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Petrovich aqui são as imagens seu tempo para Nutcracker Muito obrigado pela ajuda nesta questão, agora eu não vou permitir esse erro. SKAZOhNAUA Homens em todo o mundo usam com sucesso nossa gigantesca venda para lutar contra a impotência 9 de 10 com base em 49823 ReviewCredit Card Detalhes Obtenha proteção em 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard compras Shoppers ProtectionHide Shoppers Protection Insurance dá-lhe a segurança que você poderia encontrar o seu 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard reembolsos mensais se sua renda parou e você foi incapaz de trabalhar devido a doença ou lesão, ou desemprego involuntário. Nós também fornecemos cobertura contra perda ou dano para as coisas que você compra, mesmo contra determinadas reduções de preços. Heres como esta parte da tampa trabalha: A proteção do preço significa nunca ter que faltar para fora nas vendas outra vez. Se você comprar algo com o seu MasterCard 28 graus platina e você vê o seu preço caído no mesmo varejista a qualquer momento nos primeiros 6 meses após você comprou, bem pagar a diferença no preço de volta para o seu cartão. Assim, quanto mais você reivindicar, mais você pode economizar. Proteção de Mercadorias cobre as coisas que você compra em seu cartão se ele é perdido, roubado ou danificado dentro de 6 meses a partir da data de compra, bem pagar o custo de reparação ou substituição de sua conta. Proteção do cartão roubado: Se o seu MasterCard Platinum de 28 graus for roubado, pague bem 200 para sua conta - apenas pelo inconveniente. Cobertura de reembolso: paga 10 do seu saldo de encerramento mensal, enquanto você está fora do trabalho, por até um máximo de 3 anos, se você não pode trabalhar devido a doença ou lesão e por até um ano, se você está desempregado. Life Cover: Se você morrer, bem pague o saldo em pleno - até 20.000. Proteção Acessível Você pode desfrutar da paz de espírito de Proteção de Preço e mais por apenas 0,5 de seu saldo de fechamento mensal, até um máximo de 50 por mês para que você nunca pague mais do que isso. Seu débito automaticamente a sua conta de cartão, assim lá arent todas as contas escondidas ou extra a pagar e você verá o prêmio em sua indicação. Inscreva-se para a Proteção de Compradores Você pode se inscrever para a Proteção de Compradores quando você se inscreve para o seu MasterCard de Platina 28 graus on-line, ou você pode chamar-nos no 1300 078 519 e pedir que o Seguro de Proteção de Compradores seja adicionado à sua conta. Para ver se a Proteção Shoppers é adequada para você, leia o Combined FSG, PDS e Policy. Seguro de viagemCasa 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard leva a preocupação de viajar para você. Com o nosso premiado 5 estrelas parceiro de seguro de viagem, ficando segurado nunca foi mais simples e também é grande valor para o dinheiro. Ao viajar para o exterior, temos a cobertura de seguro de viagem para atender às suas necessidades. Nós cobrimos suas despesas médicas e odontológicas no exterior, bagagem perdida ou roubada, atrasos de viagem e muito mais. Além disso, com a nossa linha de atendimento de emergência mundial 24 horas, a ajuda é apenas uma chamada telefônica se você tiver alguma dificuldade em sua viagem. Seguro de Viagem da Southern Cross Nosso parceiro de seguro de viagem, Southern Cross Travel Insurance, ganhou o prêmio Canstar por valor excepcional para o Seguro de Viagem Internacional a cada ano desde 2009. Eles também ganharam o prêmio Mozo Experts Choice de 2014 e 2015 juntamente com o prêmio Mozo Peoples Choice Para 2015. Faça um claimHide Saiba como fazer uma reivindicação, incluindo com os nossos formulários de reivindicação on-line. Complimentary Concierge 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard oferece um serviço de portaria de cortesia para todos os titulares que está disponível 24/7 em todo o mundo. O que pode concierge ajudar com Quase tudo que você precisa pesquisado ou organizado. Desde a reserva de bilhetes de concertos para pesquisar hotéis disponíveis ou fazer reservas para o jantar, nossa equipe de concierge personalizará seu serviço para atender às suas necessidades. Basta ligar para o 28 Degrees Platinum Customer Solutions linha em 1300 552 079 e pedir concierge. Em seguida, basta dizer-lhes o que você está depois. Theyll empreender uma busca, fornecer opções e custos e, em seguida, se você gostaria de prosseguir, fará arranjos em seu nome. É tão fácil Sujeito às 28 Platinum Master Platinum Condições de Uso. Security Use your 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard with confidence At 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard we are committed to keeping our customers safe and secure by utilising some of the best people, processes and technology available. Protecting your accountHide We are committed to keeping our customers safe and secure by utilising some of the best people, processes and technology available. Here are some of the ways we help keep you safe and secure: Complete fraud protection amp security Your 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard is protected by robust card security measures on the card itself, whenever you shop and when you access your account. Chip protection The in-built chip in your 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard provides increased protection against fraud, reducing the chance of your personal details being copied if your card is lost or stolen. Fraud management The Falcon84821 fraud management system identifies unusual activity on your credit card. As soon as a suspect transaction is detected, our card security experts are alerted so they can review it and take any necessary action. Protection against ID theft All customer applications are screened for potential ID theft. Rest assured, we will proactively alert you in any risk-related instance. Skilled Fraud Solutions Team In the unfortunate event of a fraudulent transaction on your account, our Fraud Solutions Team will work with you to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. Immediate fraud contact systems If we detect a possible fraudulent transaction on your account we will confirm the transaction with you by SMS or phone, giving you an added level of security against fraudulent transactions. If you have any concerns about fraudulent activity, please contact us on 1300 552 079. If your card is lost or stolen, call us immediately on 1800 005 809 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). If overseas, contact us on 61 3 9445 0105 or call MasterCard Global Service on 1 636 722 7111. MasterCard174 SecureCode8482 - MasterCard SecureCode is an additional layer of security that verifies your online purchases in real time. This verification helps to reduce credit card fraud and unauthorised credit card use. Protecting yourself from fraudHide Here are some important tips you can follow to help protect yourself from transaction fraud: Always sign your card as soon as you receive it and know where your card is at all times Select a PIN thats easily remembered only to you and never write it down Regularly check your account statements to ensure there are no unauthorised transactions present Never use an EFTPOS Terminal or ATM if you believe it has been tampered with Ensure your contact details remain up to date with us If your card expires or you do not wish to keep it, cut through the signature panel and magnetic strip before disposing Always keep your card in your possession/sight Security overseasHide If you are planning to go overseas with your 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard, its always a good idea to call in and let us know when and where you are travelling. This will allow us to update our systems and help prevent the inadvertent blocking of any legitimate transactions you make while travelling. Online shopping with MasterCard secure codeHide MasterCard SecureCode is a new security measure that verifies your purchases in real time, whenever you shop online. Verification helps to reduce credit card fraud and unauthorised credit card use. MasterCard SecureCode adds an extra layer of protection by helping to confirm your identity through either a security code or through security questions, during select online transactions. MasterCard SecureCode lets you enjoy extra security and peace of mind when shopping online at participating merchants. Using MasterCard SecureCode MasterCard SecureCode performs a real-time risk assessment on transactions made at participating online retailers. In most cases you wont notice any change, however, on some transactions we may prompt you to enter a six-character security code, which will be sent to you instantly via SMS. This is to ensure that the transaction you are about to make is authorised by you. Protected by MasterCard SecureCode When you correctly enter the security code (or answer the security questions) during an online purchase at a participating merchant, you confirm that you are the authorised cardholder and your purchase continues. If the security questions are answered incorrectly, the purchase will not go through. So even if someone knew your card number, they would not be able to use your account at that merchant. Impact of MasterCard SecureCode on your purchases Aside from the added protection that MasterCard SecureCode provides, the only impact to your purchase will be that you will need to enter the security code (or answers to the security questions) when the authentication screen appears, and then wait a few seconds while your card issuer (GE Money) confirms your identity Shopping at merchants that accept MasterCard but do not participate in the MasterCard SecureCode service You can still make purchases at merchants that accept MasterCard but do not participate in the MasterCard SecureCode serice. You will not be