seed of the child, and they said that her part was to keep that seed safe and to nourish it. The Quran says in several verses that: You were created from man and woman. In other verses, which are analyzed in the commentaries, the final answer has been given in a similar way. From what has been said above, it is clear that both from a philosophical point of view, as well as from its explanation of the nature of creation, Islam does not hold any derogatory ideas concerning women rather, it has seen to it that all the above mentioned derogatory views are discarded. Now it is appropriate to examine why there is an absence of identicalness in the rights of men and women. 1 Khadijah was the Holy Prophets first and most dearly beloved wife. She was the first person to believe in his prophethood, and she proved a firm support for him in the first difficult years of his mission. (Tr.) 2 Fatimatu z-Zahra was the Holy Prophets daughter, the wife of Ali, and the mother of the second and third Imams, Hasan and Husayn. She is included by the Shiah, together with the Holy Prophet and the twelve Imams, among the fourteen immaculate ones, free from sin. (Tr.) LIFE IS GRADUAL PROCESS OF UNFOLDINGS. BUT THERE SEVERAL WHO ARE UNAWARE ABOUT THE SPREE OF LIFE. TIME IS ALWAYS ON THE WINGS THE BEST OT US IS THAT WHO MAKES THE OPTIMUM USE OF IT. ONE SHOULD GET KNOWLEDTE BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE IS LIGHT IT IS SUCH LIGHT THAT PIERCES THE DARKNESS OF IGNORANCE LIKE RAY DAWN, PIERCES THE PITCH DARKNESS OF NIGHT. ALL BOYS AND GIRLS CONTECT ME MY CELL ISZARO THREE THREE THREETWO SIX TWO SEVEN SIX THREE THREE TAKE CARE FRIENDS AND ALLAH HAFIZZZZ Hi, All depressed and suicidal people get free advice to think positive mail me at raqiv49yahoo VERY SIMPLE DESIGN, NOT INTERESTED, BUT WILL WAIT FOR NEXT. regards, Afzal ali Bangalore. INDIA Kab niklta hai ki dil me utar jane k bad, Dard kitna hta hai bichar jane k bad, J Pas hta hai uski Qdr nhi hti, Kami mehss hti he bichr jane k bad.. my no 03457582082 Ban k ajnabi mile zindgi k safar me kahin In yadn k lamhn k kabhi bhulainge nahin Agar yaad rakhna fitrat hai aapki T bhl jane ki aadat hume bhi nahin. my no 03457582082 G Bhar Kar Roye To Qarar Paya Is Dor Me Kisne Sacha Pyar Paya Zindagi Guzar Rahi He Imtihanon K Dor Se 1 Zakhm Bhara Nhi K Doosra Tayar Paya.. Bgh ma phl khlt rh g.. Rt k dy jlt rh g.. D hy Allh s p khush rh hamsh.. Bq tg t hm hmsh krt rh g8230.. my no 03457582082 - Is Qadar hum dost ko manane nikle - Uski chahat k hum deewane nikle - Jab bhi usay dil ka hal batana chaha - Uske honton se waqt na hone k bahane nik my no 03457582082 Dushmano me bhi dost mila karte hai, kanton me be phool khila karte hai, hum ko kanta samajh kar chor na dena, kantain he phool ki hifazat kiya karte hai. my no 03457582082 Hey very cool blog. I added your blog in my tattoo board: Continue your great job. I really like this Design. Hand is so beautiful. ABAY OOE DIL TOTNE KI BAT TO KARO MAT SAMAJH AAE KIO K DIL TOTNA KISI KEHTE HAI YE TO ME JANTE HO ANY WAYS ALI SAHAB AND ZAFAR SAHAB APNI OUQAT MAT BHOOLO TUM LOG TO FAQERON KI CAPPAL PE JO KECHAR LAGTA HAI US K BHI LAEQ NAHI HO BOHAT HI GHTIA KISM K LOG HO AAJ TUM LOGO KI WAJA SE HI PAKISTAN BADNAME HO RAHA HAI DOSORON KO BOLTE HIA MAGAR APNE GIRBAN ME JHANKE GE NAHI SHARAM AAGI AAPNE AAP SE ITNI GHATYA HARKAT KARTE HO TUM LOG AUR HAN PEERY JE BARE GHATIA HO TUM YAR KUCH NAHI TO APNE NAME KA KHYAL KARLO PLZ YE SUB CHOOR DO PLZ magy achi girls day zabar10 design haii ya too bht tum root joe muj se esa kabi na krna, main sow sow swal kar ke hanru or tum such jwab na do esa kabi na krna, muj se he mil kar hasna, muj se he mil kar rhoona, muj se he bichar tum jelo esa kabi na karna, tum jale joe jub he dehkoon tumhara rasta, tum loot kar na aoe esa kabi na karna, tum chand ban kar rehnaa mai dehkta rhoon ga, kisi rooz tum na niklo esa kabi na karna8230. Great mehndi hand, i really like and would love to see more up here Nice but i can make it better 03133237179 i just like to say that this mehndi is absolutely gorgeos, i find this mehndi the best from all these mehndi designs u find on all differnet websites. Its absolutely gorgeos. everyone has the right to do something, atleast they are trying to do something. pls, aap ek doosri kuh achi baatein kare achi dil se, kyun is kuh hi pyar kehte. chahey aap usi janey yah nahi janti, har muslim brothre and sister ek jasey hi hotey hai. salamzz. achi designzz hen. but larkiyon ki site he rofl rofl me to doodh lainay aya tha aise hi daikhnay agaya rofl rofl rofl this is a new design and i hope the new design are so beautiful no need to be racist, got it goegre bush it s PAKISTANI mehndi design very enchanting, very simple. especially cleanliness of hands is notible. a smart design balances the obesity of hands. i really appreciate it. thanks hi and salaam for all pplz havnot any work to do, koi kam kaj