asked to enter a security code (or answer security questions) at these merchants. To complete your purchase, simply follow the traditional checkout process. MasterCard SecureCode authentication screen The authentication screen may appear when you are shopping online at participating MasterCard SecureCode merchants. Once you have confirmed your identity by correctly entering either the security code (or answering the security questions) that are on the page, you will be able to continue with your purchase. If you do not receive a security code If you dont receive a security code, this may mean that the mobile number that is registered to your account is not up to date. You can still proceed with your transaction by selecting the button I didnt receive a code which will direct you to the security questions that are personal to you and your account. Once you have answered the security questions correctly you will be able to continue with your purchase. Update your mobile number To update your mobile number please visit the Online Service Centre or contact the Customer Solutions team on 1300 552 079. To complete a transaction you must confirm your identity If you are not able to confirm your identity through either the security code that is sent to your mobile or the security questions, unfortunately you will not be able to proceed with your purchase at this time To take advantage of up to 55 days Interest Free on credit card purchases, you must pay the full balance of the account (excluding unexpired Interest Free promotional plans) both for the statement before the purchases were made, and for the statement on which the purchases are listed. Approved applicants only. Conditions apply. Shoppers Protection is issued by Hallmark General Insurance Company Ltd. ABN 82 008 477 647 AFSL 243478 and Hallmark Life Insurance Company Ltd. ABN 87 008 446 884 AFSL 243469. Any advice on this website does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs, and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before deciding whether to purchase this product. 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard is a credit facility provided by Latitude Finance Australia (ABN 42 008 583 588). Australian Credit Licence Number 392145. MasterCard and the MasterCard brand mark are registered trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated.28 Degrees Mastercard 1 out of 5. reviewed on Oct 05, 2016 This used to be a handy card for o/s travel and online purchases. Now they charge 95c to pay use BPay to pay the account or to avoid that fee, You have to provide your bank account details. As if anyone in their right mind would give a finance company access to their bank account - who knows what fees they might decide to take in future, that can039t be stopped without huge inconvenience. The fee was apparently advised on statements in May and June but occasional users who don039t receive statements every month (like myself) were not advised. Don039t trust 28 Degrees at all now. Card cut up. Never to be used again Was this review helpful Yes It039s Still a Good Credit Card Despite the 0.95 Payment Fee. 4 out of 5. reviewed on Oct 05, 2016 Why there are whinges and whiles about the Payment/Admin Fee I do not know. I booked and paid for accommodation in HK with Amex and the fee was close to 50.00. Pay your monthly account on time each month and your fees with 28 are less than 12.00 PA, match that up with the Westpac MasterCard / Amex combo and the annual fee is about 75.00. With no currency conversion fees, a good exchange rate, 28 will do me any time. The only negative being that there are no FF miles associated with it. Was this review helpful Yes Going downhill first 1 out of 5. reviewed on Oct 03, 2016 I039ve had this card more than 10 years I think - back when it was an orange card (Wizard I think it was called). I recommended it to everyone going overseas and never had a problem. But it has changed hands twice in that time and lately is going downhill fast. First ATM fees, now 95c to pay it off with BPay. I039ve never been charged to pay for any bill with BPay from a bank account. Ridiculously for this day and age, payment with cheque is fee free. They just want to get there grubby claws into your bank account with direct debit but that aint gonna happen with me. 1 person found this helpful, do you Yes They tested on their laurals, now Stagnated in the past 1 out of 5. reviewed on Oct 03, 2016 They used to be no fees, and easy use. Now many hidden fees even if still advertising 039no fee039. And become harder for the traveler to use. - No mobile app -0.95 fee to pay off card. Free payment if you039re lucky to get the online payment to work - send hard letter for notification of payment failure - not handy for a travel card - they don039t answer Skype - not handy for a travel card 1 person found this helpful, do you Yes Payment fees 1 out of 5. reviewed on Oct 03, 2016 Used to be a good financial product but now they charge you for making a payment, really crap, not worth it. 1 person found this helpful, do you Yes 3 out of 5. reviewed on Sep 14, 2016 Back in December I was still thinking that this card is the quotBest card for travel, with some caveats to be aware ofquot (you can read my old review looking up this title). Since December I have noticed two things that make this card much less attractive: 1 - The company who bought 28 degrees is becoming greedier and greedier. Now they charge a shameful 95 cents for EVERY BPay payment to the card. I used to pay all my cards and bills in one go, by using BPay from my bank039s website. So much so about the quotNo feesquot marketing line used to adverti se this card in the past. Even if the card has still no annual fee, but the BPay payment fee is absolutely outrageous and exaggerated, especially when you are running large amounts through the card, they make a lot of money from your transactions. Why are they so greedy and want to milk the customer more and more. They will lose customers, this is for sure. 2 - This second issue is the pinnacle of silly, convoluted, twisted design in customer experience In order to avoid this outrageous fee for BPay payments, there is an option of regular direct debit, but I am not a fan of any periodic direct debit. I lose control of my money this way, as each company takes money whenever they please and how much they please. Also in case of errors, good luck chasing them to recoup the money incorrectly debited So if regular direct debit is not a viable option, the next and only option for someone like me is to instruct 28 degrees to direct debit your bank account whenever you want to make a payment. You need to specify the amount for the direct debit and that will happen just once. This is a backward way of paying the card. Instead of allowing me to make a transfer from my bank account into 28 degree039s account or card account directly (I know they are not a bank, but I am sure they can find a way to do this), they force me every month or every few weeks when I want to make a payment, to log into their site and enter the one off direct debit details for that one off payment. As a result of this convoluted mechanism, whenever I pay my bills and cards, I have to log not only into my bank039s website and set a batch of BPay payments to various organisations, but also into the 28 degrees039 website and set the direct debit there. So I waste twice as much time now compared to what I used to I doubt one could invent something more convoluted and more frustrating. I admit that if the BPay fees did not put me off 100, this backward way of paying my own card has definitely made me start looking elsewhere for a similar card. I am exploring now the Bankwest card which is very similar, with no fees, no fees for Bpay and possibly a smaller fee for cash advances overseas (yet to be verified next time I travel). In conclusion, I have to say with sadness that the appeal of this card from years ago has almost gone. I believe that their customer numbers will go down dramatically due to these new arbitrary and out of touch rules. What a shame. Was this review helpful Yes28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card Last updated on 21 Sep 2016 The 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard is an international credit card that offers no international transaction fees on purchases with no annual fee for life . Designed to offer the cardholder peace of mind when shopping online on overseas sites with no international fees plus fraud protection. Access your money overseas be it at an ATM or while you8217re shopping at a retailer. The shopping part is where you win but if you want to get cash out there is a charge of 3 or 4 (whichever is greater). This card also comes with MasterCard PayPass, CHIP technology, Fraud protection and secure 24 hour online service centre. Purchase Rate 21.99 p. a. Cash Advance Rate 21.99 p. a. Minimum Credit Limit N/A Balance Transfer Rate N/A Annual Fee N/A Late Payment Fee 20 Foreign Transaction Fee 0 Credit Card Type MasterCard Interest Free Period (purchase only) Up to 55 days Key Features No annual fee No international transaction fees on purchases No currency conversion fees Platinum Concierge Service 24/7 Fraud Protection Cover Editor Review The 28 Degrees card won the 2015 Canstar Award for best travel credit card. It won for three simple reasons: no currency conversion fee, no international transaction fees and no annual fee. Among the travel orientated cards there are usually a lot of fees, but this is one product that addresses that. As if that wasnt enough, you still get a generous 55 days interest free, when the people behind the card could have decided to cut that down or cut it out completely. Thats something to make even the most world weary traveler smile. Pros One of only a few that offer no international transaction or currency conversion fees. Platinum Concierge Service 24/7 No annual fee for life Cons Purchase and cash advance rate of 20.99 p. a. 3 or at least 4 ATM Fee when travelling internationally and taking as a cash advance, even if in debit Perfect for Travel No international transaction fees, no annual fees or currency conversion fees. Also has the benefits of Platinum Concierge Service 24/7. Customer Reviews Read what others think and add your review for the 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card credit card below. Average from 11 users 4.9 User rating Interest Rate 3.3 / 10 Balance Transfer 3.9 / 10 Annual Fee 6.4 / 10 Customer Service 5.2 / 10 Rewards N/A 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card Credit Card (Review submitted 14 May 2013) This is gold for travelling - I use it as a debit card by loading it with cash before I go - so no foreign fee or ATM fee from GE. No credit charges. Accepted way more than a debit card. spot on 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card Credit Card Francine Smart I got the 28 degrees after a heads up from a friend. I travel a lot and wanted to save on using my card overseas. This card means I can save some serious money on fees no currency conversion fees, and no fees for taking money out overseas either - sweet. More people should know about this Questions and Answers about 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card Credit Card Ask a question about this card 84 questions (Displaying latest QampA) October 5th, 2016 at 11:58am in which banks ATMs in Rio de Janeiro can I make a transaction and how much for each transaction per day thank you so much October 5th, 2016 at 4:18pm Hi Eddie, I have no idea. When pulling out cash from the ATM you will be hit with the cash advance fee of 3 or 4 (whichever is greater). Give 28 Degrees customer service a call 1300 552 079 to work out the Rio ATM part. Shailendra Rohit Kumar September 21st, 2016 at 2:18pm Does this card provide extended warranty on purchases locally and does it cover excess charges on hired vehicles locally and overseas. September 22nd, 2016 at 8:37am Hi Shailendra, no it has none of these extra features. It is a no annual fee card with no foreign exchange fees that is great for purchasing stuff overseas or online in different currencies. September 15th, 2016 at 10:07am What about travel insurance September 16th, 2016 at 5:38am Hi Uwe, there is no travel insurance with this card. August 29th, 2016 at 7:01pm If you load up your card with cash before travelling overseas as per the review above, will this be treated as a cash advance. (when you make a cash withdrawal ) August 30th, 2016 at 8:46am Hi Col, yes it will be treated as a cash advance. This worked in the past but they have closed that loophole. What I always suggest now is getting a Citi Plus Visa Debit account to load money into. This way you are not hit with a cash advance fee when you pull out cash, it has no annual/monthly fees and a range of other nice features for travelers. August 27th, 2016 at 5:27pm If I put money on this credit card and take cash out at an ATM do I still get charged 3 or 4 (whichever is greater). Regards August 29th, 2016 at 7:28am Hi Rosney, yes you still get charged the cash advance fee, even if you are in credit. Have a look at the Citi Plus Visa Debit account. with no fees and naturally no cash fee. I use the 28 Degrees for purchases, then any cash is pulled out of the Citi Plus account. August 12th, 2016 at 2:43pm Can the 28Degree card be used in Australia or only overseas. August 15th, 2016 at 7:46am Hi Wanda, the 28 Degrees can be used anywhere that MasterCard is accepted, in Australia and overseas. August 4th, 2016 at 9:20am Thank you for your advice Roland Much appreciated August 3rd, 2016 at 2:24pm Hello Roland, I am going to the US and Canada for 2 months and was wondering what the best thing to do for money is. Someone said this card was good. Ive only used debit cards before, so am pretty naive when it comes to credit cards. I have the funds I need for the trip, is it possible to load the card with money, use it while I am there, then let it just sit unused till my next trip Will I get fees if I use it that way Im not sure what all the purchase rate/cash advance rate mean. Is it better to use a card like this than just my current debit card - does it save muchThank you August 4th, 2016 at 8:48am Hi Laura, this card is perfect when you will need to make purchases in US/Canada as it charges no fees for doing this. Like shopping or at restaurants and you can load money on the card. When it comes to pulling out cash though you would be charged a 3 cash advance fee even if you are using your own money. Therefore I suggest getting the Citi Plus Visa Debit account as well. This has a great no fee policy and is perfect for pulling cash out of O/S atms. The combo together of the 28 degrees Citi Plus Visa Debit can be a travelers best friend. July 26th, 2016 at 5:00pm Re: Greg 28th March I was in Cuba during May 2016 and could not use my 28 degrees card. July 27th, 2016 at 8:35am Hi Greg, Thanks for letting us know about this. MasterCard USA works in Cuba now but I believe that any Australian MasterCards will not. Hope you had an awesome time in Cuba. July 18th, 2016 at 8:07am Hi, when is the 21.99 apply on your account Once you havent pay in the 55 day period Or when Thanks July 18th, 2016 at 8:30am Hi Jhon, you need to pay your balance off in full each statement to receive interest free days. If you have paid off in full, then you have up to 55 days interest free on purchases, depending on when you paid for the item within your billing cycle. If there was 10 days left before the cycle started again, then you would have up to 10 days before interest would start being charged. July 7th, 2016 at 11:09am Can I get an extra card on the same account July 8th, 2016 at 9:44am Hi John, yes you can and at no additional cost. Find a link to do this online www.28degreescard. au/addcard/ July 5th, 2016 at 9:02am Thanks Roland. I notice they will waive two cash advance fees until December - if I loaded the money on the card and withdraw in two lots, I would not get hit with the cash advance fees Is that correct July 5th, 2016 at 9:39am Yes but there is fine print that they had us remove when the offers came out. This limited the fee savings to a maximum of 30 per advance x 2. Maybe they have removed this restriction. If they have then this would definitely be the way to go. I would give there customer a service a call to confirm. I had a hunt around there site and could not see any reference to the limitation. Let me know what information you find. Bottom line, even for you travelling overseas this is a great card to use for purchases. July 5th, 2016 at 8:45am I want to take 20k to USA for my son who lives there. Would this card be a good way to take over that amount of money July 5th, 2016 at 8:53am Hi Jean, this could work as MasterCard provide a great exchange rate but you would still be hit with a 3 cash advance fee to get the funds out in cash. Another option would be use a service like www. ofx/ to send the money at a much reduced rate. Again you could try some type of prepaid travel card where you can load the money on and will not get hit with the cash advance fee when you withdraw. The key is the exchange rate that you get. It can vary dramatically and typically I pull out of my 28 Degrees card (with the 3 fee) over my Commbank keycard as the exchange rate still makes it a much better option. May 6th, 2016 at 2:25pm travelling to the Philippines in July and intend to take out a prepaid travel card with 5k to last me the 3 months away however if I can stay longer and if I require more funds then can i reload the card from my NAB account Also, which banks in The Philippines that the card can be used May 9th, 2016 at 8:16am Hi Kevin, you can reload your 28 Degrees card through making online bpay payments at any time that you have internet banking access. April 1st, 2016 at 8:34pm Is this card only available to people who are frequent travellers, or can anyone apply for a his MasterCard I do purchase quite a few things from overseas, but your No Foreign Transaction Fees is appealing. Do you have an Annual fee I normally pay in full what I owe. Your help would be appreciated. Regards Amber. April 4th, 2016 at 7:39am Hi Amber, this card is great when you are buying items overseas / non-AUD. Even if you are not travelling but you purchase from overseas websites and pay in a different currency, then a non-foreign transaction fee product is right for you. There is no annual fee on this product. I myself have this card and use for non-AUD purchases. Best of luck with your application. March 28th, 2016 at 1:51pm Hi. Does anyone know the latest about using this card in Cuba. Im heading there in June and would love to know if anyones had success accessing money there. Cheers March 29th, 2016 at 7:46am Hi Gregg, speak to 28 Degrees Customer service directly to confirm usage. I know that MC can be used now though this may not affect Australian issued cards. www. bloomberg/news/articles/2015-01-23/mastercard-to-lift-transaction-block-on-u-s-cards-in-cuba-1- March 23rd, 2016 at 4:54pm Does this card cover rental car insurance (traveling to USA) when the rental is charged to the car March 24th, 2016 at 8:31am Hi Sally, this card does not come with any overseas travel insurance therefore it does not have rental car insurance. February 11th, 2016 at 10:36am This card has been promoted as a great credit card for overseas traveling. Is it suitable to be used only locally in Australia, for scheduled auto-debit for utilities bills, over-the-counter purchases etc February 12th, 2016 at 8:56am Hi Eddie, yes it can. The massive overseas benefit is the point there are no foreign exchange fees though it operates well in Australia also