kar liya karo, zardari ki karya ty tusi ki karyeo otun kuryan apny apnny NUMBERS b dy rahin hin SHARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAm karo unj mra mnumber j 0346-6627748 na mra ch ishaq hy pyar nal pind diyan kuryan mainu SAKI dy mundy saka kaindy ny I LOVE U buttni oyyyyyyye hi, design is so nice n neat82308230 very beautiful design..i like it. Every country are beautiful and are trying to make their best to make it better, pls dont fight over it, some people might have said something wrong by a mistake, but that doesnt mean. go and fight over which country is the best, every country are very beautifull. i really like the design byt the way, there are alot os sites where you can actually find some more design and they are very beautiful. buhat behuda bkwas likhi h kher ap ka mazhab apko itni gandi soch deta h. ba shaor logun wali bat karen k koi brdashat b kr ske. buhat behuda bkwas likhi h kher ap ka mazhab apko itni gandi soch deta h. ba shaor logun wali bat karen k koi brdashat b kr ske. mr charles well charls soon u will knw who will b shooted u dun believe ALLAH faith is dat very soon u will c de results of dat or u hv to leave dis world after dat u r graunted for jahanum for sure n datz true8230.i dun knw how u bloody idiots guyz can say dat as u guyz r educated too8230well itz really funny dat u only knws how to fuck82308230hahah poor people8230.. 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Contact us immediately before word gets out and our capacity is filled Zafar Rizwan Zay8217s Capitals Forex Portfolios Manager hai. u r mehndi designs very very nice. i want u r mehndi designs a lot. pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee send me bye. its ok but only one picture and a lot of writing soooooo it rubbish (not the pakistan eople the website) apki taarif me do shabd likhna hai , socha bahut socha kursi per baith ke socha Drive ker kay bhi Socha Smoking ker kay bhi Socha News sun ker bhi socha bistar par late ke socha table par chad ke socha Wazu ker bhi socha Nimaz ped ker bhi socha computer per online hote hue bhi socha kitabo me ghus kar socha Gazel likh kar bhi Socha Hainstay waqat bhi socha Mobile on ker kay bhi socha Mobile switch off kerkay bhi socha Sapnay mein bhi socha raat ko morning walk karte hue socha bina khaye socha kha kar bhi socha Chal kar bhi socha Ruka kar bhi Socha pee kar bhi socha naha kar bhi socha itna sochkar bhi socha ki itna kyun socha. kaise socha. yaar simple do shabd hi to likhne hai Lo likh diya U R SO NICE amp SO CUTE Dua kerte hai hum KHUDA se Aye KHUDA humara pyara apni manzil paye uski raho me andhera aaye. To roshni k liye humay jalaye Mere Dil, Jiger, Kidney, Liver ho tum waqt-bewaqt aaye vo fever ho tum Doob kar jisme marr jaoo vo River ho tum Mere jeevan mein ab to forever ho tum Pyaar kamjor dil se kiya nahi ja sakta, Zeher Dushman se liya nahi ja sakta, Dil mein basi hai ulfat jis pyar ki us ke bina jiya nahi ja sakta. Saath rehte rehte yuhin waqt guzar jayega Door hone ke baad kaun kise yaad aayega Jee lo ye pal jab humsath hai kal ka kya pata, waqt kahan le jayega. Jasbaate ishq naakaam naa hone denge, Dil ki duniya mein kabhi shaam naa hone denge, Dosti ka har ilzaam apne sar par le lenge, Par dost hum tumhe badnaam na hone denge Dosti toh sirf ek ittefaaq hai, Yeh toh dilon ki mulaakaat hai, Dosti nahi dekhti yeh din hai ki raat hai, Isme toh sirf wafaadaari aur jasbaat hai Wo to majborioon main lipti hain Apney shiddat bharey khyaloon main Apney ander chhupi ek aurat main Wo hamesha hi darti rehti hain Na to jeeti hain na to marti hain Larkiyaan bewafaa nahi hoti Per Hamesha hi darti rehti hain Apne reeti or rawajoon se Any waley naye azaboon se Zardurat main khily ghulaboon se Pyaar kerti hain or chhupati hain Larkiyaan Bewafaa nahi hot Kyuon ki majborioon main lepti hain Or her lamha darti rehti hain Apney pyaar se apney saye se Apney rishton se dil ki dharkan se Apni khowahish se apni kushioon se Larkiyaan Bewafaa nahi hoti. this design oon very mota hand keya mota hai jee waisay design acha hai to aap ko bura kiun laga 8230. hi im fozia from lahore. jo kahte hon such kah dati hon muja balance ki zarorut rahte ha ager koi mara yah kaam kar sakta ha tu frndshp ho sakte ha ma num es 03004580304. jo nahe kar sakta wo plz tung na kara plzzz hi faraz salam how r u hi me mado from gujrat doing b. s hons 5th sem any one wana friendshipwith me contact me on madya. jabeenyahoo i think the design is disgusting and it does not suit the fingers at all opps82308230823082308230.. itna bora design i seen first time hehehe hahaha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa great article and designs main bhi mahndi laga saktin hon mery khyal se its not easy to puton hand but ager app kehtin hayn to mybe try on yr hand, then u tell me i m right or wrong yes lets seeThe HotStar. 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