for all the things you have mentioned as well. Best of luck with your application. October 22nd, 2015 at 1:08pm Hi RolandElaborating on your Cuba answer on 17/09/15, where did you successfully withdraw money using you 28degrees card in Cuba How recent was your experienceIm heading there this month and a tad anxious about the money situationSam October 22nd, 2015 at 5:57pm Hi Sam - sorry my comments were misleading as they did not address the whole issue (cuba) - i have not used my 28 Degrees MasterCard in Cuba - more that I had used it O/S (where I was at the time when I replied) and pulled money out in travels a few months ago in other parts of the world. I have done further research on Cuba and card acceptance and found a number of different stories and it difficult for banks over here to confirm / deny use. www. miamiherald/news/business/international-business/article8014467 - US MasterCards now seem to be accepted. This may also have an impact on Australian based MasterCards though read below and it seems best to come with some back up sources of funds such as USD/cash. Below is an exact from what I checked on another site: Credit cards (both Visa and MasterCard) should be accepted at the CADECAs for cash advances - Casas de Cambio SA - basically money exchange houses and these are you best bet to pull out cash from your 28 degrees. You should look for these near where your staying to see there availability. More notes stress that MasterCard are not working in the ATMS but this is from last year so may have now been addressed: ATMs: At present, the only cities with ATMs are Havana, Camaguey, Trinidad and Santiago de Cuba. You will need a PIN for your credit card to be able to use the ATMs. Only Visa cards work in the ATMs (not Mastercard or Cirrus). We find occasionally people come with a Visa debit card that doesnt work in the ATMs. For others they work perfectly fine. We dont know why this happens. We do know that a Visa debit card obtained through Travelex will not work in Cuba, nor will a Visa card from Citibank. Because of these unpredictable difficulties its best to come to Cuba with a back-up plan for obtaining cash if your credit card doesnt work. Bottom line - have a great trip - i have had a number of friends travel to Cuba (from AU) and they never mentioned any troubles with getting cash out. Though this seems to be ATM / City dependent. September 17th, 2015 at 1:45am Can I use 28 degree card in Cuba for cash advance or may I load it with AUD priorCheers, Polly September 17th, 2015 at 8:09am Hi Polly - you can and I have done this, though even if its your own cash you will still be charged the cash advance fee. Still this for me was cheaper due to a better exchange rate from MasterCard than using my Commbank eftpos card at an overseas atm. July 27th, 2015 at 5:08pm If I top my card up with cash what charges do I get charged if I wish to draw cash out overseas. Ie Vietnam July 27th, 2015 at 8:23pm Hi Dot, yes you do. They now charge a cash advance fee, even if you are in debit. July 13th, 2015 at 3:11pm Where can I find the exchange rates used by 28 Degrees purchases July 13th, 2015 at 4:28pm Hi Con - From forums I and my own use I have found the FX rates to be pretty good. Check out:www. mastercard/global/currencyconversion/index June 29th, 2015 at 2:36pm Hi there, would this card be more beneficial as an everyday debit/credit card whilst using overseas, compared using a bank issued travel card which charges you 1 currency conversion fee each time you load it with AU to currency required I am wondering whether to scrap my travel card all together and use this as my everyday purchasing card. Thanks so much June 29th, 2015 at 9:03pm Hi Ciara - its all really about the exchange rates - banks can milk you for 5 extra on the rate which hurts. Have a look at www. ozforex. au they have a travel card that may give better rates than the banks. Generally stay away from credit cards for anything but purchases (when they have no FX like 28 dregree or Bankwest Zero Platinum cards which is even better as comes with overseas travel insurance). When pulling out cash I tend to use a no fee visa debit account like Citi Plus. Happy travels. June 24th, 2015 at 6:18pm What is meant by purchase rate June 25th, 2015 at 7:51am Hi Patrick - this is the interest rate that you pay when you buy things online or in-store. This product has a high purchase rate over 20. Therefore is best used by someone that pays off their account in full each month. May 26th, 2015 at 9:09pm Hi, Is this card re loadable i. e pre load it with before shopping or traveling. If so is there any minimum balance to leave on the cardThanks in advance. May 27th, 2015 at 9:00am Hi Washington, yes you can over pay the balance and go shopping / travelling. I have this card myself and use it when I go overseas. There is little point though in doing this as you do get up to 55 days interest free if you pay your balance off in full each month. You can pay off the card using bpay while you are travelling from your internet banking. Therefore insuring that you dont pay interest on your shopping / purchases. These days the loop hole that I enjoyed, whereby you could load cash, then withdraw at ATMs overseas with no fees has been closed. Even if you are in a positive balance you are charged the cash advance fee (3). Though not hit with ATM fees. I no longer use the card for this purpose. I simple use it whenever I am in store, restaurants, shopping online in overseas currencies etc. Then I pay the balance off in full every week. For pulling out cash you can look at an Account like the Citibank Plus Visa Debit. This naturally doesnt have the cash advance fees with pulling out cash and also has no monthly or atm fees - worth checking out. May 25th, 2015 at 4:31pm Confused about international ATM fees. State on page: 4 or 3 cash advance fee at ATM but also on the same page: from reviews no ATM fees if card used as a debit card Is this correct: if card in the black /loaded with money, one does not pay international ATM feeTraveling in December and is shopping around for best travel card thanks May 25th, 2015 at 4:36pm Hi Rentia - this feature was in the past and 28 Degrees have squashed this. I have been a customer or this card for years. I used to travel on it as a debit card / positive credit and pay nothing. They closed this loop whole now :( - It was so good. Now the idea is to have a look a visa debit products that dont charge fees instead. 1 to check out is the Citibank Plus account. I still use my 28 degrees when travelling but now only for purchases not for pulling cash out. May 2nd, 2015 at 12:01pm Hi, would you recommend this card over the BankWest Zero Platinum card for using abroad or are they much of the same Thanks May 3rd, 2015 at 9:31am Hi Joe - They are both good cards. I have the 28 Degrees card myself and use it exclusively when I am overseas for purchases. You get a few extra perks with the Bankwest Zero Platinum such as overseas travel insurance. Thought the Zero Platinum is harder to be approved for and comes in 3 versions. You apply for 1 Zero product and based on your credit history, if you are approved, you are offered the classic, gold or platinum. The fact that both have no fx fees means they both work. Best of luck with your application. April 17th, 2015 at 12:36pm Hi, Can a customer with a 28 degree card do a cash advance inside a westpac branch at the counter April 19th, 2015 at 4:22pm Hi Brydie - If you have a Visa or MasterCard in this case, then you should be able to go to the counter and do cash advance in Westpac branches as well as branches of banks all around the world that accept MasterCard. You would need suitable identification and available balance. The cash advance limit is usually much higher in branch to that you can get from the ATM. March 13th, 2015 at 3:51pm Is this card issued in China and if so can be used both in China and globally when I travel March 17th, 2015 at 11:41am Hi Thomas - this card is issued in Australia but can be used in China - I actually used this card in China last year when I went to Guangzhou. Yes it can be used globally and in China, wherever they accept MasterCard. I am in Thailand right now and using this card to pay for all my purchases (other than cash) so that I dont get hit with the high FX charges that other cards have. January 27th, 2015 at 4:09pm Hello - what does Platinum Concierge Service include January 27th, 2015 at 8:09pm Hi Manu - below is some more detail on the service28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard provides a complimentary concierge service for all cardholders which is available 24/7 worldwide. What can concierge help with Just about anything that you need researched or organised. From booking concert tickets to researching available hotels or making dinner reservations, our concierge staff will customise their service to meet your needs. Simply call the 28 Degrees Platinum Customer Solutions line on 1300 552 079 and ask for concierge. Then just tell them what youre after. Theyll undertake a search, provide options and costs and then, if youd like to proceed, will make arrangements on your behalf. Its that easySubject to the 28 Degrees Platinum MasterCard Conditions of Use. January 3rd, 2015 at 4:56am Does tHe regular 28 degree MasterCard cover car rental insurance and third person liability January 3rd, 2015 at 10:19am Hi Yaakov - no it does not - it is a basic card with no complimentary insurances. The highlight is no FX charges on overseas purchases and no annual fee or life. December 10th, 2014 at 2:11pm Roland, Thanks for your very clear reply and the suggestion you made. Most appreciated December 9th, 2014 at 12:31pm What is the best way to preload the card Im unclear about your answer to Serge on 14 Nov. If I preload, say, 2,000 dlrs. and when overseas draw out various amounts from ATMs will I be charged the 3 each time December 10th, 2014 at 8:22am Hi Ted - yes bottom line is that anytime you try to withdraw cash from this card no matter if in debit or credit you are charged the 3 fee. I tested this again on a trip to the US last month. Previously this card used to have no cash advance fee so you could load money and withdraw without this fee. This is clearly no longer the case. Fair enough as it was 2 good to be true. I was in Amsterdam for 3 months in 2010 and used the card all the time with no fees - it was crazy and I dont think very profitable for GE. Have a look at some of the debit card options that are out there as they might be the way to go these days. As a start check out www. debitcards. au/citibank-plus-account/ - the Citi plus account November 15th, 2014 at 10:23pm To clarify the previously provided answers: say, I have a zero balance on my 28 degree card and load it with 500 cash before going overseas. If while overseas I withdraw some cash in local currency from an overseas ATM would the exchange rate used by the card be the same as for purchases Will there be any charges for withdrawing less than 500 worth of local cash from an overseas ATM, that is will there be any charge if my credit card balance remains positive November 17th, 2014 at 11:54am The exchange rate would be the same. Issue now is that you would get charged a cash advance fee (3), even if you are in debit when you pull the . This has removed 1 massive benefit of this product. Therefore you pull 500 out - you are hit with 15 fee. You are not charged this fee for purchases, just for pulling out cash. November 10th, 2014 at 2:35pm I am going overseas tonight and your phone number 1300 552 079 is not working. Can you let me know who to contact to make sure my card is going to work oversea. Thank you Catherine November 17th, 2014 at 12:12pm When overseas call 61 3 9445 0189 October 24th, 2014 at 5:39pm What is your minimum income requirement. I am on a age pension, and was looking to transfer my existing card to a low or no fee card October 27th, 2014 at 11:30am GE have typically the lowest requirement. There is not set minimum income for this card that I can find. The 2 requirements are over 18 and permanent resident of Australia. Its going to come down to your ability to service the debt based on your income / expenses. July 18th, 2014 at 11:47am Does the 28 Degrees Credit Card provide insurance for car rental in the U. S. for an Australian resident July 21st, 2014 at 10:04am Hi Justin, GE use Southern Cross Travel Insurance for their travel insurance. According to the SCTI website they do indeed offer Rental Vehicle insurance. July 2nd, 2014 at 10:11pm What does the name 28 degrees refer to July 15th, 2014 at 8:53am Hi John, according to the GE Money representative we corresponded with, there are several theories on how this product got its name. The most common theory is that 28 degrees refers to the longitudinal/latitudinal line which cross over several different continents of the world, which fits the image of a card which caters for travellers. April 23rd, 2014 at 11:51am Made an application for the GE Money 28 Degrees Credit Card August 2013 but was declined. I am retired and asset rich but income not so high. Would this be the reason for my rejection They said I could apply again in 6 months but this time I want to know if it is worth doing, a person like myself maybe off their target list. Yours Ron April 24th, 2014 at 9:42am Hi Ron, it is just a rule of thumb to wait 6 months to apply for another line of credit because institutions will review how you manage your credit history when processing applications. As we do not know the full extent of your credit/financial history, we are unable to give you adequate advice that only a professional may be able to provide. Is there a specific reason why you chose the GE Money 28 Degrees card Generally speaking, those who are retired and dont meet income requirements will have better luck applying for credit cards with no bells and whistles like the ones listed on the pensioner credit cards page as they generally have lower minimum credit limits. April 22nd, 2014 at 1:51pm I use 28 degree mastercard shopping online in China website, it was fine in the first 7 deals, all good, however on the 8th deal, my payment failed, it noticed me that my monthly transactions amount reach the limit. I was confused about this limit, no idea why. I appreciate any help. April 22nd, 2014 at 2:31pm Hi Dan, is it possible that you have used up your credit limit Your credit limit and available credit limit can be found on the top right corner of your monthly 28 Degrees MasterCard statement or you can log on to the Online Service Centre to check it any time. Otherwise, you could contact GE Money directly and talk to a customer service representative regarding your concern. Danny glory duone February 16th, 2014 at 7:57pm Can I loan about 7500 8500 February 17th, 2014 at 9:12am Hi Danny, the credit limit provided to you is determined by the issuer upon application. Issuers use a variety of factors when determining this, including income and expenses and any regular financial obligations such as rent. It would be best for you to find more information on this in the terms and conditions. January 5th, 2014 at 6:29pm If there is no no currency conversion fee amp no international transaction fees, what is the 3 foreign transaction fee I assume from the features listed and customer reviews that this card is targeted to overseas travelers but still charges a fee for foreign purchases done online January 8th, 2014 at 2:07pm Hi Jodie, there are actually no international transaction fees on purchases and this has been changed to reflect that now. According to their website. no foreign transaction fees are incurred when you make purchases at retail stores, restaurants as well as online shipping from overseas websites. October 29th, 2013 at 3:13pm How do I apply for the card online I am going overseas next year October 29th, 2013 at 3:43pm Hi Beverley, you have to visit their website. October 23rd, 2013 at 11:17am Just wondering who decides the exchange rate the GE 28 degrees card provides. Is it whatever GE has set or its based upon something else October 24th, 2013 at 8:48am Hi Aaron, yes - GE handle the exchange rate. October 22nd, 2013 at 8:27pm hey tom I read the cash advance fee and it says the minimum charge is 4 for cash advances. Are you sure that we will not be charged this fee for withdrawing our own cash October 23rd, 2013 at 11:07am Hi Eddie, there is no charge at the moment, but from January 2014 there will be - please see this page for more information. October 6th, 2013 at 1:20pm Has the answer to Caroline (26/09/13) now changed with 28 Degrees recent announcement re cash advances To be implemented 01/01/14. October 8th, 2013 at 10:51am Hi Barry, it has indeed. Thanks for referencing it - official statement on their site . September 26th, 2013 at 6:04pm Would I get charged if I use the card as a debit card and withdrawal my own cash September 27th, 2013 at 9:38am Hi Caroline, no. The only charge should be an ATM withdrawal fee by the ATM owner. You will not be charged by GE for using the card for this, or accumulate any interest in doing so which is the main advantage September 26th, 2013 at 2:16pm The 28 degrees website wont go to the page to log in to check my account lam i am in Europe at present have a galaxy s2 I have done my registration and have access site from my laptop and my partner phone which is a different model Samsung older. September 26th, 2013 at 2:20pm Hi Michael, sorry to hear about your access issues. Unfortunately we cant view or access the 28 Degrees system, all we can do is forward your query on to them via e-mail, which we have done. Good luck with it September 12th, 2013 at 9:12am Thanks for the answer about purchase rate but is this only charged if you havent paid in full the amount owing or are you charged this fee just for making a purchase with it September 12th, 2013 at 10:05am Hi Wendy, that depends on the card you have and yes, whether you have paid the previous months balance in full. Often cards come with some interest free period, so if you pay off every purchase within this time (around 44 days in a lot of cases) you wont be charged interest. Thats something each cards information will say. Doing a balance transfer will mean you dont get any interest free days even if you pay off purchases, because the balance transfer itself still counts until youve paid it off in full too. September 11th, 2013 at 5:30pm What does the purchase rate mean September 12th, 2013 at 8:29am Hi Wendy, the purchase rate is the interest rate you pay when you use the card to make purchases in a store or online. This is different to when you withdraw cash, and attracts a different interest rate. The purchase rate is usually lower than the cash advance rate. You can find more detail on different types of purchases, and cash advances and balance transfers in the terms and conditions of each card. September 2nd, 2013 at 10:48am Purchase rate of 20.99 Do not understand this rate Is this figure on the amount of credit I put on the card, if not, what What other fees if any are involved We have heard from my daughter-in-law that it is an excellent travel card Looking forward to an early reply Also travelliing in Vietnam and Cambodia should we take Australian or US dollars September 2nd, 2013 at 11:05am Hi Maureen, the 20.99 purchase rate applies to new purchases you make with the card. If you preload the card and put it into positive credit you wont be charged interest on that, until you start eating into the available credit limit (this is a credit card, so not designed to be used as a prepaid travel card, but we are aware that people do preload it and spend the money while overseas). It only applies to money you spend on the card and dont pay back within the interest free period. Espero que ajude. You should definitely check out our page on credit cards with no international fees for more information and other cards to choose from too. July 26th, 2013 at 10:23pm Is interest payable at the rate of 20.99 on credit purchases or interest free up to 55 daysIs it better to load the card with money to avoid interest on credit purchases July 29th, 2013 at 8:23am Hi Margaret, both of those are true. If you pay off your purchases within 55 days, and always before the payment due date that shows on your statement then you wont pay any interest. As soon as you start paying interest on purchases, you will be paying 20.99. You should check out our page on interest free days. which has a handy video to explain this all. If you have any further specific questions after reading were happy to try and help. Weve also got a useful article about how interest is calculated . July 25th, 2013 at 9:20am If I preload card what protection is there if the card is scammed July 25th, 2013 at 3:49pm Hi Debra were not 100 sure of the details but from what weve read on forums etc you are not protected for money that is in credit on this card. This is probably one of the reasons why GE Money does not recommend putting the card in credit - but we know that its popular for people to do this. Check out the conditions of use for more information too. Remember you do get 55 days interest free when youre paying off your account each month, so it isnt too hard to organise an online transfer from your Australian bank account even while youre away. July 14th, 2013 at 2:23pm Can this card be preloaded with us dollars and or euros at a fixed rate like travel money cards issued by anz, CBS, amex etc. Also what happens to the unutalized portion of the amount preloaded - is it refundable at the prevailing exchange rate July 15th, 2013 at 8:41am Hi Jake, seems most preload with Aussie dollars, and there is no conversion fee anyway. GE Money itself does not recommend preloading, but around the forums etc people say that they do it without a problem. If you wish to lock in the exchange rate that is done using travel cards. Have a read of our page on credit cards with no international transaction fees and that might help. Do feel free to ask any further questions after reading. July 12th, 2013 at 10:07am I am comparing GE Money 28 Degrees and Bankwest Zero Platinum and any other card with no foreign transaction fees and conversion fees. I see the GE card charges no conversion fee but Bankwest is silent on this point. Would conversion fees be included in foreign transaction fees and does Bankwest charge a conversion fee I simply want to know which card is better and which has better exchange rate. I want a card that I can use overseas that has the least fees but the best exchange rate. Can you help July 12th, 2013 at 10:23am Hi LMC - why dont you take a look at our page on cards with no international transaction fees. It lists the option and fees charged by the cards that do charge for currency conversion. Do let us know if you find the information helpful, and feel free to ask any further specific questions after reading. July 6th, 2013 at 8:47am So is what I here correct You can have this credit card (australian) and withdraw swiss franks and other currencies thailand etc and not pay conversion rates if you have put your own money on it as long as you owe nothing July 7th, 2013 at 10:51pm Hi Judy, you can avoid currency conversion fees with this card yes. For more information on those, see your post about credit cards with no international fees . June 7th, 2013 at 4:58pm Hello, Im just curious do you think it would be okay for example if I loaded up the 28 Degrees card with my own money (eg 3000) and were to withdraw an amount such as 300 on numerous ocassions from an atm And I read somewhere that if you have credit left over on your card when you close it you can be sent a cheque with the remaining balance in AUD, do you know if this is true Thanks June 11th, 2013 at 8:58am Hi Katerina, GE Money itself doesnt advise doing this, as they say the card should be used as a credit card and payments made on balance outstanding, but we have heard of people pre-loading these cards before going overseas and spending the money while away, so they know they wont be charged interest. If you have the cash to pay back purchases immediately you should be able to do this without incurring interest (just do a transfer on the same day you use the card). If you do close the card with a credit balance you will be eligible for a refund, but were not sure whether this would always be a cheque. The GE website simply says to call them and organise a refund. June 3rd, 2013 at 12:13pm Hello, do foreign exchange rates apply to the 28 degrees / Bankwest qantas cards if so when do they apply June 3rd, 2013 at 3:36pm Hi Nikolas, Bankwest and GE Money both use MasterCard foreign exchange rates as it happens. Many providers do, but you would have to check different ones to be sure. They apply everytime you make a purchase in a foreign currency that has to be converted back into AUD before appearing on your statement. This is usually purchases made while overseas or from overseas retailers online. June 3rd, 2013 at 12:12pm Hello, Ive been comparing the 28 degrees / Bankwest qantas cards. They both appear to be the standouts, however I just wanted to clarify if any foreign exchange fees apply to the cards if so when do they apply it is pretty clear that there are no international transaction nor any currency conversion fees. June 3rd, 2013 at 3:47pm Hi again Nikolas, the only way you would pay a foreign transaction fee with Bankwest is if you did not take the Platinum option (for the Standard or Gold version its 2.95). You can check out other options and compare international transaction fees here. which might help answer your questions. Both use MasterCard foreign exchange rates current as at the date of purchase, and the Bankwest option has the travel insurance with it. Foreign exchange fees would appear as currency conversion fees as either way they are a transactional fee. Neither card charges any foreign transaction fee. But dont forget either that you may still pay an ATM fee which is charged by an overseas ATM operator if you withdraw cash while away. June 3rd, 2013 at 12:07pm I have been comparing the 28 Degrees and the Bank West Qantas cards. They both appear to be the standouts for international travel and are very similar with the biggest positives of/or no international transaction, currency conversion or overseas cash withdrawal fees 1) does this apply to both 2) will any foreign exchange fees apply to these cards if so when will they apply3) Also, whilst investigating the 28 degrees card and reading other reviews I have come across quite a few instances where the card does not work at times and the provider is very hard to contact for assistance. Have you heard of similar problems My travel plans are for the US and Europe. June 3rd, 2013 at 3:52pm Hi again Nikolas - as to your quesitons (1) and (2) please see the responses to your other queries above. Re: question (3) there doesnt appear to be a general e-mail contact for 28 Degrees at all, but you can always call them from Australia or overseas. As to where/when the card works overseas, that is an issue that can be experienced with many types of credit cards including prepaid travel cards. For that very reason we simply always recommend having at least one backup credit card/travel card or debit card option should your main card not work. This should be a fee free option too where possible. In terms of customer service feedback from 28 Degrees we havent heard much about them ourselves, but it can depend on what the problem you have is and where you are etc how easy or difficult it is to resolve. It seems you do need online access to manage your account with 28 Degrees because GE Money does not have branches. June 1st, 2013 at 9:18am Why cant I find any email support for the card I have some issues with the card, and I cant afford to call home. June 3rd, 2013 at 9:02am Hi Tyler, Ive had a look for you, and not being an account holder I cant log in obviously but you are right, there is no e-mail contact provided in the contact us section. It seems strange they dont have one and they frequently state in the ts and cs that you must provide them a valid e-mail address. Have you tried checking the last statement e-mail for an address or by replying to that e-mail There should be an address it came from or one on the e-mail footer or something. Depending what the problems you have with the card are that might be a way to contact GE Money. The phone options all require you to have an account already before speaking to someone. Failing that, if you havent already try logging in to your account first and see if you can send a secure mail or if you have further contact options then. You could also use a cheap call service like Skype or Viber to call them. Good luck May 22nd, 2013 at 5:10pm What does balance transfer mean and is 4.99 for 6 months good, bad or otherwise May 23rd, 2013 at 8:42am Hi Gerard, a balance transfer is where you transfer the balance owing on your existing credit card onto a new credit card at the same time as you apply for that card. The old card is paid off by the new card and if the balance is then zero you can close the old card. As to whether 4.99 for 6 months is a good offer, it does depend how much you have to pay off and how long you need, but there are longer offers (6-12 months for example) for as low as 0 currently available. You can compare current balance transfer rates on our balance transfer table, found here. If you have a credit card balance to pay off, you should also read our post on balance transfer key rules. and the best balance transfer offers of 2013.Balance transfers are usually for a much lower interest rate to give you time to pay down the debt. The balance transfer rate is used by the banks to attract new customers away from the competition, so you cant get the same low rate with your existing bank in pretty much all cases. Do have a look at the links above and feel free to ask us any further questions, were here to try and help. Cheers, Kalianna May 19th, 2013 at 7:10pm if i load the card with my cash can i withdraw from atm and not pay fees or interest May 20th, 2013 at 10:54am Hi David, yes. You will stay pay a fee to the owner of the ATM, but no fees or interest by 28 Degrees (GE Money). May 16th, 2013 at 9:25pm If I paid onto the card and do cash advances while still in credit, do I incur any cash advance fees May 17th, 2013 at 8:55am Hi Iris, no, you do not incur cash advance fees from 28 degrees, but you will get charged the standard withdrawal fee by the owner of the atm. May 10th, 2013 at 7:05am I would like a phone number to speak to someone about this card as the number on the web site is foe existing customers May 10th, 2013 at 11:27am Hi Narelle, try 1300 552 079 May 9th, 2013 at 9:54am I am wanting to use the 24 hour card in the US in June, as I want a card that I can lock in a good exchange rate and that has low fees. Im wondering about how accessible my cash will be though, as I have read on various sites that it was hard to withdraw their money. I may also use it as a credit card, but not sure yet. I will be in LA. If I load my card before I go, will it be easy to access my funds May 9th, 2013 at 4:37pm Hi Jayne, you should be able to access funds anywhere that accepts MasterCard. Loading it means paying for purchases or withdrawing cash will come out of the funds youve put on it. Once theyre finished then it will work on credit. April 29th, 2013 at 8:19pm Hi. Can the 28 degrees card be easily used in China, if so can it be used at all ATM many thanks April 30th, 2013 at 8:55am Hi John, yes you can use this card in China. The only countries where it is not accepted are Cuba, Sudan, North Korea, Burma / Myanmar, Iran and Syria. The card is accepted everywhere you see the MasterCard symbol. Unfortunately as none of us here have travelled to mainland China recently we cant comment on how many ATMs there are or how easy they are to access. We did a quick search using the MasterCard ATM locator from its website though, and found 100 ATMs in Shanghai alone, and 7774 across China, so depending on where you go you should have ATM access unless its really quite a remote part of China. Hope that helps April 22nd, 2013 at 9:47am Is there other card with the same features like the 28degrees April 22nd, 2013 at 1:26pm Hi Katerina, actually there are one or two similar, you should check out the list at the top of our article on cards with no international fees for a start. Bankwest and Aussie are just two other providers worth considering. Good luck with your search April 19th, 2013 at 10:16pm This card sounds too good to be true. My question is, since they do not want you to pre-load it, do they charge interest on cash advances from day 1 That is is our main interest in acquiring one. Thanks April 22nd, 2013 at 8:53am Hi Erica - yes. Interest free days do not apply to cash advances. The only fee that is waived is an ATM withdrawal fee/cash advance fee but that doesnt make it a good idea to withdraw cash using this card if you cant pay it back immediately. Dont forget that for moving cash around there are plenty of travel cards available from the major banks. This is a card that can be perfect for making purchases but not withdrawing cash - we read more and more that people are advised to have more than one option when travelling. You never know what might happen with the card you have in your wallet with you etc. For lots of great tips on travel money etc check out websites such as Smart Traveller and other well known travel blogs - and read our article on credit cards with no international transaction fees (if you havent already). April 18th, 2013 at 7:49pm can a person on a pension age62 get this card April 19th, 2013 at 8:20am Hi Dawn, there doesnt seem to be any specific criteria related to pensioners here - rather it goes off your income and assets vs your liabilities (expenses). Thats the criteria - you need to submit proof of income, and if employed for your employer. We can suggest you read our article on credit cards for pensioners. as there may be other card options for you to consider if GE Money is not an option. April 16th, 2013 at 1:43pm Hi Roland, I called up BankWest customercare and they told me that for credit card transactions (non AUD) - they do not follow BankWest Forex, instead they asked me to contact Mastercard since its Mastercard exchange rates that are applied. Any insights April 17th, 2013 at 8:09am Hi AS, unfortunately that sounds contradictory, and were sorry you didnt get a straight answer. We have made separate enquiries with Bankwest and will let you know the results. April 16th, 2013 at 10:46am Can you make repayments for the 28 degrees card at the post office April 16th, 2013 at 1:29pm Hi Rebecca yes you can, but be aware that there is a 2 handling fee applied. You can use the BPay slip on the bottom of your statement, internet/phone banking with them to pay for free, or set up a direct debit from another bank account too. Hope that helps April 16th, 2013 at 10:31am But the one thing which can be dubious is the exchange rates applied for the overseas/online transactions. Do both - 28 Degrees and BankWest Zero Platinum use Mastercard forex rates or BankWest uses its own rates Note: There is a difference of cents between them, which may effect the overall expenses if the transaction is more than say, 5k. April 16th, 2013 at 1:37pm Hi again AS, the exchange rate with GE Money is calculated according to the MasterCard International rate (daily) and transactions are converted to US dollars first, before being converted to Australian dollars when they appear on your statement. With Bankwest you can check the current exchange rate they use on the foreign exchange section of the website at any one time - it also appears that Bankwest uses American Express rates as it refers visitors to the AMEX website as well. Espero que ajude. April 15th, 2013 at 5:33pm How is this GE Money 28 Degrees Credit Card better than Bankwest Zero Platinum Credit Card Both offer zero foreign transaction charges. I am eligible for both - any pointers which one to choose April 16th, 2013 at 8:30am Hi AS, you are right, there is not a lot of difference between these two cards One big area is travel insurance though. With Bankwest platinum cards you get international travel insurance cover up to 30k for damage and theft, unlimited hospital and medical cover and car hire excess up to 3k, but with GE Money you would need to take out travel insurance separately with Southern Cross Travel Insurance. Of course that wont be an issue if youre getting the card for online purchases, but you never know when you might want to use it while overseas Perhaps take a closer look at that aspect of both cards to help you make your mind up Something else you might not have considered if you do want the card for use overseas is that with Bankwest you have to option to go with the Platinum Qantas card and earn frequent flyer points while you travel. Although this card does come with an annual fee you still get benefits like travel insurance and extended warranty on purchases you make here in Australia etc. So hopefully thats given you something to think about :) best of luck with whichever card you choose and youre welcome to ask any further specific questions. April 14th, 2013 at 12:51pm Is purchase and advance interest of 20.99 charged only if we failed to pay the minimum amount or the outstanding after the 55 days. Thus, as long as I paid the statement balance as when I receive them, there should be no cost of using the card. April 15th, 2013 at 8:34am Hi Celine, interest is only charged on unpaid balance owing on your credit card - and any fees which havent yet been paid. So, yes, if you pay your full balance (the total under amount owing or amount due now) before the due date each month, then you wont be paying interest to keep your credit card. The only other charge would be any fees such as an annual fee, transaction or ATM withdrawal fees, or similar. Hope that clears things up for you April 14th, 2013 at 11:55am Hi can you tell me from what date the 55 days is calculated from if I was to apply for a card today. I am going O/S 27 april to 6 june so dont want to go over 55 days. Thanks April 15th, 2013 at 8:43am Hi Sue, the 55 day interest free period actually counts down from the date you make a purchase on your card. The best explanation we have at the moment is from our Low Interest FAQ page, but weve copied in the answer here for you to get a better understanding. Also if youre interested in how this works, we will have a new article up on the site within the next 1-2 days devoted to explaining interest free days on credit cards, so if weve left anything out in the explanation below let us know and well be sure to cover it. - This should be some help for the moment though. Interest free days are days when purchases made on your card are not incurring interest. This period is from the day you make a purchase until the day that your minimum payment is due. You need to closely check your statement for details of the dates of the period to understand when payments are due in each payment cycle. If you make purchases on the first day of a new statement period, you are charged no interest until you reach the payment date. If you do not pay off the full amount for that period on time, you will not receive any interest free days in the following period. Also remember that you need to make that payment on time the payment needs to reach the card before your period ends. This is likely to be at least 2-3 business days, so always bear that in mind. There are a couple of tricks you can use to take advantage of the maximum number of interest free days. Know your statement period to take advantage of interest free daysNAB interest free days, for example, apply from the date the statement is issued and last up to 44 days, so you usually would get roughly until the day your payment is due interest free IF you made a purchase at the start of your statement period. The only way to get the whole period interest free is know when your statement is issued and purchase as soon as possible after that date. If you make a purchase on the 20th of the month, for example, and your payment due date is the 29th, you will only technically receive 9 days interest free to pay off that purchase because money owing on the purchase on the 29th will be charged interest. Thats why credit cards advertise interest free days up to 44 or up to 55.If you want the maximum time to pay off a purchase you often need to make the purchase at the beginning of your new statement period, that way you get nearly the whole month interest free. beginning of your new statement period, that way you get nearly the whole month interest free. Pay your statement in fullWhatever date you made the purchases on, you have to have paid the amount owing on your statement in full by the due date to enjoy interest free days. You need to carry a balance of 0 in a new statement period for any interest free days to apply. Many (but NOT all) credit cards have between 42 or 44 and 55 interest free days. You can see how many interest free days a card offers straight away on our features list when viewing any credit card on its own page just click on the card or on the find out more button. Interest free days exist to reward customers who pay off their balance in full every month and encourage them to keep their credit card open and continue using it for purchases. April 12th, 2013 at 3:01am Are there international ATM withdrawal fees when withdrawing cash and how is the exchange rate in comparision to other Cards. April 12th, 2013 at 8:16am Hi M, no bank in Australia can control fees you may be charged by ATMS from overseas providers, they can promise not to add on any of their own though and this card does not add on any fee of its own. The exchange rate is calculated daily by MasterCard, and foreign transaction conversions are first done into USD then into Australian dollars before appearing on your statement. There are some cards where you preload cash in a foreign currency, and these lock in that days exchange rate until you use the cash or it gets converted into another currency. If this happens, you can be charged for converting the original currency separately. The currency fluctuations that happen in the mean time can have an effect on whether a prepaid card is better or worse than using a credit card overseas. One other thing to remember, if you load cash onto this card before travelling and use your own money you will forfeit MasterCards zero liability for fraudulent transactions. Hope that all helps March 27th, 2013 at 10:51pm Hi Roland, Im off to Hawaii on the 7th April. Would you recommend this card over either the Citibank plus card or just going to Auspost and taking out 1000 US dollars with me Would I recieve the card before next Friday as well if I apply tomorrow (Thursday morning)Cheers March 28th, 2013 at 8:20am Hi Chelle, the 28 Degrees card is very popular with travellers, but it depends whether you are interested in the rewards and other features offered by Citibank Plus. It is generally advised not to carry only cash as far as we are aware. Receiving the card by next Friday could be a stretch, there is a chance it may not arrive in time, but you could also speak to GE Money about it first to see how fast they could process this for you. You would also need to make sure the card is activated before you leave the country as this would be hard to do from overseas The GE Money number is 1300 721 394. March 26th, 2013 at 7:16pm Hi, Im not sure what this exactly means on what i will be chargen on. Purchase and cash advance rate of 20.99 p. a March 27th, 2013 at 8:47am Hi Michael, the interest rate for purchases and cash advances is the same with this card, so both will attract interest of 20.99. When you first get this card though, if you have existing credit card debt and transfer that to this card, you only pay 4.99 on that balance for the first six months. Espero que ajude. March 11th, 2013 at 10:06am is it possible to pre-load this card and how much March 12th, 2013 at 9:41am Hi Keira, it seems it is possible to preload this card by making a BPay payment according to what weve read from other people who have used this card, but the 28 Degrees customer service website says it does not recommend keeping the account in extra balance. It recommends just paying off the balance each month. Unfortunately we did not get to speak to anyone when we tried to call and confirm this and ask about other options. If we find out more we will update this response. March 9th, 2013 at 12:32pm I have just applied for a new card and received it. I am leaving on the 29th of March for China. Now I am a little worried about loosing the card and having no money, let alone letting you know straight away. Do you give a second card in case that happens as the tour guide has said do not take more than 100 in cash. Could be a very sad holiday. I am going to put some money on it before I leave but one card, scary Any suggestion Thank you Julie March 11th, 2013 at 8:34am Hi Julie, if youre interested in an additional card you should speak to GE Money. Dont forget that you can also take a prepaid travel money card with you, which you load with different currencies in advance. You can also read more about travelling safety tips etc on this blog and all over the internet. There are lots of tips on keeping your possessions safe, not keeping cards and money together, having photocopies of your important cards and documents etc. Good luck planning for your exciting trip February 2nd, 2013 at 4:33pm Is there an application fee for this card February 4th, 2013 at 10:56am Hi Chrissie - we are not aware of any application fee on this card. You can see applicable rates and fees for this card on the Apply page, under the heading rates and fees so you can check them all out when you fill in your application. This card also features no annual fee and no international transaction or currency conversion fees, and the biggest we could see was the late payment, at 30, but you only need to worry about that if you are late making payments. February 4th, 2013 at 11:38am Hi Chrissie, there is no application fee for this card. January 16th, 2013 at 3:46pm How long after my first application can I submit a second one January 18th, 2013 at 10:31am Hi Christoph, it is not advisable to submit a second application for the same credit card before contacting the issuer to understand the reason for any problem or delay with the first application you made for it. The issuer should be able to advise you on what to do next. January 14th, 2013 at 9:57am Hi. Can you add another person as an authorized user to this card Thanks January 23rd, 2013 at 2:04pm Hi Jessica. Yes you can. You can indicate that you would like an additional cardholder during the application process, or submit a request later on. Apply in 3 Easy Steps When you click Apply you will go to the issuer39s secure web site. Most applications take 10-15 mins to fill in. Once approved, the issuer will send out your credit card or make available for pick up typically within 1-2 weeks. Click here to start your 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card secure application rsaquo Application Criteria You must have a Good Credit History You must be a Permanent Resident or Australian Citizen You must be at least 18 years old Read the 28 Degrees Platinum Credit Card terms and conditions rsaquo St. George Vertigo Platinum Credit Card Credit Card Learn MoreME Frank Credit Card Credit Card Learn MoreColes No Annual Fee Credit Card Credit Card Learn MoreNAB Low Rate Credit Card Credit Card Learn MoreHSBC Platinum Credit Card Credit Card Learn MoreFree E-book Valued at 12.95. download for FREE our Balance Transfers Made Easy E-Book. Get simple tips and tricks that will save you money today If you are paying interest on your credit card debt, you shouldnt be. Download to find out how. Featured Credit Cards No Annual Fee with 0 Balance Transfer 0 annual fee for life and a low 14.99 p. a. on purchases. Earn 1 point for every 1 spent. Complimentary smartphone screen insurance and 0 for 12 months on balance transfers. 1 p. a. on purchases for 12 months Huge special offer of 0 p. a. for 18 months on balance transfer plus 1 for 12 months on purchases. Reverting to St Georges lowest purchase rate of 12.74 p. a. a range of complimentary insurances. ME Bank frank offers a low interest rate of 11.99 p. a. on purchases, cash advances and balance transfers plus 0 annual fee. One low rate, simple. Pay no interest on purchases until 2018 If you apply and are approved by 31 December 2016. This offer is available to new customers only. Enjoy no annual fee and collect flybuys points on your everyday spend. 0 Balance Transfer Purchase Offer 0 offer on balance transfers and purchases for 15 months. A one-off 3 balance transfer fee applies. BT reverts to cash advance rate. Low purchase rate of 13.99 p. a. 0 Balance Transfer for 15 Months Great offer from HSBC. Annual fee (149) is credited back each year the annual spend is 6000. Platinum rewards card with 1 point per dollar spent plus complimentary international travel insurance.
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